A new era of comics

Chapter 21 Crazy (new book, please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 21 Crazy (new book, please recommend, please collect)
At the Siberia base, more than a dozen heavy trucks drove in here again.This transportation brought a large amount of materials, as well as various urgently needed experimental equipment, and various raw materials.As the truck gradually entered the warehouse, Wesker and Takeshi Kitano were discussing something in a low voice.

"We are transporting supplies on such a large scale, even if we go through the uninhabited wasteland. But it is still not safe. Once the Russian military notices, we have to give up everything here. We need a safer route."

"From the mountains to the northwest, there is an abandoned port twenty kilometers away. It should have been built by Hydra to transport supplies. If we can rebuild that port, it doesn't need to be completely rebuilt, as long as it can be used. It can Official eyes and ears to avoid. There are no international routes in that direction."

"But that also requires a construction team. It is impossible for us to hire a regular construction team to come here. That will not prevent the leakage of information."

"Recruit from the dark web. This kind of secret project, there are also orders on the dark web. Recruit a team with a better reputation."

"No matter how good their reputation is, those people on the dark web are not trustworthy. They only trust money."

"They'd better be trusted, or I'd have a reason to expose those children to blood."

"As you wish." Although in terms of management skills, Wesker is far better than Takeshi Kitano.But as long as it is a harmless decision, he will not refute Takeshi Kitano.After all, the other party is the one who has followed the boss for the longest time.Wesker usually gives him just the right amount of respect.He used to be an executive of a large company, and in this regard, he was much more delicate than Takeshi Kitano.Although they are not the same kind of people at all, they get along pretty well.

"Ivan Vanke has arrived. He wants to treat himself first."

"Hehe, everyone knows that you have to work before you get paid. Doesn't he understand?"

"But the laboratory for building the Ark reactor requires a large number of high-end instruments, as well as the rarer radioactive palladium element. We don't have enough resources here. Even if Crowe can get it, we don't have the money to trade it for the time being. We should Using nanites on Crow."

"I proposed it, but the boss rejected the proposal. He said that Crowe is the key for us to knock on the door of Wakanda. There can be no accidents. If you use nanoworms on him. In the future, even if we use the dead Crowe to knock The door may also be detected by Wakanda. That is very detrimental to the subsequent plans."

"Then we can only wait for the boss's feedback."

........................ ..
New York, Umbrella.

"Our new generation of individual combat systems and anti-terrorism suits have received a very good response. We have received a total of 8000 million US dollars in orders. Umbrella can get about 1000 million. But we have to get them in batches within half a year. We currently only have We can get about 6000 million. In addition to the appropriation of the Hanmo Group for new projects, the funds we can use are about [-] million US dollars."

"Too little. The Siberia base needs a lot of cutting-edge instruments. They can't be bought through regular channels, and the price on the black market is at least twice as high. The money in our hands is not even enough to build that laboratory."

"There is no other way. The bio-new energy plan has not officially started. Even if it starts, it will be a long-term investment. There will be no return in a short time."

"The bioenergy project is essentially for us to have a public and prominent identity. If it doesn't work, we can only ask the logistics department to get some real guys out."

"I can't think of any suitable technology that can be released at this time. Now some departments have begun to pay attention to us. If we show up again, it may attract the prying eyes of the intelligence department. In any case, we are all Asian. .In this country, if a few Asians are too popular, some people will always feel uncomfortable."

"Yeah, it's said that if an Asian is in a room with a minor child without anyone else, most white neighbors will call the police. They don't recognize Asians in their bones. No matter how much they preach, Since she was a child, Minzhu has always had an inexplicable sense of superiority in her bones. But speaking of this, I have thought of a method that can effectively combat their superiority."

"I feel like someone is going to be unlucky."

"So to speak. Do you know anything about finance?"

"It's limited to understanding. It's impossible for me to trade."

"Then form a team, let's go to the financial market. By the way, hurt the pride of this country, Osborne Group."


"Shen, I didn't say that. You are now the CEO of Umbrella, and soon, you may also add a person in charge of a bioenergy project. In this city, you are already a big shot that countless people look up to. You This residence is really not in line with your identity."

In Shen Yi's apartment, Khan silently looked at the average level of decoration around him, and complained about Shen Yi.

"It's just that I haven't had time to change it, but it's the same for me. It's just a place to live. Excessive pursuit of material things will make us lose our motivation. So I'm trying to restrain this impulse recently."

"Does it work?"

"Not at all, but the desire to pursue material things has become stronger."

"Hehe, I knew it. I have a penthouse in Brooklyn and I'm giving it to you. I'll ask my assistant to hand over the procedures tomorrow. Don't refuse. Umbrella is now part of the Hanmer Group. As the president, I always need maintenance Let’s talk about the company’s image.”

"...Well, in this case. I also have an idea that I want to share with you. But this is an extremely crazy idea. Therefore, you need to decide in advance whether to listen to it or not."

"You know? Since our bioenergy plan was leaked, Hanmer Enterprises has been collectively ostracized from the energy industry. The government team, the visit, which was scheduled for a week later, was postponed to next month. The entire Hanmer Group I'm under a lot of pressure. Is what you're going to say going to be crazier than this situation?"

"you can say it this way?"

"So what can we get out of it?"


"I've got a lot of money, and I'm pretty much one of the richest people in America."

"Then how much do you have in the bank? Most Americans don't like to save money, especially capitalists. So, I guess your bank deposit will not exceed $[-] million, right?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Here's a chance to double your bank balance tenfold. What do you think?"

"Not even the gallows in front of me will stop me from pursuing this fortune. So, tell me, what do you want to say?"

 New book, please recommend, please collect.Fifth on the list of sci-fi potential.If you want to get closer, ask for support.


(End of this chapter)

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