A new era of comics

Chapter 183 Start

Chapter 183 Start

This is a modern society that looks no different from reality, or the Marvel Universe under normal circumstances.The passing traffic and towering buildings all indicate that everything is in a peaceful and normal environment.Of course this is just an appearance.

Shen Yi walked on the street alone, this time without any subordinates by his side.Since entering this world, Shen Yi has arranged all his subordinates in the dark.After repeated discussions, they finally came to a somewhat horrifying result.This world is very likely to hide some power beyond the conventional worldview.So Shen Yi was alone in this world.But keep all reserves in the dark.To cope with the emergence of this unknown danger.

All the people coming and going on the street are Asians.And this is not common for the world that Shen Yi travels through.If you look at the signs on the side of the road, you will find it.Here is Chinese Taipei.

Among all the sci-fi stories, there are only a handful of them that take place in Taipei.The most famous of these is probably the super body.Scarlett Johansson, a sci-fi action movie with a female identity.At that time, it can be said that a large group of audiences were amazed.She is also one of the rare actresses in Hollywood who can independently support a big production.

This is also the final result of Shen Yi and others' discussions.The super-body world contains the ultimate secret of individual evolution.Therefore, Shen Yi chose this world.

Outside a building, the plot is unfolding.Lucy is struggling with her drug dealer boyfriend.Lucy is not the kind of brainless vase girl in this film.At least when Richard asked her to deliver that box, she knew there was something wrong with it.No matter how tempted the other party was, she firmly refused.

However, the reason why a scumbag is a scumbag is because.They are always thinking only of themselves.Richard actually put the handcuffs on Lucy's hands, forcing her to go in and deliver the box.

Lucy, who was forced to do nothing, finally walked into the building.The whole building looks like an ordinary business building.But when Lucy said to find Mr. Zhang, the atmosphere in the whole hall changed instantly.

Mr. Zhang is the villain in this movie.Even if it is, in fact, he is essentially just promoting the plot.The only villain in this movie, is Lucy herself.From the moment she awakened, the so-called Mr. Zhang has no right to be a villain.

The man surnamed Zhang is a drug dealer, and he is considered a big boss in the local area.And arty, playing some symphony all day long.It seems that listening to this stuff can make you tasteful.However, no matter how arty he is, it's just because of his fierce face.It can't give anyone the impression of artistic style.

And this man is cruel and crazy.It's basically inhumane.Using the human body to traffic drugs is still forced.Anyone with a little IQ will know that after doing this kind of thing, it is almost impossible to leave the drug cartel alive.Could it be that they will give you a sum of money to let you go home after you transport the drugs? ?
Everyone knows it's impossible.After the end, there will only be one result, they will find a place to bury you.In fact, in such a situation, if there is no possibility of self-help, suicide is almost the best choice.But not everyone has the courage to commit suicide.At least the three people in the original plot were actually ready to complete this task.

Lucy walked into the lobby with some trepidation, and a receptionist came up politely and asked her what she needed.Lucy subconsciously said, find Mr. Zhang.

In an instant, the whole hall was silent.Although I don't know how those people in the corner tens of meters away heard it.But they just heard it.The face at the front desk changed drastically, and he said in a panic.Please wait, then run back to the front desk and make a call.

Lucy instinctively felt something was wrong.She looked back for Richard, but Richard, who had been watching her outside the door, had long since disappeared.

Lucy instinctively wanted to leave, but at this moment the elevator opened.A group of big men with I was a villain engraved on their faces came over aggressively.Lucy wanted to leave now, but it was too late.

However, at this moment, the situation took a turn for the better.Lucy just felt her hand being pulled.At the same time, a voice rang in the ear.

"follow me."

Lucy subconsciously walked aside with the other party.On the other side, when the group of big men saw someone cut off their beards, they immediately became angry.They lifted up their jackets and prepared to draw their guns.At this time, Lucy became firmer.Those guys are definitely not good people, so this person should come to save him right now.Thinking of this, Lucy actively cooperated with the other party and walked towards the emergency exit in the hall.

Only then did she discover that it was a young Asian man who rescued her.The other party was wearing a handmade suit with no discernible brand.Pulling her palm, strong and powerful.The face of the other party was a little resolute, and there was almost no expression.But it should be considered well-thought-out.Take her to turn left and dodge right, and quickly leave the building through an emergency exit.

"Who are you? What happened? Can you uncuff me?"

"Don't talk, keep breathing. The danger is not over yet. Mr. Zhang's influence is not limited to that building, the whole street is under his control."

Instead of getting in the car, they walked directly into another shopping mall next to it.On Sunday, the mall is crowded with people.Lucy took the time to look back, and saw that the group of big men had already caught up.She was so frightened that she quickly turned her head and ran after him.

"Where are we going?"

"I said, don't talk. Keep breathing."

Lucy saw the other party punch down hard when he passed a fire alarm.A piercing siren sounded.The whole mall suddenly panicked.Countless crowds frantically squeezed out, and several big men saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to draw their guns to open the way.But an aunt who weighed more than 200 kilograms pushed over arbitrarily, and squeezed out the pistol leading the team abruptly.And the aunt didn't realize what she had done at all.Without even looking at them, they walked straight through them and ran out.

The captain is not feeling well.Their pistols are all of the same configuration.If it is lost, it will be a big problem.With Mr. Zhang's temper, he would be crippled if he didn't die.The captain hurriedly bent down and lay down on the ground looking for the gun.And in the flow of thousands of people, what will happen if you lie on the ground.

The other gang members who were scattered by the crowd only heard a few screams from the captain.Then there was no sound.And they were crowded by the crowd, and they couldn't see what happened at all.It wasn't until the entire shopping mall was evacuated that they finally found the poor gang leader.

It's just that they can only rely on the standard black suit to judge that it is him.Because there is no human form to be seen at all.By the way, the pistol in the opponent's hand can also prove it.The little boss held his pistol tightly until his death.I don't know how much pressure Mr. Zhang put on him.

(End of this chapter)

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