A new era of comics

Chapter 222 The Victor

Chapter 222 The Victor

The scream of the cursed warrior caught Spicy Chicken's attention.He saw the last cursed warrior of the dark elves being consumed to death by a group of backward natives.Spicy shredded chicken can't stand it anymore.

"What do you want? Humans."

"This opening is a bit of a negotiation. At least I know how to ask the dominant party to put forward conditions. It's just that I still ask knowingly. You know what I want."

"Aether particles are the key to the revival of our race. I will take it no matter what."

"No, you can't take it anyway. Or you can take it and give up the last of your people. Choose, Dark Elf."

"Don't go too far. Even if you have the upper hand. But if you want to exterminate us, everyone in this city will be buried with us."

"Then I'll be buried with you. Do you think I care? Do I look like the leader of this world? Maybe I care a little bit, because there are a lot of my properties in the city. But they don't add up to your hundreds of dollars." A battleship, and all the dark elves are worth money.

And in this world, there are thousands of such cities.Destroy one and destroy one.What's the big deal.The planet is already overcrowded. "

"..." Shen Yi's irresponsible words made Malaski speechless for a while.He didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not.But logically there is no problem.And the most important thing is that even if the other party is betting, he can't bet.The dark elves have been exiled for thousands of years, and have already lost their status in the universe.If the last clansman is buried here, the spicy chicken shreds can basically commit suicide and apologize.

"I can give you all the accumulations of the dark elves. The technology born in the dark ages, and all the secrets. When you leave this planet, you will use them. Those things are priceless in the entire universe."

"Technology before the emergence of light. How useful is it for the present universe? You have also seen that we are a race that needs light. We don't like your dark technology. So..."

Spicy chicken shreds fell silent.But his people are constantly falling.National Guard, and armored units have arrived.Those fallen dark elves will then face thousands of times the enemy's attack.Even their individual combat weapons are several epochs ahead of human beings.But still that sentence.After tens of thousands of years of disrepair, even powerful weapons have lost most of their effectiveness.At the same time, they also face the problem of insufficient energy.

"Enough, it's over. The aether is yours. Let us go."

The spicy shredded chicken finally gave in.The original situation will not become so difficult.In fact, for this war, Thor didn't know why he didn't come.The Ancient One mage could not participate in the battle.As long as Spicy Chicken Shreds gets the Reality Gem.The entire dark elf can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, and is invincible.

But what I didn't expect was that there was another Shen Yi who could control the space gem on the earth.In the case that spicy chicken shreds cannot directly participate in the war.A group of exiled dark elves were abused by the young and vigorous earth, which is also full of black technology.

Spicy chicken shreds stretched out its right hand, and crimson quicksand slowly flowed out from the palm.The result was an irregular deep red gemstone.

"The gems are here, let them stop."

"Shen Yi smiled slightly and said something into the headset. Suppress the Earth Alliance and let the dark elves go."

Of course it is suppression.No matter how high Shen Yi's status is now, it is impossible to directly order the White House, or even the NATO coalition forces.So he chose simpler and more direct questions.That is to let his forced colonization armored team directly suppress the Earth Alliance Army and drive them back.

U.S. Combatant Command has gone crazy.

"What are they doing? Why are they shooting at one of their own. Is that guy crazy?"

"No, he's not crazy. Obviously, he has reached a certain condition with the other party. He got something and let the other party go at the same time."

"Who does he think he is? Why should he make decisions for the earth and the United States? Immediately control all of Umbrella's companies, and thoroughly investigate all his properties." An American high-level man clamored frantically.But screaming, he found that no one seemed to agree with him.

Many people backed away without a trace, for fear of being infected by this idiot.Why Shen Yi made such a decision is unknown to everyone.But he was the first to rush up to resist the aliens.The whole world saw it.At the same time, Umbrella's 'Security Group' also took the lead.They have now become heroes to everyone in the world.

The US government has always been shameless on key issues.But it's a bit too nonsense to be shameless in front of the whole world.Of course, there is the most crucial point.The fighting power displayed by Umbrella's super soldiers, as well as the devastating scene of Shen Yi's duel with Spicy Chicken Shreds, all frightened these high-level Americans.

They are all above the average IQ.Know what those powers mean.Before I knew it, that unknown small company, that Asian of unknown origin.It already has a power to deter the United States, and even the world.

It depends on how they organize the coalition attack.According to news from the scene, all the soldiers were suppressed by an invisible pressure and could not move.All the machinery also turned off in an instant and stopped working.At the same time, the fighter planes in the sky also received false orders and returned collectively.In other words, the opponent defeated thousands of armored troops within five seconds.Plus a modern army composed of hundreds of fighters.

The opponent has a more powerful force than the United States.It's unbelievable, but it's true.The think tank has already had a result. They believe that Shen Yi and Umbrella had contact with alien civilization a long time ago.It's even possible that they inherited the technological legacy of a lost civilization.That's why they have such mature and powerful new weapons.Regardless of whether this speculation is true or not, it is impossible for the US government to turn against the other party at this moment.

Seeing the last of his clan members slowly leave the battlefield, Spicy Chicken Throws the Infinity Stone over with a heartbroken face.This move is selfish.Because the body of the infinite stone is not accessible to everyone.Reality gems are extremely special, and very few people with special physiques can touch them.

Just like the former agent Stephen, and Jane Foster in the original book.But these people also need to constantly consume vitality in order to maintain the tranquility of the Reality Gem.

In the eager eyes of Mala Jisi, Shen Yi's right hand was covered by a kind of black tissue.He reached out and grabbed the Reality Stone.Then, nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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