A new era of comics

Chapter 15 Max (new book for collection, recommendation)

Chapter 15 Max (new book for collection, recommendation)
Max Dillon, an ordinary technician who cannot be ordinary.The family background is ordinary, the appearance is ordinary, and the income is ordinary.But he also has something unusual.Simply put, he was part of Osborne's technology development department.

At least from the outside world, he has an enviable job.Osborn's technology development department is not accessible to ordinary people.This also shows that Max has real talents and real learning.

But Max is not happy, because working at Osborne is not happy.Mai He is not very sociable.For a technician, this is a common problem.Nothing in theory.But for Max, the source of his unhappiness is that he can't feel the research atmosphere he imagined in the technical department at all.

Max has a brand new design concept.A biological power generation technology.He once submitted this idea, and hoped to get resources to tilt, and even set up his own laboratory.However, what he got in the end was only the humiliation of the technical director.

"The funding from Osborne Enterprises is not something that junior researchers like you can get. Complete your work honestly and don't think too much about it. You are just a low-level researcher."

This made Max feel extremely puzzled and angry.He used to be proud of being in Osborne Enterprises.Because this is an affirmation of his ability.At the same time, in the top research and development department in the world, he can freely express his creativity.

But when he really entered here, he found that the reality was completely different from what he imagined.This is not the scientific research sanctuary he thought of, but a concentration camp full of words such as human affection, network, sophistication, tact, old-fashioned, and so on.

No one pays attention to the idea of ​​a low-level researcher.Even if you have a detailed plan, the person in charge won't even take a look at it.Some colleagues even hinted that the better your creativity, the more you will be beaten back to its original shape.The supervisor of the technical department is a power controller.He will never allow anyone to climb from under his hands.Therefore, he will destroy all the ideas without hesitation. If he can't, he will even use some shady methods to ruin the other party's reputation, and then drive him out of the company directly.

Max was extremely angry about this, but he was helpless.Because he needs the job.In any case, you have to pay the rent yourself.In Osborne's technical research and development department, the salary is still higher than the average level in New York.

Not reconciled, but helpless, Max came to a bar to relieve his worries.He can't drink, he just ordered a glass of beer, and sat alone in the corner drinking.

At this time, a fragrant wind drifted past, and finally landed beside him.

"Drinking alone is easy to get drunk."

Max looked up, only to see a delicate face appearing in front of him.Max swore that he had never seen such a delicate Asian face.The other party's red dress made her even more beautiful.This made Max ashamed of himself.

"Are you talking to me, ma'am?"

"Is there anyone else here?"

"sorry, I……"

"Hehe, Max Dillon. Don't be nervous, just read this document first."

Max didn't even notice that the other party called his name directly.He picked up the document in his hand, and at a glance, it only felt familiar.Looking through it, isn't this the report on bioenergy technology that he submitted to the supervisor before?It's just that part of the above has been changed.And most importantly, the final signature has been changed to Stephen Amell, the name of his boss.

"What's going on, isn't this report rejected? And why is the final signature changed to Stephen. This is my work." Maxton was a little excited.

"Hehe, you are really... Stephen Amell has been the head of your technical department for several years. Almost everyone knows that he is a jerk. But he can still secure this position, and he has further plans Spearhead. Know why?"


"Because this man is a bastard, but you can't deny that he still has some real skills. At least his vision is very good. He denied your report. But deep down, he approved of your idea. Therefore, he decided Submit this report and sign your name at the same time."

"How could he do this? This is plagiarism."

"Plagiarism? What evidence do you have that this is your work?"

"It's mine, and many people in the technical department can prove it for me." Max said a little excitedly.

"No, you are very clear. No one will prove it for you. Even if there is, he can't prove anything? Once the report is taken by the superiors, your opinions and protests are meaningless. The corruption of the technical department and the It does not represent the decay of Osborne Enterprise. Once it comes to actual interests, it is still a behemoth that you cannot fight against."

"How could this be?" Max understood Ada's meaning.In fact, he knew in his heart that this was the truth.

"By the way, how did you get this document. If what you said is true, it is impossible for Stephen to give you this document. Also, who are you? Why do you know these things? You For what purpose?"

"Hehe, you finally got the point. To put it simply, I belong to another company. Umbrella, I believe that as a technology practitioner, you should have paid attention."

"Umbrella, which was acquired by Hanmer Industries not long ago?"

"Yes, that's us."

"Aren't you in the military industry? Then you come to me..."

"The reason is simple, we appreciate your bioenergy system, so, interested in jumping ship?"

"..." Max was stunned for a long time.Before that, he never thought that other companies would come to poach him.But soon he woke up.

"No, you haven't told me how you knew about it. Also, how on earth did you get this document. It can't be Stephen who gave it to you."

"How do we know this. You can understand that we have our own people in Osborne. You know, this is the unspoken rule in the mall. Everyone is doing their best to each other to learn other people's secrets."

"Okay, then how did you get this material?"

"Oh, this is a long story. To put it simply, I first sneaked into Stephen's house, tied him to a chair, covered his mouth with a towel, and broke his mouth one by one. Fingers. Don't get me wrong, I only broke one of his fingers. He just gave me the material.

If you're still wondering, I also cleaned his computer at the same time.And in order to ensure that he can possess this material.He did not record on the company computer.I want to wait until my modification is completed before reporting.In this way, the profit is maximized. "

"He'll call the police."

"Well, what did he lose? A proposal that never existed. Or a proposal that showed up in his home but actually belonged to Osborne Enterprises?"


 Recommended tickets, ah, ah, ah, let me get one more.In addition, according to the editor's arrangement, two updates will start today.


(End of this chapter)

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