A new era of comics

Chapter 131 Ambush

Chapter 131 Ambush
The convoy of Shen Yi and others continued driving.On the way, the discussion had stopped.Everyone was silent, silently thinking about everything they talked about before.It's just that Shen Yi, who had closed his eyes and meditated, suddenly opened them.

"Attention, enemy attack." At the same time, the vehicle in front also sent a message.

"Attention everyone, enemy attack. Take the explosion in five seconds."

Accompanied by the sound of communication, more than a dozen rockets flew from all directions.Gabriel held Laura directly in his arms.Although the girl in his arms can hit her a hundred times.But she still treats her like a little girl.

Shen Yi saw her actions in his eyes, and he smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, this kind of attack can't hurt us." As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen rockets roared from all angles.But at this time, a layer of pitch-black flexible film had emerged on the bodies of Shen Yi's three cars.And there is also a faint metallic luster on the film.

A violent explosion sounded.The vehicle shook, but not violently.Gabriel stared at all this dumbfounded.At the moment just now, she saw the rockets coming from the gap.She thought she was dead.But now it seemed that not only was he not dead, but even the entire vehicle didn't look damaged at all.

"Attention, it's not just mercenaries who came. There are some other guys in the woods on the side. Takeshi Kitano went out to fight, and Bai Yougui stayed behind."

Kitano Takeshi didn't have too many words.The breeding outfit on his body quickly slipped on, transforming into a black ninja outfit.Only this time, he didn't carry those dozens of different cold weapons.Just jumped out of the vehicle with a long knife in hand.

In this world, there is always a team of 12 people by Shen Yi's side.In addition to Bai Ghost and others, there are four fighters in gravity-encapsulated clothes, and eight fighters in simulated-enhanced clothes.And Shen Yi has never been the kind of person with limited thinking.In addition to the traditional costumes, all the fighters in the cultural costumes are also equipped with the top thermal weapons in Shen Yi's team.

I saw a few soldiers in uniform at the head, with several scattered parts that looked like decorations. Under the urging of the nanoworms, they were quickly assembled, and finally formed an energy hand cannon.A few people raised their hands and fired a quick shot. The violent explosion and shock wave directly repelled the first wave of mercenaries after all.

But at this moment Shen Yi frowned.Because he just noticed a weird problem.In his perception, there are nearly a hundred mercenaries around.The key is that the height, weight, even breathing and heartbeat of these mercenaries are all in an extremely close state.Not seen with the naked eye, but in Shen Yi's senses.It was as if a hundred twins were approaching him.

"Attention, it's not a mercenary. It should have the ability to copy people. Clear the field and find the main body."


The four gravity warriors used their abilities at the same time.In an instant, a gravitational field of twenty times was created in a radius of hundreds of meters.All the clone soldiers fell to the ground and died immediately after their internal organs were overwhelmed.But in Shen Yi's perception, the breath of life in the woods has not all disappeared.

In the next second, a pitch-black shadow appeared under the feet of the four soldiers in uniform.And their bodies sank rapidly as if they had fallen into the water.It's just that they are all battle-tested fighters.At the last second, he successfully distorted the gravity and let himself fly out.

However, this blow made Shen Yi's subordinates feel the pressure.Mutants have all kinds of strange abilities, and many of them belong to the kind of unreasonable abilities.They didn't dare to continue to be careless, and the warriors in simulated colony suits directly spread their wings on their backs and floated into the air.

No one rushed up to fight melee with the strong colony armor.They used energy cannons without hesitation, and bombarded the woods not far away.The huge shock wave even turned the entire forest into powder.But after that, he didn't see the enemy's figure.

"Watch that smoke, that's not dust, that's the enemy. They're atomized."

Shen Yi reminded his subordinates through telepathy.

Sure enough, the lingering smoke in the air quickly gathered, and then rushed towards the special forces in midair.The nearest team member directly used the shock gold protection.The defense layer constitutes a defense system without dead ends, but it is of no use.Everyone watched the smoke rush directly into his body.

"That's not ordinary atomization, it's a kind of blurring at the causal level. Takeshi Kitano, black light."

The black light in Takeshi Kitano's hand flashed, and the entire battlefield was instantly plunged into a state of absolute darkness.Not a single ray of light can travel here.At this time, Shen Yi's mind booster activated instantly, strengthening his mental power to the extreme.Then completed the spiritual connection with his teammates.

Talking to the professor in the spiritual world before, Shen Yi's use of spiritual power is a level stronger than before.Now it is possible to achieve relatively complete spiritual connection and teleportation.He scans the opponent with his mental power, and then transmits it to everyone's brain.

And the other party obviously didn't consider this phenomenon, those opponents who were atomized obviously didn't have Shen Yi's telepathic ability.This kind of ability has always been the darling of the supernatural world, and the number is very small.Moreover, the Teslak Group did not dare to easily train psychic users.Everyone knows how dangerous those people are.

In fact, Shen Yi's mental scan easily eliminated the manipulator behind the scenes.In fact, the phenomenon in front of me was not done by a single person.It was caused by the joint efforts of three mutants.One of the three of them has some kind of avatar ability, one can turn themselves and others into smoke, and the other can make people transform between reality and reality.

The abilities of the latter two overlap somewhat.But you must know that the ability to blur is not able to deceive the opponent visually, it just makes it impossible for others to touch him.And coupled with atomization, it can make the attacker's behavior more obscure.

In fact, this ability is better matched with a stealth ability user.But Teslak doesn't have the kind of mutants that can make groups invisible.Or there is one that has that potential.But it's still far from the time for the mission.

Teslak's research on mutants can be seen from this.Just the combination of three trained mutants suppressed Shen Yi's invincible colonization armor.

For the strong colony armor, this is obviously a failed actual battle.The oppressive force that is omnipotent is weak and powerless in the face of emptiness.Originally, Shen Yi didn't want to be exposed so early, that he was a person with spiritual ability.But his subordinates were powerless, so he was the only one who took action himself.

(End of this chapter)

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