A new era of comics

Chapter 187 Super Cop?

Chapter 187 Super Cop?

The sun had just set.The last ray of afterglow gradually faded from the city.Darkness quickly descended on the earth.At this time, the entrance of Shen Yi's villa was already crowded with people.Reporters from dozens of media have rushed to the scene.Plus all kinds of people who eat melons.For a while, the entire community was congested.

Although all the journalists have been driven into the courtyard by the police.But the conversation between Shen Yi and the policeman happened at the door.All the cameras are on them.And Shen Yi didn't retreat a step, just stopped the police officer at the door like that.

Several policemen rushed up and were about to handcuff Shen Yi away.But a lawyer surnamed Chen stepped forward and stopped them.

"What? What are you doing? My client's private home has been invaded. As a victim, you want to arrest him? Is this how the police do things? If you dare to go one step further, we will report you immediately."

"There are dozens of corpses on the ground, and Mr. Shen can't get rid of his responsibility no matter what." The police officer took a step forward, as if he wanted to catch Shen Yi with his own hands.At this moment, Shen Yi also saw his badge, Zhang Mingrui.

"No, I don't know any of the dozens of corpses on the ground. They are all invaders. After fighting the invaders, I am exhausted physically and mentally. My spirit has been greatly shocked. So I refuse to answer you Any problem. If you have any situation without the consent of my lawyer and doctor. If you approach me, you will be subject to my complaint."

"Mr. Shen, you look sane and there is nothing wrong with you."

"No, given that my client killed dozens of people. So I'm sure he's in, an extremely unhealthy state of mind. And right now, all your police inquiries are harassing my patients. So , Officer. Please stay away. I think my client doesn’t want to see any violent agencies now. Especially since you have only arrived now. Of course, for you, arriving after the reporters is also a kind of Tradition."

There was a voice from behind.The police looked back and saw a medical team standing behind him.It is the doctor who takes the lead who speaks.Be it a lawyer or a doctor.Today is full of gunpowder.He didn't pay attention to the police officer in front of him at all.

They quickly bypassed the person surnamed Zhang, and then put a blanket on Shen Yi.And Shen Yi immediately wrapped his hands around the blanket, pretending that I am very cold.It's just that the sneer on his face was not concealed at all.This blatant ridicule made the police officers annoyed for a while.But Zhang Mingrui stopped them.

"Mr. Shen, we need to confiscate all your surveillance storage equipment. Dozens of people died at the scene. This is an unprecedented case in the entire city. These videos are the only evidence to prove your innocence."

"Of course, I know the importance of these videos. So I have copied dozens of videos and put them on more than [-] different cloud accounts. Even if you lose them, I can give you another one at any time Servings. As many servings as you want."

"Mr. Shen killed these people with a gun. I don't think you started to do it after you snatched a pistol?"

"No, I'm using my own gun. About three days ago, I successfully applied for a light weapons license. And I can guarantee that I didn't have the slightest overstepping by you in the whole process. It was completely using a handgun. I did not do excessive damage to any intruder who lost the ability to resist. I can guarantee that every victim was only shot once."

"Does Mr. Shen have a background in military service? This kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can do. With all due respect, I have never seen a master who can kill dozens of people by himself."

"Well, I don't want to answer that question."

"I'm afraid you will have to answer. There is information about your background that we must have."

"Then you can check it yourself. Doctor, I don't feel well."

"Of course. Mr. Police, my patient needs to rest now. Please leave. In addition, without my permission, any of your inquiries are not allowed and have no legal effect."

"You don't need to be questioned, but the two people upstairs must be questioned. They are the first witnesses, and they cannot be avoided no matter what."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Police. They will also not accept any questioning. They are mentally broken after witnessing a massacre. They are not fit for any judicial questioning under the circumstances." Doctor He turned back without hesitation.At the same time, the lawyer is also assisting.

"Even if you get their confessions. In this situation, it doesn't have any legal effect."

"You are fully prepared, Mr. Shen. But I need you to understand. People who can use so many gunmen will not care about your lawyers and doctors. Therefore, we will keep a team here to protect your."

"Thank you very much. I know there is a very dangerous guy after me. But look around here. I think I am a dangerous character, don't I?"

"Without a doubt, you are the most dangerous character I have ever seen. Of course, you are also the luckiest character. Mr. Shen, I wish you a speedy recovery. We will meet again."

The young detective turned and left.But Shen Yi frowned a little.He turned and went back to the second floor.Richard and Lucy are waiting for him in fear.

"What's the matter, will we be arrested?"

"Arrested? Of course not? There are dozens of reporters watching outside. How could the police take the victim away? You will be fine, my doctor and lawyer will even guarantee that you don't need to accept any Inquire. Until you are 'recovered', you can stay here and not be held responsible for anything."

"But we're going to recover. No, what do we need to recover."

"Your spirits have suffered a huge blow. And when you recover, it's up to the doctor to decide. Do you understand?"

"I don't think he acted like a government agent." Lucy whispered aside.

"...No, quite the opposite. I now believe he is a government agent."

Shen Yi ignored the two funny complaints.Just fiddled with the computer there.He mobilized all the monitoring angles, and then switched one by one.

"What are you doing?" Lucy noticed his strange behavior.

"Verify some things. I feel something is wrong with the policeman just now."

"Of course it's not right. He's obviously Mr. Zhang's man. He's made things difficult for you from the very beginning. He even threatened you openly. How can the police do this."

"No, it's more than that. Pay attention to my perspective switch. This is the video of 32 cameras in the villa when he walked in the door."

Lucy and Richard were surprised to find that every camera had captured the police officer's face.In other words, it is the lens that looks at each other.

"What's going on here? Does he know where the cameras are?"

"It's possible, but it's not big. Most likely, he found all the cameras as soon as he approached the door. He found all the cameras through all the trivial information and his own invisible observation."

(End of this chapter)

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