A new era of comics

Chapter 149: The Underground City

Chapter 149: The Underground City
When the earthquake sirens sounded in London, many people did not react.Because in the history of London, earthquakes are extremely rare.The Earthquake Detection Center immediately communicated the early warning.

"Can anyone tell me what happened? Why the earthquake happened before we got the news. What is our earthquake detection center doing?"

"The situation is not very clear at present. People from the earthquake detection center said that the source of the earthquake is not clear. And there is no prior warning."

"Then what do I want them to do? What I want is that before the earthquake comes, they can inform them in advance. Are they complaining about the earthquake and not telling them? Has there ever been an earthquake that was tweeted and predicted in advance. Their equipment worth more than one billion euros , what are they all for?"

"The people at the Earthquake Detection Center, there is a big dereliction of duty. But now, our first consideration is the issue of evacuation."

"Evacuate all of London? Do you know what that means?"

"This is a necessary action. If we hadn't carried out the evacuation operation, even if only one person died in this accident, it would be covered by public opinion on our heads."

"But we can't afford that kind of loss."

When there is a heated debate in the conference room.A more distinct vibration came through.With the vibration, a coffee cup on the edge of the table hit the ground.

There was a silence in the conference room, and then the Prime Minister broke the silence.

"Evacuate London."

On the outskirts of London, more than a dozen aircraft landed on a grass field.Shen Yi and others got off the plane one by one.

"Is there no movement from the US military?"

"We only know that they are also mobilizing their own mutant team. But the specifics are not clear. It is not enough for the infiltration of the military."

"It doesn't matter, if they don't show up, there will be less variables. Daisy, let's be serious, I want to see how long he can last?"

The vibration suddenly strengthened, and the strong shock wave directly set off a violent shock in London.

"No, there is some kind of defense system deep underground that can isolate the shock waves that weaken me. I can't affect deeper."

"As expected, Ada's superpowers are not good, so we use technology. Activate space-based satellites. Use mass bombs to penetrate the surface."

The three satellites in the sky opened fire almost simultaneously, and three meteors fell from the sky, hitting the ground of London City at a speed exceeding thirty times the speed of sound.

The ground was quickly penetrated, and three mass bombs instantly hit some kind of defense system.

"It doesn't work. That defense system absorbs the kinetic energy of the mass bomb at the same time, and even the spreading shock wave is mostly offset by a certain position."

"Interesting, we join forces and use the gravity field."

This time, Shen Yi did not target the unknown defense system, but directly lifted up the hundreds of meters thick land covering it.

Unfortunately, there were no other spectators at the scene.Otherwise, this shocking scene will definitely shock a lot of people's jaws.However, the people who were operating did not feel the slightest.

And rightfully so, if you've ever seen it with your own eyes, the entire American continent was shaken.Then the land with a radius of several kilometers in front of me was lifted, and it could only be regarded as drizzle.

The entire land was uncovered, revealing buildings hundreds of meters underground.As Shen Yi said, this is an underground city.Although only the tip of the iceberg can be seen.But you can still feel that huge pressure.

A kind of transparent shield hangs over the entire city.It seems that this defense system not only blocked a series of attacks by Shen Yi and others before.Moreover, it directly bears the weight of the entire city of London on the ground.

"It's unbelievable, has his energy defense system reached this level?"

"It's not that simple. This is the world of mutants. It should be some kind of ability at work."

"Such a powerful defense ability is stronger than our Zhenjin defense. How could someone have such a powerful mutant ability."

"Maybe not one, see those small independent buildings on the edge? The defense system comes from there. But this is not the ability of one person, but the product of the combination of the abilities of countless mutants with the same ability."


"Unmistakable. Mister Sinister's cloning ability is definitely the strongest in the world."

"Okay, but we can't pass here now. Whether it's an energy attack or a physical attack, this thing can absorb it. This is an absolute defense."

"Hehe, if we can't even enter the door, then the whole operation will become a joke. Electric lock, open it."

Under Ada's stunned eyes, the electric lock successfully opened an entrance in only a dozen seconds.

"It turns out that you can analyze the properties of this energy shield, and then create an energy field with the opposite properties to offset it."

"The shield of the electric lock also has this characteristic. In fact, I suspect that the source of this shield is a weakened version of the electric lock. Essex should not be able to clone the complete electric lock. So we can only make this A scrap."

"Indeed, not all mutants can be cloned. The more powerful the mutant, the more difficult it is to clone. And even if it is a fluke, it is absolutely impossible to succeed in the future. It seems that there is something in the dark. If some kind of force interferes again, they can only clone once at most."

It wasn't Shen Yi who explained it, but a researcher in a white coat walking towards him.

"Are you Essex?" Ada asked.

"Yes and no."


"He means, he's a clone."

"Who would clone themselves?"

"Hehe, the one in front of you will. Besides, he should have cloned more than one."

"Of course, my experiments always need assistants. So I can only clone some bodies to assist my work. But later, the number of people is increasing. I can only continue to expand here, and finally it becomes what it is now .”

This time it was no longer the one who spoke.In fact, this passage was relayed by a dozen different researchers each.The whole process is seamless.There is no sense of dissonance in either tone or tone of voice.

"So there is actually only one person in the whole city? Everyone is yourself?"

"Yes, and no. We are the same from the original genetic sample. All will be controlled by the ontology. But in most cases, we have our own independent consciousness and different abilities. Only in this way can we better Auxiliary to the work of the main body."

Accompanied by the communication between the two sides.Various researchers in white coats came out one after another.In front of Shen Yi and the others, more than [-] 'scientists' had already gathered.

"Before we start, I have one last question. Why did you prepare a female clone for yourself?????"

 The third change is written in the unit.The world of Cop is beginning to wrap up.Ended in ten chapters.Some readers want to see bloody fights.It's there right away, and it definitely won't wilt.

(End of this chapter)

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