A new era of comics

Chapter 122 Human Nature

Chapter 122 Human Nature

"Ms. Ada, you have to understand. Anke Group used to be a large company with a market value of more than 20 billion US dollars. Even if we are not as good as before, it is definitely not something that can be won for 5000 million."

"Okay, 6000 million. This is the bottom line. Do you know? For us, it doesn't matter which one we buy. My next stop is Aikang Bio. 6000 million is the bid I don't want to make an extra trip .Not any higher, Mr. Anker."

"I have a string attached. I need a position in the management of the company."

"You are still Mr. CEO Anke. No one is driving you away, it's just that the company's research direction is determined by the headquarters."

"make a deal."

The change of Anke Biotech's family has caused some waves in the industry.After all, no one would think that someone would take over this biological research institute that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

At Tesla's headquarters, Dr. Roderick received the news immediately.

"Is this company not bankrupt yet?"

"Yes, not only is it not bankrupt. A few hours ago, an Asian guy bought it. The other party seems to have deep pockets, but it is still unknown what projects will be carried out."

"Then ask."


Anke Bio.

"We have all the equipment for complete genetic engineering here. All are state-of-the-art. In addition, there are [-] x-gene samples in reserve. But it has not been moved for a long time. We have been trying to carry out genetic disease patients recently. , doing a kind of gene repair work. And some progress has been made.”

"Starting today, cancel all your projects. We only do one project?"

"We've put a lot into that project and it's achieved some results. Letting go now..."

"Dr. Bill, your bonus deduction for this month is normal."

"...I understand. I will cancel all the projects immediately. But the human body enhancement project must use the x gene. Given the current public opinion and political environment, we have no sales at all. Even the military dare not support us."

"Whoever said that the X gene must be used for human body enhancement." Ada handed over a tube of serum refined from perfect blood to Dr. Bill.In the previous world, they finally recovered Alexander Corvinus and resumed the extraction process of the perfect perfect serum.

One advantage of the perfect serum is that it will repair some damage and subtle defects in the human body's genes.But it won't have a bigger impact.Does not make the x gene dominant.It will not cause any genetic variation.This is pretty standard 'human' augmentation engineering.

"List this as the top secret of the research center. No one is allowed to leave this laboratory with serum. Remember that I have warned you. The security of the entire laboratory has been taken over by the new boss. Trust me, you will not Will want to see them for real."

Shen Yi didn't stay in Anke Biology for long.He handed everything over to Ada.Ada has done this kind of thing countless times, and she is very familiar with it.Subsequent teams have also arrived one after another, and have begun to take over the security work of Anke Biology.

Shen Yi led a small team and was tracking another target. X23, to be precise, was the nurse who escaped with x23.

Humans are complex creatures.In a high-pressure environment, they often show their twisted and dark side.This is the case with the Alkali Research Center.The laboratory is cold, twisted, and unforgiving.It's just to cater to the local government's policy to solve the employment problem.Al Kali employs many locals as employees.

Most of them are Mexican and Indian descendants with little culture.Here, it is generally a handyman who is responsible for cleaning or cooking.Most of these women were illiterate, and they had no idea what the lab was doing.Just doing simple jobs to support the family.

Gabriel is one of those outliers.As a Mexican, her life in the United States is naturally not very good.But she still has a higher education than most cleaners.At least she went to high school.Simple and limited biological knowledge made her realize that this laboratory was doing some bad research.

There are a lot of kids in the lab.In fact, all test subjects are children.Gabriel often saw the children being forced to have their blood drawn and subjected to all kinds of experiments they didn't like.The most frightening thing is that there are many children who will suddenly disappear.They were told that the children had been transferred to other laboratories.

In fact, even a cleaner can guess what's going on.But nobody speaks out, they're here to work.Those cleaners don't want to lose their idle jobs.

Gabriel treats these children differently than others.She has no children of her own.And these young children with no parents gave her a special feeling.Although the person in charge of the laboratory told them that these children were just clones and had no parents.But for Gabriel, what child has no parents?
She was able to remember when each child was in the lab.And think of it as that child's birthday.She would buy birthday cakes for the children's birthdays.Teach them to sing, tell them about the outside world.Maybe she didn't even think of it, unconsciously, she regarded every child as her own.

However, all this was eventually forced to stop.Zandres, the head of the laboratory.In Gabriel's heart, this is a cold and heartless demon king without any humanity.All the children who disappeared were done under his instructions.Gabriel had heard him described.It calls that act destruction.

'Destroy', oh my god.He referred to killing those children as destruction.Gabriel still remembers the cold and chilling things he said when he stopped him from celebrating the children's birthdays.

"Don't be so nice to them, don't buy them a cake, birthday. They're not kids, much less yours. These things are just tools. Tools that will be destroyed soon. You should save your meager wages , and plan for your future.”

Gabriel wondered what kind of person would say such things.She didn't know what the other party had gone through, and finally became like this.But she knew she had to do something.

She is a divorced cleaner with no resources or connections.But she thought about those children.They are special, and they are the only ones who can resist in this cold prison.

Perhaps it was never thought that these cleaners would unite a group of children against themselves.The lab guard was careless.Under the surprise attack of the group of super teenagers, they were quickly defeated.They literally escaped.

Gabriel knew Laura was different.So she chose to leave alone with Laura to seek help.Others are moving across the border.They agreed to meet at the border.

Gabriel is just a janitor with a high school education.She doesn't have any special experience.Not secret agents, soldiers, not even boy scouts.But she followed her heart and resisted.Rebelling against the largest armed group in the world has already rebelled against the public opinion of the entire world.

Laura on the side tugged at his sleeve, waking Gabriel from his memories.

"Are you hungry? Stay here and I'll get you something to eat. Remember our agreement?"

"Run," Laura responded curtly.

"Very well, I'll be right back."

Yet when Brielle opened the motel door, there stood a face that gave her nightmares.Donald Pierce, Alkali's field supervisor.It is also the responsibility of hunting down those children who escaped.

"Laura, run..."

 In particular, in the whole story of Wolverine III, I admire this female nurse the most.

(End of this chapter)

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