A new era of comics

Chapter 106 Rescue Tony Stark

Chapter 106 Rescue Tony Stark

Chapter 1 and five
In most cases, the hearing will still be about the law.At least on the bright side.So Shen Yi fought back in an unexpected way.He fought back through legal means.

He pointed out the legality of the hearing on the spot at the hearing.Because he believes that seven of the 23 members of parliament have links to terrorists named Hydra.

"Ridiculous. Like I said before, Hydra doesn't exist. Looks like we should get you a psychiatrist as well."

"What are you? You said Hydra wouldn't exist without it? Then if you say world peace, there will be no war in the world. With all due respect, Mr. Minister of Defense, you have publicly denied Hydra several times on this occasion. The existence of the head snake. There is an obvious cover-up phenomenon. So can I also believe that you are also involved in it." Shen Yi replied without hesitation.And the sharpness of the words made everyone present frown.

"What evidence do you have?"

"Of course I have the evidence. But I don't have yours for the time being, so you can rest assured. The Supreme Prosecutor's Office, as well as the Gendarmerie, are doing a comprehensive test on the communication records, residences, and bank accounts of the seven congressmen as I speak. Well, guess what they'll find? Of course, they haven't had the guts to search your stuff yet. But if they can get some relevant evidence. Those prosecutors will be very excited.

do you know?In South Korea, a prosecutor's highest dream is to bring down their president.It is not so exaggerated in the United States, but if a bunch of congressmen and the Secretary of Defense can be brought down.They'll bite like mad dogs. "

Those members of the US Congress taught Shen Yi a good lesson before that.They took a large sum of cash from Shen Yi for insignificant incidents.Provide some irrelevant news.And once it came to the real critical moment, they turned their faces without hesitation.His low integrity opened Shen Yi's eyes.But at this time, the Ministry of Justice showed a little courage.Although the current Minister of Justice is ambitious and wants to leave his name in history.But they did not disappoint Shen Yi after all.

"They don't have any evidence, and they don't have any authorization. They can't search us at will." A congressman has begun to panic.

"Oh, unfortunately. The Supreme Court gave the mandate. And you know what? Some of you are involved in murder. Honestly, I want to see for myself, your voters, see them elect a murderer as a member facial expression."

"Sorry, I need to leave for a while." One of the councilors finally couldn't sit still.Shen Yi didn't stop him, he just watched him walk to the door quietly.Then got stopped.

"What does this mean, you are not the security personnel of the venue?"

The expressions on the faces of several uniformed police officers refused to give way anyway.

"Don't struggle, Congressman Hobbs. They are special operations teams temporarily formed by the New York Marshals, New York Criminal Police, Military Police, FBI departments, etc., under the command of the judicial department. They were dispatched specifically for this incident. Between you Power in the hands of the majority, as well as identity issues. The security personnel at the venue have been completely replaced.”

In this situation, hearings are already dispensable.No one went to list the crimes against the high-level S.H.I.E.L.D.The most ironic thing is that when facing this kind of situation before, it was usually resolved by SHIELD.If it doesn't work, they can even make some deals with S.H.I.E.L.D.Use some black ops to forcibly solve the problem.

But now, most of the domestic employees of S.H.I.E.L.D. are in the military's secret prisons.The high-rises are all in this venue.They lost the opportunity to communicate with the outside world.We can only wait passively for the results of the judicial department.

..................... ..
Norman Technology, Biolabs.At this time Tony Stark has lost consciousness.Killian is crazy.He couldn't have kept Tony Stark alive.All he did was let him go out, let the world see his disgusting and terrifying monster appearance, and then let him die in extreme pain.

It has to be said that this method of revenge is really ruthless to the point of singularity.For a person like Stark who values ​​face, it is simply a curse like hell.He even started to give up, and even wanted to commit suicide at one point.The double torture of body and mind almost made this future Iron Man fall down.

The employees of Norman Technology stopped his suicide and knocked him out.Then he was fixed to a hospital bed.

"His body was injected with a strange virus. Originally, this thing could fuse with the human body. But the virus has been passive. Now there is only partial fusion, more of a kind of rejection. He The whole body's genetic chain is constantly collapsing. And to a certain extent, it will even produce some kind of explosion phenomenon. This thing called Extremis virus, when combined with the human body, will generate huge energy."

"Can we save him?"

"Theoretically yes. We can use the perfect serum to stabilize his gene chain. But his genes are extremely damaged. It will take quite a while to recover."

"Don't think about that kind of thing. We just need to keep his name temporarily. Let him return to his human form, and let him handle the rest. This is a direct order from the boss."

"I feel that the boss doesn't like him very much."

"It's not just that I don't like it, it can even be called hating it. Look at the boss's attitude towards Dr. Banner, and then look at this guy. It's a world of difference."

"It's normal, and I don't like him, either. You wouldn't be happy knowing a man slept with more than half of the supermodels on the market. It's a pity, a few of them are quite to my liking. But all of them let This guy is ruined. How do you say that in the East, a good cabbage is a pig."

"Haha, in the eyes of those supermodels. Tony Stark is not a pig, he is a fat sheep. And even if there is no Tony Stark, those women will not look at you."

"Why, I have an annual salary of millions. I have a high-end apartment in New York. I can be considered a successful person."

"Successful people? With all due respect, the average education level of those supermodels is actually not high. None of them understand terms like broken genes, or deep fine-tuning of genes. They only look at the tie pin on your tie How much is it worth. And as far as I know, you don't have a tie at all."

"Ah, I miscalculated a bit. The perfect serum we injected him with may not be enough to fully restore his superficial human form."

"There are probably still those parts that have not been completed."

"Uh... lower body."

"...Gary, you did it on purpose, right?"

"No, I'm not. Anyway, it's not a big deal. At most, the recovery will be later, as long as...about six months, it will be almost recovered."

"..., so be it. It's time to call it a day, he's about to wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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