A new era of comics

Chapter 163 Humiliation

Chapter 163 Humiliation
Love is the most magical force in this universe.Sol never thought that he would fall in love with a girl one day.And a girl from Midgard.He's the prince of Asgard, and he doesn't need love at all.Because there are countless girls willing to sleep in his bed.He doesn't care if they love him or not, because he certainly won't love them.

Sol used to be addicted to it.Although he knew deep down in his heart, what was the cause of those girls.But he doesn't care about that.He is a prince and always will be.And one day, he will be king.He never needed such a thing as love.

But that day never came.A darker day is coming.Because suddenly one day, he is no longer a prince.He couldn't even get back to Asgard.I can only wander on this desolate planet.

For life, the more it is at this moment of suffering.The emotions deep in my heart became stronger and stronger.Just like when Saul and Jane met.Sol has seen prettier girls than Jane.There are many people who are smarter and more perfect than her.But he had never felt this way before.Apply classic jokes on the Internet.That is, the feeling of heartbeat.

I don't know where the love started, and the love is deep.Sol worked as a bartender in a bar.As a prince, of course Saul would not personally mix wine.However, it has been drunk for more than 1000 years.After all, it's still a bit better than normal people, and this kind of small bar doesn't need such a top bartender.Just a little stronger than normal people.

Sol gradually adapted to life here.Some even started to enjoy it.He lives with Jane in a simple apartment in a small town.Sol sometimes thinks about everything in Asgard.Father, Loki, those friends, those people.But soon he will let go.He is now a mortal with limited time and will tire.So he would rest, then work to earn money and sometimes help Jane prepare dinner.His life is very full.There is no time to think about problems that have been too far away.

However, the reason why life is cruel is because she does not depend on your will.Even if you were once a 'God'.Hogan, Fandral, and Sif suddenly appeared like that.

"Sol, I finally found you. Come back with us, Asgard needs you." Sif excitedly pulled Sol and said.At the same time, he glared at Jane on the side.

Jane, on the other hand, stared dumbfounded at the several role players in front of her.

"Sol, who are they?"

"They're my best friends. But why are you here?"

"We came to you. We found a way to sneak back to Asgard. Go back with us and plead with His Majesty the God King. He will forgive you."

"Father? Isn't the father dead?"

"Who told you? The God King is just asleep. I knew if it was Loki. There is something wrong with that guy."

"What, the father is not dead? Why did Loki lie to me?" Sol was shocked, and many problems seemed to be figured out for a while.

"What else can it be for? Loki is sitting on the throne now." Sif quickly made up the knife.

"No, it won't. He's my brother, and we have such a good relationship. How could he play such a joke on me?"

"Just kidding, Sol. This is a battle for the throne, and Loki has done everything he can. Come back with us and expose his plot. The God King will forgive you."

"No, it won't. Loki won't do that. We're brothers."

"Sol, wake up. This is a battle for the throne, and you are fighting for the future of Asgard. We all firmly believe that only you can lead Asgard to a glorious future."

"Only him? Hahahaha. The high positions in Asgard are all trash like you. I really don't know how the father has maintained it until today." Loki's figure suddenly appeared from the side.

Several people were startled.But thinking of Loki's ability, he was relieved again.This is obviously Loki's clone phantom.

"Loki, you cheated the throne by spreading false news. Now that the truth is revealed, you will be severely punished by the God King."

"Fake news? Hahahaha. Do I have it? Does anyone know?"

"We all know, you still want to quibble?"

"I'm really worried about your IQ. Who are you going to tell? Who will know? This woman?"

"He's going to kill people to silence him." Jane on the side couldn't stand it anymore.The IQs of these friends of my lover in front of me are really a little anxious.Even the third-rate screenwriters on earth can't compare.

"Kill us? Loki, you dare to kill us? I wanted to teach you a lesson a long time ago." Fandral was the first to provoke.

"Honestly, you and that idiot Sol are a perfect match. Why should I kill you with my own hands. Don't forget, I am the king of Asgard now."

On the edge of the town, a beam of colorful light descended from the sky.After the light flashed, a huge humanoid metal body appeared on the spot.And from a distance, Sol could tell what it was just by virtue of the outline.

"That's the Destroyer. Take Jane out of here, right away."

"Sol, don't worry, we can beat him."

"No, you don't understand. That's the Destroyer. I don't have divine power now, and we are no match for it."

But before he could finish speaking, those funny guys rushed up.Saul could only turn around and say to Jane.

"Listen to me, Jane. I know it's hard to understand what's going on. But there's no time. If we ever see each other again, I'll want you to explain everything. Now I need your help. I want you to wake up All the neighbors, then tell them to evacuate this town. Listen to me Jane, you can do it."

"Sol, I..."

"I love you, Jane."

Saul didn't wait until Jane finished speaking, and followed directly.Jane looked at his back and hesitated.Turned around and ran away.

On the other side, a few Doubts have been beaten by the Destroyer and can no longer take care of themselves.And Sol rushed over at this time.

"Brother, I don't know what I did to make you hate so much. If you want the throne, you already have it. I don't want to fight with you. I just want to stay on Earth and live with Jane. Loki, I beg you. Spare them, spare the people here. They cannot withstand the Destroyer."

After a long silence, Loki's voice appeared.Only this time, Loki's voice carried a great anger.

"So, the throne I worked so hard to get is not as good as this woman in your heart? Sol, do you know? This is the worst time you have humiliated me in your life. Are you ready? You will This pays the price."

(End of this chapter)

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