A new era of comics

Chapter 100 Killing

Chapter 100 Killing

The storm that has been brewing for a long time seems to have finally reached the brink of eruption.The friction between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra began to intensify.As far as the council is concerned, they can't tell who is Hydra and who is S.H.I.E.L.D.Or they don't want to tell the difference at all.Because this is the best time to get involved in S.H.I.E.L.D.Wait until both sides lose out.They can easily master all.At least how this group of mentally retarded people understand.

Hitterwell is a top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.Of course, he is also a Hydra element hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D.In terms of branches, he is of the line of Alexander Pierce.Be regarded as one of Pierce's confidantes.

Two hours ago, Hitwell received a mission that made him extremely painful.Kill Phil Coulson.Hitterwell is an old secret agent.Entered Aegis at about the same time as Coulson.So far, he's a level six agent, one level shorter than Coulson.However, the two have a very good personal relationship, and they often drink and watch football together.

Sometimes Hitwell even forgets that he is a Hydra.Because he has adapted to the life of S.H.I.E.L.D.In a sense, he never even wanted this day to come.However, some things will not be transferred by his will.Pierce gave an order, and all the deep dive personnel started their actions.

Coulson returned to Sanquyi with a full heart.As soon as he entered, he felt a special atmosphere.The entire Tricurve Wing was very deserted, and filled with a tense atmosphere.In the next second, Coulson understood what had happened.

Counting the employees of Sanquyi, it is indeed a place where spies gather.Many people, knowing that half of the people in this building are enemies.But they can still work normally and go to work.Most people have already collapsed due to the mental pressure they endured.But now, under the notice of some hidden channels.There was a serious expression on everyone's face.

Nick Fury wants to take back the initiative.Of course he didn't want to go straight to the killing spree.However, neither the council nor the employees of S.H.I.E.L.D. could accept this approach.The best goal is to clean up the top of Hydra.Then turn a blind eye to the lower-level agents.The same is true for Hydra.They want to replace the top of S.H.I.E.L.D. and complete their ultimate infiltration.It's just that some things cannot be resolved by negotiation and voting.At least that's the case with Hydra's conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was deserted in the building.Only a few low-level agents who don't know it yet are moving around.Coulson frowned and walked quickly to the top floor.Sitwell, who was facing him, came towards him.

"Hi, Coulson."

"Hi, Sitwell, long time no see. You seem to be busy recently?"

"You know, Minister Pierce gave me a top-secret mission, and I've been busy." Hitwell said without changing his expression.

"That's good. After you finish the task, let's have a drink together. I know a new bar, and their cocktails are really great." Coulson is also greeting each other skillfully, as if between them Still old friends.

Hitwell's fingers trembled slightly.In his cuff, there is a pocket agent pistol.As long as a finger is activated on a small mechanism on the sleeve, the pistol will slip into his hand.

"You seem to be very busy recently? What new plans does Director Fury have?"

"You know, if I tell you. I'll kill you."

"Haha, then it's better for me not to know. I only know that your marksmanship is good. We can compare it when we have time. To be honest, I feel that these field skills have fallen a bit lately."

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way. Considering the current situation, I think it's better not to pull it down." Coulson's hands aimlessly rolled up the file bag in his hand.The entire file bag has been rolled into a wrist-thick cylinder by him.Hitwell's eyes wrinkled slightly.Fingers pressed against the sleeve.

The two sides seemed to have nothing to talk about suddenly, and they stood in the corridor and looked at each other quietly.After a few seconds, Coulson spoke.

"Let's talk about it another day. I'm going to report on the mission, Sitwell."

"Of course, me too. See you at the bar."

The two passed by each other, and at that moment, they could even feel the heartbeat in the opponent's body.And deliberately adjusted breathing.The muscles of both sides tensed instantly, as if they would make a bold move in the next second.However, unexpectedly, in the end, the two just passed by.

Coulson could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.The situation deteriorated faster than he imagined.He was sure Hitterwell had a pistol in his cuff.Just a moment ago, if the two sides fought, he, who had no weapons, was only [-]% sure.It's just that for some reason, the other party didn't choose to do anything in the end.

Hitwell also felt relieved at this time.He didn't know what kind of decision he had just made.It was out of that fragile and delicate friendship.I still haven't been out of the field for a long time, and I don't have confidence in my skills.Or both.Anyway, he didn't make a move.

The two sides have their own concerns, so they distanced themselves.However, a dramatic scene happened at this moment.A gunshot was heard from the building.In the next second, Coulson knew he was in big trouble.He knew Sitwell very well, and it was already the limit for him to hold back the situation just now.

Sure enough, the gunshots obviously stimulated Hitwell, who was a little nervous.He subconsciously threw out the pistol.At this moment, Coulson could no longer be modest.The file rolled up in his hand was thrown out suddenly, turned around, and hit Hitwell directly in the face.This seemingly kind old man used a roll of paper files to strike three times in an instant.

Sitwell, who was hit on the head, was a little dazed for a while.He has indeed been out of the field for a long time.His skills have deteriorated seriously.But Alexander Pierce was an extremely cold and cruel man.He knew that he had a good relationship with Coulson, so he deliberately sent him to kill Coulson.Cut off Fury's arm.This kind of mission not only stimulates the viciousness in the bones of Hydra's high-level executives, but also tests Hitwell.

Coulson locked Hitwell's gun-wielding right hand.With a twist, he forcibly flung his pistol away.At this time, the entire Sanquyi Building burst into gunshots.The scuffle started so suddenly.

Is S.H.I.E.L.D. righteous in this war?I can only say yes.What Nick Fury represents is the interests of the majority.However, in the course of the war, the damage caused cannot be thrown on any single force.Especially those low-level agents who don't know.They instantly became the first wave of victims of this war.

A little girl at the front desk is chatting with the man she likes.The little girl who just entered here not long ago still has a beautiful encounter tonight.But in the next second, the handsome man in front of him suddenly changed his face.In her stunned eyes, a shot exploded her head.

The same scene happened in various corners of Tricurve Wing.Countless friends and teams who were originally harmonious suddenly turned their faces.For a while, everyone around him became an enemy.In fact, most people don't even know whether they are killing Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D.After all, only the high-level executives of both sides really know the rough split list.They just drew their pistols and shot everyone who threatened them in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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