A new era of comics

Chapter 117 End

Chapter 117 End
In Northern Europe, the battle between Bourne and Martin continues.Did not get the pulse gun that decides the outcome.Bourne let go decisively, liberating all authority of the power armor.With a heavy punch, Martin's transformed werewolf was directly sent several meters away.

However, Martin, who had already turned into a werewolf at this time, was running continuously in mid-air, stepping on the wall.Quickly switched the angle of attack.Bourne's advanced power armor has extraordinary flexibility.But between his deal with the US government.And in the borders of northern Europe.So the whole armor doesn't seem to be equipped with the rest of the weapon systems.The pulse gun was obviously obtained through other means.

The whole battle quickly turned into a strange mecha-wild mixed fighting.The fight between steel and flesh makes the whole battle look bloody and cruel.

Bourne's battle mech is powerful.And the speed and flexibility are not bad.The werewolf who crushed Martin's incarnation in terms of attributes.But Martin also has his own advantages.His strong endurance and self-healing ability made him not worried about the outcome of this battle.He knows the difference in skill between the two sides.So it's just fighting within a certain range.Use the claws to try to destroy some weak links of the mecha.He's a scientist, though not a mechanical engineer.But he is also very familiar with the structure of the power armor.

Although Bourne's mecha has not fought in these years.But he used it almost as a routine tool.When renovating the house, or some rough work, he will use the mecha to assist in the completion.This led to insufficient energy for the mecha.According to Bourne's calculations, a battle of this level can only last about half an hour.

At this time, Ada, who was standing on the sidelines watching the battle, received Shen Yi's retreat message.This means that this farce is drawing to a close.She looked up at the two people who were fighting to the death, and turned back to the aircraft without saying anything.This is a small aircraft.Shen Yi's portal became smaller.Assembly can only be done by shipping parts.So so far, there is only one such small aircraft in the world.

But after thinking about it for a while, Ada stopped again and turned around to do something.

Few people know that Ada also has a gravity colony on her body.A lighter version of the non-combat version.It is mainly used as a means of self-protection at critical moments.It is not as destructive as the gravitational implants on the field team such as Takeshi Kitano.But within a certain range, it is still very easy to slightly distort gravity or gravitational force.

Martin is also flying on the walls.But this time, his claws seemed too sharp.A wall suddenly cracked under his claws, and Martin lost his balance.And under him was Alisa who was hiding behind the sofa.Under the gravity of the werewolf, the sharp claws directly pierced Alisa's throat.

There was a brief silence in the entire castle.Hysterical madness followed.

"I am going to kill you……"

.............................. ..
The tremors were first felt on both ends of the American continent.Although the Earthquake Bureau has issued an emergency message.But honestly it doesn't make much sense.Because the shaking covered the whole of America.And there is no place to hide at all.

The whole earth presents a kind of water-like ripple.Viewed from a helicopter, it seems that the entire earth has become a viscous liquid, slowly rippling under the action of external forces.

However, this is only the first shock.Accompanied by the release of pressure.The whole earth began to roll like a sea wave.The scene in the movie 2012 was truly displayed in front of me.

When the second ripple arrived, cracks had already appeared on the entire earth.Not that shallow trace.But a bottomless crack.If you stand on the edge and look down, you can even vaguely see the surging red light and the scorching breath.

The cataclysm came suddenly, collapsed, fell, flamed, shouted, and the entire American continent was shrouded in disaster.

The surrounding ocean also began to change. A super earthquake of magnitude [-] or more spread to thousands of kilometers of sea area.The sea floor collapsed, causing wave after wave of super-giant tsunamis to form.

Huge waves tens of meters high swept across the sky and swept the entire coastline in an instant.However, this is just the beginning.Countless tsunamis are still forming, and soon a world-destroying flood will form a set of combined punches with a super earthquake of magnitude [-].

In just half an hour, the entire American continent lost all mobility.Communications, transportation, food, water, everything was cut off.And this kind of sudden and covering super disaster has an effect that is not in the movie.That is equal treatment.

Power, status, and wealth have no effect in the face of this kind of disaster.The underground shelter, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build, instantly shattered like an eggshell in the face of a magnitude [-] super earthquake.And all the residents inside were directly buried in the ground.There was no government emergency aid, no privileges for the rich, and no Noah's Ark. Everything just disappeared so suddenly.

What government agencies can do is no different from ordinary people on the street.Because the earthquake hit all the places in the first place.All rescue facilities were hit hard in the first place.All rescuers also become people who need to be rescued.

The super tsunami spread to the whole world at the same time.Although through the entire Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.Its power should be reduced a lot.But the super earthquake below the American continent triggered a chain reaction.The fission of the earth, centered on the Americas, spread to the surroundings.Not only did the power of the tsunami not weaken, but it was strengthened a second time.In just a few hours, the coasts of the entire world will suffer floods of a world-killing level.

The world-destroying flood in mythology around the world is unfolding in front of the whole world at this moment.And the legendary end of the world has really come.

At this time, Shen Yi had already returned to the base.All personnel are inventorying equipment and preparing to evacuate.

"How much time is left?"

"There are still about six hours before the tsunami will reach here."

"Count up all the gains and start evacuating."

Accompanying Shen Yi to open the portal.All special forces members began to evacuate in an orderly manner.Shen Yi and Ada waited until the end.

"There are prophets in all civilizations. And they all predicted the end of the world. Do you think those people predicted today?"


Just when Shen Yi and the two were also about to leave.A voice came.

"Boss, take me with you. You know, I am different from other computers. I can help you more now." That was the voice of the Flame Queen.Just as Shen Yi knew.She already knew how to make her own demands.This is the key to becoming an intelligent life.

"No, I have a better idea."

(End of this chapter)

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