Chapter 204
Since these miraculous blood can strengthen the flesh.So why don't we use it to strengthen wisdom?
Murdoch has raised this question.But it was rejected by the superiors cleanly.He finally understood under the cryptic reminder of his colleagues.Those in power want tools.Rather than independent thinkers with superintelligence.

Murdoch once let go of this idea.For this reason, the secret monitoring of him has also become lax.But no one knows, deep down in Murdoch's heart.Certain ideas have taken root and sprouted, and are growing rapidly.

Finally one day, Murdoch put his crazy idea into action.He gave himself a shot in the brain.Yes, he injected Hulk's blood into his brain.

Of course, as a top scientist, he has also made some preparations, and his blood has been diluted.At the same time, he also prepared a high-concentration nutrient solution.In order to prevent the problem of insufficient energy.

After experiencing a severe pain.Murdoch felt an unparalleled feeling.It was a clear feeling.It is very clear, as if everything in the world has no cover in front of him.I can see through the laws of operation of all things at a glance.

All the vague and incomprehensible questions before, now all understand in an instant.Those scientific problems and experimental bottlenecks that once shackled themselves are now as simple and easy to understand as children's colorful versions.If you haven't experienced it all, you can't understand the feeling at all.

It was an omniscient feeling.It seems that the mysteries of the entire universe are at our fingertips.And as the brain continues to mutate, Murdoch even found out.I began to be able to hear the voices in other people's brains and influence them.

Murdoch's change caused an uproar in the base.However, at this time, the person in charge of the base issued a painful order.He prevented the special forces from entering and killing Murdoch.Instead, they closed the laboratory and wanted to see what Murdoch would eventually become.

American soldiers always have an inexplicable superstition about gunpowder and steel.And it was this superstition that led to the later tragedy.Murdoch wasn't even a little nervous when he found himself locked in the lab.Because he has already begun to fully grasp his ability at this time.

He can use his own brain waves to directly interfere with those electronic instruments.And the iron door that was opened by hand after that was equally simple.A group of American soldiers who didn't know why suddenly seemed to be bewitched.Run up and open the door for him.

It wasn't until this moment that the commander finally realized that he had done a stupid thing.He immediately ordered to activate the self-destruct device and kill Murdoch.But the system of the entire base has already been prepared by Murdoch.He ordered special forces to enter and kill Murdoch remotely.

At this time, Murdoch was obviously unable to attack with long-range bullets.So he made a choice that was most powerful to him.Create a mess.He used his mental power to wake up all the experimental questions.Including those four prototypes.And with his current mental strength, he could easily manipulate those experimental subjects long ago.

After that is where the whole mess comes from.In order to contain the reinforcements of the US military, he specially sent those mass-produced abominations to the New York City area.And issued an order to kill and injure civilians as much as possible.

At that moment, he didn't realize it himself.I stand in a perspective that is contrary to human beings and think about problems.He was completely immersed in that boundless ocean of knowledge.He figured out all his guesses, all his ideas.He couldn't wait to verify what he had got.


The captain finally saw Norman Technology, which is said to be the boss of the most powerful military enterprise in the United States.And Shen Yi's Asian appearance, as well as his youthfulness, also made him stunned for a moment.

"Maybe my subordinates told you. I'm your fan, Captain."

"I'm just an American soldier. But I know how difficult it is for an Asian to have such an industry in the United States. You are the one who deserves to have fans."

"Okay, I took some shortcuts. Come with me, Captain. I have something for you."

"give me?"

"Yes, I know that you have accepted the job given to you by SHIELD. Seventy percent of the equipment of SHIELD is provided by us. We were entrusted by their deputy director to develop a set of equipment for you. "

"I don't need this special treatment."

"No, you need Captain. Don't you understand? S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't need a super-soldier. Their force is enough. What they really need is a spiritual faith. Maybe you already know, S.H.I.E.L.D. Infiltrated before. Infiltrated by Hydra for 70 years.

Can you think about it?An elite espionage structure was infiltrated by a terrorist organization.Among them are a large number of agents who have been brainwashed.In this society, people lack faith too much.Even the agents.That's why they were drawn in by Hydra.

But fairies are different.S.H.I.E.L.D. has found their faith.Captain, you are a perfect faith. 70 years ago, you inspired a generation.Today, people also need your inspiration. "

"I won't be buying Treasuries in that dress. Never again. Feels so stupid."

"Hehe, I know you are a pure fighter. But Captain, there is no such pure war for you to fight in this world. Most of the things you need to deal with are the things you saw today. And they are easy to fight. I'm telling the truth.

I think your contribution to the sale of national debt and theatrical performances during World War II was far higher than your contribution on the battlefield.Of course, your act of sacrificing yourself in the end greatly enhanced your legend.But in my opinion, at that time, your spiritual guidance to people far exceeded your blow to the Hydra base.

Defeating Hydra is inevitable because they go against the grand ideas of humanity.Even without you, I think Hydra would still be defeated.But there could be more casualties.But there would be no American spirit of that era without you.And that's what matters most to the world.Captain, you are the spiritual pillar in the hearts of many people.

What you really have to do is not rushing on the battlefield.You have shed your blood for this country.You're going to save the current broken generation in this country. "

"I don't know what to do. I'm just a soldier."

"I know you're a quick learner, Captain. And right now, there's someone you need to save. A descendant of your old friend."

(End of this chapter)

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