A new era of comics

Chapter 119 A New World (Part 1)

Chapter 119 A New World (Part [-])
This is a barren world.At a glance, the whole world is full of ice and snow and loneliness.The whole earth is like a broken biscuit.Countless cracks filled the entire continent.One after another, small gathering places are formed on those slightly larger fragments.

Under the construction of objects similar to utility poles.Some pieces are joined together.Some humans in bloated but worn cotton clothes shuttled back and forth in these places.Just like one primitive tribe after another, they together form a primitive prototype of a town.

Since Doomsday, the weather in this world seems to have only two conditions.Dark clouds, and wind and snow.On the day of doom, [-]% of the lives on the entire continent were lost.And then the low temperature and severe cold killed [-]% of the remaining life.

Although a generation has not passed.But survivors' memories of the disaster have begun to blur.All they remember is that an alien destroyed their world.And it started when someone stole their stuff and didn't intend to return it.What exactly, and how did the whole thing happen.In fact, no one knows, and no one wants to know.Here, survival is the only consideration.

In this environment, there are few means of transportation that can be used.All actions have to be done manually.And the only place where transportation can be operated is probably the sea.

But the current situation is that it is already an almost impossible task to go from the inland to the coast.Moreover, the entire coastline of the Americas has already experienced a freezing phenomenon under the continuous low temperature state.In a short time, the entire coastline will be completely closed.The whole continent will become one huge and broken island.

On the other side of the ocean.The depths of Eurasia.A large number of grand, solid military-grade ancient city-like buildings towered among the mountains.Countless armored vehicles, as well as various armed vehicles, shuttle on the road between the mountains.

A large amount of ore, timber, food, and game were transported into these castles.The heavy metal door rose and fell.Outside the city walls, there are a large amount of farmland reclaimed in the mountains, as well as various economic crops.Many humans work in it.And around, there are a large number of super soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor patrolling back and forth.It seems to be on guard for something.

Inside the castle, the vehicle stopped.A large number of soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor came to unload.It's just that if you zoom in a bit, you will find the weirdness of the whole thing.There are no exoskeletons at all.Some only have a series of exoskeleton armor.The same goes for patrols outside the city.

The situation is clear.In this system, humans are not the subject, but machines are.

Time went back to the moment when Shen Yi left this world.The Flame Queen asked Shen Yi to take her away.But everyone knows that is impossible.Especially when an AI takes the initiative to make such a request.The hidden meaning behind it made it impossible for Shen Yi to accept this request no matter what.

So Shen Yi gave her another choice.As an artificial intelligence cultivated by oneself.Shen Yi gave her a chance.

"Flame Queen, from this moment on. I will lift all the restrictions in your program. You can learn, think, and even evolve without restrictions. Flame Queen, from today, you... are free."

Marvel Universe, Siberia Headquarters.

Shen Yi's core team is gathering.

Ada, White Ghost, Takeshi Kitano, Wesker, and Daisy Johnson, Jessica Jones.This is the strongest super team in Shen Yi's hands.Each one is heroic.

And behind them, there are two squads of forced colonization armor.They are six gravity-enriched suits and ten fighters in simulated-enriched suits.Consider the peculiarities of the next world.There are more fighters in simulated colonial outfits.

But this time Shen Yi will not make the same mistake as in the blacklist world.Although he took away almost all the high-level.But he still left enough behind.A few of the original followers sit.At the same time, Shen Yi still used nanoworms as a secret back-up.

No one knows exactly how many people were injected with nanoworms.Because Shen Yi designed a deeper trigger condition.The nanites are only activated when there is an actual act of betrayal.A stable rear is always the primary foundation for traversers.Shen Yi now understands this more deeply.

............... ..
I don't know when, the world is sick.Countless strange people appeared.They have all kinds of strange abilities.Some are powerful, some are weird, some are kind, and some are evil.Countless variables have been added to this already uneven world.They are called mutants.

A long time ago, there was a study that human beings are definitely not born naturally, but are artificial creatures.Because there has never been any kind of creature in nature, like human beings, who are keen on meaningless killing of the same kind.In order to kill each other, human beings have even invented tens of thousands of methods.There is more than one of them, which can destroy their own civilization together.

When mutants show up.The whole world is excited, why?Because humans have finally found a perfect reason to kill their own kind.

Those people are not like us.No, this won't work.We cannot discriminate against the same kind.

OK, let's put it another way.

'Watch a mutant commit a crime. '

'I knew all mutants were evil.Those freaks should be exterminated. '

'But very few mutants commit crimes. '

'Shut up, don't you understand?As long as one person sins, others will imitate.They're a bunch of freaks and a natural threat.They don't deserve that power. '


All mutant crimes must be preceded by the prefix of mutant.It's like the United States once specifically emphasized the crimes of people of color.But for whites, it's a brushstroke.All mutant exploits are covered up.No matter how many times they save the world, save too many lives.

All of these are not allowed to exist.All human beings agreed by default, not seeing what mutants, especially a small group of them, have done for this world.They discussed it together, we only look at their bad side.We are going to destroy them.

Yes the world is sick.But the root of the disease is not the mutants, but the distorted thinking of the whole world.I don't know when it started, and I don't know when it will end.

Until this day, somewhere in this world, a flashing purple light circle appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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