A new era of comics

Chapter 19 Bioenergy (new book please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 19 Bioenergy (new book please recommend, please collect)

"You acted a little impulsively today. What happened tonight made us face all the gangs in New York at the same time. This is not a good phenomenon. We are extremely short of manpower now, even if they can't do much harm. But we also have no energy Just ignore the little characters."

"It's not as serious as you think, Ada. This is an extremely advanced world, and the power hidden in this world is far beyond your imagination. If a group of mundane gangsters can make us take care of it. Then we should just stop Just change the world. Inform Igor and them. Let them disperse and sneak into various gangs. Master these gangs in the shortest possible time."

"Where's Wilson's group?"

"He's connected to the Hand, so don't move for now. However, it won't take much time."

........................ ..
Headquarters in Siberia.Wind and snow is almost a must-have attribute here.

"Damn, hasn't there been a day of snow since we've been here?"

"Not all day, but three days ago, there was almost five hours of no snow."

"...Okay. By the way, do you know what the base is researching? Biochemical weapons?"

"I don't know about this, but it seems to be research on the biological side. I saw a lot of test tubes and other instruments being shipped in. But I haven't seen any human trials for the time being, so we are still safe."

"I still don't understand. There are more people like us than the original security guards at this base. Don't they worry about accidents?"

"It's best not to have this kind of thinking. Haven't you paid attention to the members of the Special Forces? You can feel it when you get close to them. They are very dangerous. More dangerous than all the enemies we have seen."

"It should be the super soldier project. The military started the super soldier project decades ago. It wants to mass-produce super soldiers like Captain America. This institution we are in should be some kind of private contract experiment room."

"Super soldiers need to be researched in the Siberian wasteland? And it looks like a secret base of the former Soviet Union."

"Private laboratories, it is estimated that they are still conducting some kind of dangerous experiments themselves. Even if there are biological and chemical weapons, it is possible. In short, just pay attention to the rules. Don't be too curious, and don't just enter those forbidden places. This kind of laboratory is no joke."

"I hope so? It's just that I always worry about waking up in the middle of the night and lying in a laboratory with a few white coats standing around me."

"Hehe, just get used to it. Wesker just said it. A week later, another group of people will arrive. Cooperate with us then."

"It looks like they should have achieved something, otherwise they wouldn't have put so much emphasis on security."

"I think it's more likely that they were guarding against some kind of external threat."

"No matter what, just do our job well. We can't interfere with those things. Even if they research chemical weapons, they can't hurt the United States on this land. So, let's do it like this."

"Tomorrow the perimeter will start. I'm going to sleep. Glad I'm not on duty today."

And in the biochemical laboratory they were discussing, several researchers in the logistics team were carefully conducting an experiment.

"How about it?"

"It's not clear yet. It's more difficult than we imagined to reverse the perfect blood. But the sample in front of me should already have a purity of 30.00%." ​​(Perfect Blood, Legend of the Undernight, the ancestor Alexander blood)
"For now, it is enough. With the weakened version of the werewolf and the blood of the vampire. We should be able to reproduce our super soldier serum to a certain extent." (The special forces have all injected vampires or werewolves. blood extract, fortified serum neutralized with perfect blood)
"Even if it can be reproduced, the effect is only half."

"This is the only way for the time being, unless we can purify the perfect blood to 50.00%. Otherwise, it is impossible to reproduce the enhanced serum of the Special Forces. If it is [-]%, it can already keep those soldiers at the level of a top human fighter. Physical fitness. It's enough for now."

"Do you want to use it on those mercenaries outside?"

"According to the principle of voluntary. We don't have so many nanoworms, to ensure their loyalty. So, let them accept the transplant voluntarily."

"It's not that simple. Once we release this information, it will inevitably leak out. Those soldiers are not stupid, they know what this kind of information means. Unless they are confined here, we can't prevent the information from leaking. "

"Then select soldiers with families first, at least these people have concerns. We need to establish a nano production line as soon as possible."


Just when the enhanced serum at the headquarters made some progress, in a laboratory in New York City, Max was fighting his research results like Han Mo, Shen Yi and others.

"These electric eels are a variant of the Amazon River Basin. We used genetic engineering to reprogram their discharge organs. Enhanced their power generation capabilities. Then through these auxiliary devices, a secondary enhancement was performed. In water, We administered a stimulant drug. It stimulated the eels to fire continuously."

"Continuous discharge, won't these electric eels be exhausted?"

"We have considered this issue. The electric eel's discharge organs are independent from its body. The body is responsible for providing energy, while the discharge organs are responsible for work. Therefore, what we have to do is to provide a lot of food to feed these electric eels .They have been transformed and have a strong digestive ability. They can continuously convert food into energy and supply it to their discharge organs. In this way, a stable circulation system can be formed."

"What about their power? That's the key, I need to know if they are practical."

"It is undeniable that the power of bioenergy cannot be compared with firepower, water conservancy, or nuclear power generation. But for urban life electricity, I think it is enough. I have calculated that if you want to supply power to Manhattan, New York If so, about [-] electric eels are needed. To supply [-] electric eels, only a factory building of about [-] square meters is needed."

"What about the cost? You said that electric eels need a lot of continuous feeding. Will this increase the cost?"

"This is the key point. These electric eels don't need special food. They only need the food scraps left in human life. After simple processing, they can do the job. Most of the food for humans is high-energy, high-energy Fatty. This also fits the needs of electric eels. It can also greatly alleviate the discharge of urban waste."

"How do you feel, Shen." Hanmo asked while holding a glass of red wine.

"I think you can invite the city government to visit. The city's energy supply is inseparable from the support of the government. And with all due respect, we also need an ally. A strong enough ally, otherwise, it will be resistance from peers. It is impossible to move forward with this project.”

"Leave it to me. You can start preparing a detailed report. In two weeks, I will bring a joint visiting group over."

"We'll be ready."

 Novices ask for recommendations and favorites.First update.


(End of this chapter)

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