A new era of comics

Chapter 23 Undercurrent Surges (New Book, Please Recommend, Please Collect)

Chapter 23 Undercurrent Surges (New Book, Please Recommend, Please Collect)
In a training ground transformed from an old factory building, Jessica was shaking her fist vigorously against a huge sandbag.This is a special sandbag made of the highest quality composite materials.Sensors are also installed inside so that when she attacks, she can test her strength.

'Feel the fire burning in your heart, control it.Let her flow into the hands. Jessica was shaking her fist, while silently chanting the guidance of the white ghost in her heart.For more than a year, all the pain and suffering, all the anger and hysteria are burning in her heart at this moment.

She just felt a huge, indescribable desire all over her body.It was as if the whole person was about to explode.

'Control it, control it. 'Jessica chanted desperately, while struggling to use her consciousness to gather the flames in her body.Until she felt that she could no longer control it, she swung her right hand subconsciously.

"A violent air wave whizzed up in the training ground. It bounced off rapidly in a circular posture. Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening explosion.

Yes, that's the sound of an explosion.Because the whole sandbag exploded.Under a huge impact, the iron sand, canvas, and sensors instantly turned into fragments all over the sky.Then there was a crisp breaking sound.That was the sound of glass being shattered around the training ground.The shock wave bounced more than 30 meters away, shattering all the glass around the plant into pieces. "

"This one……"

Jessica stared blankly at her right hand.Her gloves had been completely shattered.There is some redness on the right hand, which seems to be caused by broken capillaries.This shows that her body is not fully prepared to exert such a huge force.But there is no real problem.

"It's amazing power, Jessica. Even Wesker, the strongest in the Special Forces, can't hit this level of blow with all his strength. It's a pity that the blow just now has already melted before the sensor takes effect. It's fragmented. I didn't get specific data. But it doesn't matter anymore, how does it feel."

"I feel... a sense of relief."

"After venting, there will always be this feeling. But don't obsessed with this feeling. The pain will always be in your heart, and it will not disappear because of one or two venting. All you have to do is ignore It, bear this kind of pain calmly. We can't change our past, we can only accept it and overcome it."

"I see. Teach me."

"Teach you what?"

"All in all, I know you are very powerful. I have such great power. But you can hit me in five seconds. If you kill me, it only takes three seconds. Give me your kung fu, your skills .I want to be as strong as you."

"You know what I've been through to acquire these skills?"

"I think I can take it."

"At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, wait for me here."

In a secret studio of the Hanmer Group, a group of staff members are urgently compiling various materials.There are also a large number of accountants in the fourth line of business, who are constantly calculating.

"It's been three days, and there's still no result?",

"Not yet, you know, we don't have the real accounting information of Osborne Enterprises. Everything we do is a summary of their public accounting information and the information we have collected. We use super Forget it, a chaos detection was performed. But basically no problem was found."

"So, is there no problem?"

".I don't know how to say it. But if you want to talk about your personal feelings. I think there is a problem."

"Tell me."

"All the information we have obtained so far shows that the accounts of Osborne Enterprises are very normal. There are no huge loopholes, nor are they perfect. No matter from that aspect, there is no problem. But in my personal feeling Speaking, I think there is a problem. First of all, I don’t have any evidence. But based on experience, Osborne’s accounts definitely need to be revised.”

"Why do you say that?"

"This is from experience. I've done this kind of accounting before, and even participated in it. To be honest, it feels like deja vu to me. This should be the work of some professional team. And I have been The one I have been in contact with. They specially create this kind of seemingly normal accounts for enterprises. I can guarantee that even if we get the real accounts, we may not be able to find loopholes."

"How could there be such an impeccable method of deception."

"No kind of fraud is invulnerable. A fake is a fake. No matter how true it is, as long as the assets are counted, or a large-scale cash flow transfer is carried out, all will be exposed in an instant. But I don't think there is any force that can Osborne pushed it to that level."

"The underground team, can you contact them?"

"You can try it, but you have to publish the news from the dark web. And these people are very careful and basically don't show up. Everything will be traded on the dark web."

"Then do it."

"Hammer Industry has already taken action. They are secretly collecting evidence to prove the intelligence you said. But it should take a little time. And it is not sure how far they can do it."

"It doesn't really matter how far you go. As long as there is a [-]% possibility, Hanmo will definitely make a move."

"That's Osborne, how dare he do that?"

"Of course he doesn't dare himself, but it's not necessarily the case with us."

".Understood, let us be scapegoats?"

"Obviously, this is a perfect timing. If the plan works out, we are all winners. Naturally, there is nothing to say. But once there is a mistake in the middle, Hanmo Industries will give up on us and kick us out without hesitation. , to calm the anger of all parties. Although the new energy plan has been postponed, Hanmo has secretly contacted Obama. If Stark Industries is intervening, then no force can stop the promotion of bio-energy.

And the new energy cake is too big, in the eyes of those established capital.We, Umbrella, are undoubtedly not entitled to [-]% of this cake.To them, we are not even eligible to join the game.Even though we have the core technology, they are used to getting what they want.

Once there is an excuse to kick us out, Hanmer Industries will undoubtedly become the biggest winner.And by the way, he was able to make friends with more than one capital group.For Hanmer Industries, the game is a sure win.Therefore, they have no reason not to act. "

"Do we need to take some precautions?"

"There is no way to defend in terms of capital. Because the gap between them is too big. But if he really does this, he will transfer Wesker or Takeshi Kitano to clear the field. The two of them are best at this kind of work."

 Second, ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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