A new era of comics

Chapter 191 Time Paradox

Chapter 191 Time Paradox
Shen Yi listened to Eric's report in detail.However, the content of this information is obviously a bit large and complicated.

"Let's not care whether the information they gave you is true or not. I have a question. Didn't they ask about our origin from the beginning to the end?"

"Yes, that's my weirdness too. But I didn't remind them."

"I think, for them, this should be the most important thing, right?"

"Maybe they just want our augmentation technology. So don't care about the rest."

"For a group of conspirators with an average IQ of over [-], do you think this is possible?"

".Sorry. I can't understand the rationale."

"As for the others, let's talk about the deep meaning of this."

Apparently this is a seemingly simple, but practically unsolvable problem.Shen Yi's think tank suddenly fell silent for a while.

"We could use the process of exclusion to make inferences. They didn't pay attention to our identity. One, because they knew where we came from. But that's impossible.

So we can only consider other possibilities.They didn't think of it to the point.But for a group of people with an IQ of over [-], this is almost impossible.

The third possibility.They can't decide which things to ask.In my opinion, this is also the most likely one.What Eric saw was not the real mastermind behind the scenes.They may be tracking us through other means to increase their bargaining chips when trading with us.They didn't ask because they were sure they could track us down. "

This deep conspiracy theory came from a young man in a think tank.This think tank is no longer just composed of Shen Yi's first few subordinates.In the continuous development of its own power.Shen Yi can naturally select enough smart and loyal newcomers to form a real think tank to provide support for his crossing route.

Most of this member's theories are conjectures.Filled with baseless stuff.However, it provided Shen Yi with a brand new way of thinking.And what Shen Yi thought of was much more than what he thought of.

There is one point that needs to be clarified here.That is the amount of information that Shen Yi has, which is different from that of the think tank.In other words, in the entire traversing team, only Shen Yi has all the information about the new world.Everyone else, even including Ada, White Ghost and others.Only partial information can be obtained.

The establishment of the think tank was not based on Shen Yi's complete disclosure of information.Shen Yi will only give some information when he encounters certain problems.Let them make deduction based on this part of the information.Although doing so will greatly weaken the role of think tanks.But for Shen Yi, most of the time, what he wants is not to be taught how to do it.Instead, provide him with an idea.

At the same time, in the generalized multiverse, there are simply too many opportunities.The members of the think tank are all intellectually above the average.In order to ensure his absolute dominance, Shen Yi will not risk sharing all the information.

The previous subordinates gave Shen Yi a brand new way of thinking.And combined with the entire world view of the super body.Shen Yi's thoughts began to change to a crazier and dangerous place.

At the end of the Super Body movie, Lucy is transformed into a form of energy.Although in Shen Yi's view, it was a sign of her incomplete evolution.The typical physical body cannot keep up with the evolution of the spiritual plane.In the end, the spirit completely separated from the body and became an existence in the form of energy.

Perhaps some views believe that this energy form is a more advanced form of life.But for Shen Yi, he would never accept this form of existence without a physical body.

However, no matter how belittled this form.Even Shen Yi couldn't deny how powerful Lucy was at the last moment.When his brain was nearly [-]% developed, he had already demonstrated various amazing abilities.She took all the available materials around and assembled her own supercomputer.Help yourself to calculate, so as to complete the final breakthrough.

And after reaching [-]%, she disappeared directly at the current point in time.With a single thought, you can travel through the timeline.All the information of the whole world can be read at any time.That is omniscience in the true sense.

And there is a scene among them, which makes Shen Yi recall it now, with a feeling of terrified thinking.Lucy traveled through the timeline, before the birth of human beings, and met the eyes of the orangutan.And enlightened the orangutan.

At that moment, Shen Yi didn't know what she had done.But for an existence that is infinitely close to a god.Even in that short moment, she could have done countless things.It is even possible that the birth of the entire human world was decided by her at that moment.

In this way, Shen Yi was faced with an extremely frightening question.The whole world is actually one giant time loop.And within this cycle, an omniscient and omnipotent god is looking down on everything.

But Shen Yi immediately overturned his theory.This conjecture does not hold.Because if that kind of existence really existed, everything about Shen Yi would have already been controlled by the other party.Shen Yi might have already lost everything.After all, Lucy, who is already omniscient in this world, will inevitably have an irresistible curiosity about the outside world.

Shen Yi closed his eyes and meditated, and the people around him didn't dare to disturb him, they just looked at him quietly like that.Until Shen Yi opened his eyes and asked.

"You said, what is the most effective way to break a time loop?" Everyone was silent for a while, and a member said.

"This in itself is a false proposition. First of all, if a person is in a time loop, then theoretically he should not know. The protagonist in the movie can know that it is the effect caused by the screenwriter's forced cheating. If a person's The body is trapped in a time loop, so is his memory. Therefore, in theory, it is absolutely impossible for people trapped in a time loop to save themselves. They will not realize what their problem is. If you want to break a time loop, unless There is a strong enough external force to intervene. That is, a large enough variable."

"It's the same as I thought. Then tell me, if the world we live in is originally a time loop. Are we the kind of variable that is strong enough?"

"No doubt, definitely. And I think we're kind of an absolute variable."

"Tell me carefully." Shen Yi became interested in what the think tank said.

"Okay. First of all, the world we belong to now. There is no doubt that it is a world that follows the basic laws of physics that we are familiar with. If this is the case, it must follow the law of conservation of physics. And our entry has actually been in the macroscopic world. In a sense, it breaks the law of physical conservation. So I call us an absolute variable. Because of our identity, no matter how we get involved in any event, as long as we make a slight move, it will definitely cause a huge change. And The magnitude of this change is enough to break a time loop."

"Then suppose this time loop was created by a... god. Now that the loop breaks, what happens to it?"

"The information is not very clear. Can I understand that this god created this time loop, and at the same time it is attached to this time loop."

"She created the loop, so to speak. But the loop is also the foundation of its existence."

"It's hard for me to imagine that kind of scenario. According to the law of dimensions, low-dimensional creatures cannot imagine the life of high-dimensional creatures. It's like beings in the two-dimensional world, who can't imagine the concept of height. I also can't imagine a life with a high level. What will happen to my life."

"Then make a guess."

"Theoretically, that god should be dead. But in fact, I think it is almost impossible to die. For a god, it is omniscient to some extent. So he must be more comprehensive than we think. That is In other words, all the inferences we are making now must have been thought of for it, and a more perfect response has been made.

Despite our presence, it cannot be controlled.But it is basically impossible to kill it directly.It is even said that this kind of existence is basically unkillable no matter what.Because no matter how we plan, unless we use a higher level of energy to crush it.Otherwise, no matter how you plan, it will not be feasible.Because all our plans must be in its calculations.No matter how high our intelligence is, it is impossible to compare with an omniscient being. "

After hearing this argument, Shen Yi pondered for a long time.Finally spoke.

"Get ready, I'm going to have a contact with them."

........................ ..
In the commercial building, Mr. Zhang was furious.It has been a week, and not only their people have not recovered the goods he asked for.It also lost soldiers and generals, and lost many excellent gunmen.What's more serious is that I don't know why.There seems to be something wrong with Mr. Zhang's network.

He has spent a lot of money over the years, and has recruited a large number of officials in government departments and police departments.All the troubles within the government, as well as his various smuggling businesses, have a lot of umbrellas.That's why he was able to be so carefree in this city.But now, the situation has subtly changed.

Mr. Zhang found that his protective umbrella began to be vague, and the disclosure of some intelligence and information was no longer as accurate as before.

Mr. Zhang, who was always arrogant, suddenly became furious.Use all kinds of handles in your hands, and want to be tough.But I didn't expect that this time, it stabbed a hornet's nest.

First of all, his three nightclubs were shut down overnight.This large night market is also a retail store for various drugs.He lost his criminal route with a monthly income of tens of millions overnight.

Immediately afterwards, the government began various crackdown activities.All his illegal businesses suffered a huge blow overnight.Those officials who were threatened by him, as if waiting for him to die, didn't care about their own handles at all.

Mr. Zhang was furious, but when he calmed down and thought about it, his whole body turned cold.At this time, he finally understood a truth.No matter how many handles he has, he himself is an irreparable weakness.After all, he is a blind mouse.

Of course those superiors are unwilling to die with him.But under some kind of pressure, even if they did, that's all.In officialdom, there are naturally rules in officialdom.They come forward to undertake certain things, and their family members must be taken care of.And the vast majority of officials will not die in prison, or be sentenced to death.They will even change their names and surnames after the rumors die down.Start living again.

This is the rule on the white road.Everyone is afraid of death.So everyone will not kill unless necessary.It's like a medieval war.Noble captives will not be killed.Because all nobles are afraid of the day when they will become captives.So they set this rule that favors them.

But for Mr. Zhang.His world is black.Pure black.In this world, you only need to show a slight flaw.It will be torn to pieces in an instant.The dark world has no rules.If he lost his status today, it would not be a matter of living in prison for a while.His body would be in the sewer the next day.Of course, it's not just the next day, maybe he will be tortured by countless enemies in turn, and then he will die miserably.

Mr. Zhang, who figured out this problem, hesitated in seconds.He's a mad dog, but not completely out of his mind.Now the wind has changed, although I don't know exactly how.But it's okay to be wretched for a few days.But Bai Dao's people couldn't move. He really cared about Lucy and Shen Yi who got involved but managed to escape.

"Boss, we found the woman. She showed up at a mall."

"Do it, bring her back."

Lucy is very happy today.Because Shen Yi finally decided to give her a day off and let her be free for a day.After a week of continuous training, she was a little tired.But most importantly, she left too hastily.He didn't carry any clothes that fit him at all.As a beautiful woman, it is absolutely impossible not to have a wardrobe of all kinds of clothes.So Lucy decided to use her hard-earned 'vacation'.Get yourself some clothes.

Money is not a problem, she has already found out.The biggest advantage of entering this world is that you don't have to worry about money.Shen Yi casually threw her a card.There is a deposit of 100 million on it.With money in hand, Lucy was in high spirits, ready to make a big purchase.

But not long after entering the mall, Lucy discovered the problem.I was followed.Even though I only studied for a week.But for Lucy, whose learning ability has surpassed ordinary people.She has been able to skillfully use a large number of agent skills.Including tracking and anti-tracking, and the use of various light weapons.

So the first time she discovered the problem, Lucy found that she was not very afraid.Instead, a feeling of eagerness to try emerged in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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