A new era of comics

Chapter 206 Tony Was Kidnapped Again

Chapter 206 Tony Was Kidnapped Again

The captain of Norman Technology was stunned, looking at the countless data flashing on the big screen, with a look of confusion.

"Who can tell me what these things have to do with getting Tony Stark out of the house. Could it be that these things on the screen can get Tony Stark out of the house?"

"Not exactly. We are just calculating a probability. We are facing Tony Stark. A top talent. Although in some respects, he is a bit slow. But the general situation cannot be hidden from him. So, We need a lot of data to calculate various possibilities. This includes the laboratory, all the detailed frontal drawings of his home, his defense system, energy system, and all the data of his steel armor system. We Based on these data, cooperate with experts in psychology to simulate his mental activities and formulate some actions for him.

His home, uses a large Ark reactor to function.Want to get hands on with his energy supply system.If the movement is too large, he will notice that it is abnormal.He has a disposable SOS device.Once activated, Happy will lead people to his side.And if the movement is small, Jarvis can repair it himself, and it won't do much.

Destroying that inconspicuous small part was calculated by our supercomputer, which took more than 10 minutes, the best damage point.It doesn't draw too much attention to Tony Stark, while still being able to trigger his fail-safe device just right.We've already removed all his small parts ahead of time.Now, Tony Stark is [-]% sure that he will leave the laboratory.Come out to the city to buy a part.Of course, it is also possible for him to make one himself.We couldn't clean up all his raw materials. "

"What if he doesn't come out? I know there's something wrong with him. Maybe he won't come out anyway?"

"We were looking at a hundred different scenarios, and this is just one of them. If he doesn't come out, in about five minutes, the building will catch fire and the fire protection system will fail. Or there will be an overload of the Ark reactor. Phenomena. At that time, he will face the choice of life and death..."

"...Okay. You are really..." The captain was speechless.

Stark walked to the door, but stopped again.Then he turned and went back.He changed into a hooded outfit and also wore a pair of sunglasses.Then I picked an unremarkable sports car and drove out of the house (note that in my story, Tony Stark is not the real Iron Man. He has a suit, but he doesn't run around in it).And at the same time Stark left home.Shen Yi also made arrangements here.

"He's gone, let's get started."

Norman Technology, the captain looked at the man in front of him worriedly.This man was Bucky.A long time ago, Shen Yi sent a team to track down Bucky.It's been a while since he's had Bucky.However, he has never tried to restore his memory, but instead made some modifications.

The value of Bucky itself is far less than that in the original book.But his hidden value is immeasurable.Because Bucky represents the human side of Steve.Under the influence of super serum.The kindness in Steve's heart was magnified too much.He is already a guy who is close to the appearance of a saint.

Many people said that it was selfish for the captain to stand on Bucky's side and deal with Iron Man.But for Shen Yi, this is what he wants to see the most.A person without the slightest sense of selfishness, and at the same time has unparalleled influence.Then only a little bit of wrong guidance is needed, and the harm that the other party can cause is definitely more than Hydra, a worldwide terrorist organization like Leviathan.

It is not terrible for a person to make a mistake.What's scary is that he thinks he's doing the right thing, and at the same time he has unrivaled conviction.

Therefore, Shen Yi absolutely does not hope that a real saint will appear in this world.He needs to do his best to keep the last humanity in the captain's heart, which is Bucky.

Bucky's current physical condition has been adjusted to the best.However, Shen Yi tampered with memory a little.As a condition of his return, he needs to perform one last mission.

A silver sports car gallops down the road.The distance is not too far, but there is a road that is congested because of a car accident.So Tony had to take a detour.He was alone, neither Pepo nor Happy was around.He was starting to feel uncomfortable even communicating with the two of them now.

It was not midnight yet, but there were very few vehicles on the entire road.Tony is very fast, he wants to get the parts as soon as possible and get home.Although he hadn't been in contact with anyone yet, he was beginning to feel uncomfortable.The psychological obstacle has now given him a huge pressure.

Suddenly, Tony sensed something was wrong.Because he felt his body tilted.This indicates that there is a problem with one of the tires.Although the tires of this sports car will not burst suddenly, it does not mean that there will be no problems.

It's just that Tony Stark has a superior IQ after all.He just got out of the car and took a look to confirm that it was man-made.Tony immediately went on alert.Just like I said before.Tony Stark is not everything.Immediately, he activated the miniature wrist armor in his hand and made a defensive posture.This response is sufficient for most situations.

However, in the next second, he only felt his eyes go dark, and he fell unconscious. (In US team three, Iron Man was able to fight the Winter Soldier empty-handed. At that moment, I thought his master was possessed.)
Norman Technology, the captain and others watched everything through the drone.

"So far, I still don't like the plan. But I hope that both of them can return to the normal world. So, I hope you are right."

"Nothing is foolproof. In this plan, everything we do is just peripheral work. The real core lies in the two of them. The will of the two of them, the bottom line of morality, and whether they can break through their own spiritual cage .It's not going to be easy. It's not going to be easy. We need to be patient. Captain, though, you should have faith in them."

The cold touch woke up Tony Stark.The first time he regained consciousness, he carefully perceived the surrounding environment.This is the correct way to deal with this situation that he has learned specially.

He closed his eyes, carefully feeling the situation.Sitting on a chair by himself, his hands were tied behind his back, very tightly.There is basically no possibility of breaking free.The icy cold just now was because I was splashed with ice water all over my head.There is a person directly in front of him, who is still putting something like a bucket on the ground.

Based on the above information, Tony Stark came up with a [-]% chance of being correct.I was kidnapped again.

(End of this chapter)

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