wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 8 Learning Spells for Beginners (Please collect and recommend)

Chapter 8 Learning Spells for Beginners (Please collect and recommend)
After confirming the identity of the other party, Yado's muscles all over his body tensed up in an instant. He stared at Claire closely, and was ready to dodge to the side whenever she made any movement. After all, the other party's burning hand, It still leaves a deep impression on him.

It's just that after waiting for a long time, I didn't see any changes from the other party. Naturally, Ya Duo didn't dare to move, and stared closely at the other party's pretty face.

Soon Yado felt itching on his face, and drops of sweat began to flow down.I just felt that the muscles all over my body were shaking uncontrollably, just when Yado couldn't hold on anymore and was about to speak out.

"Are you ready to start teaching Burning Hands (popular version)?" A gentle female voice sounded, not at all as aggressive as during class!Instead, she felt as gentle as water. If she didn't know the other person's character, Yaduo would have regarded her as a perfect goddess.


Hearing this, Yado, who looked focused and nervous, would start to blurt out the word subconsciously.

"Burning Hands (popular version), a zero-level spell, was invented by Orne Redfield, the great wizard 700 years ago."

An elegant, intellectual and gentle voice sounded, and Claire, dressed in fiery red, immediately began to explain the principles of the Burning Hand and the precautions when using it.

It wasn't until this moment that Yado realized that he was being taught by the Burning Hand.

This is not the real Flame Witch Claire in front of her. This is just a projection of the other party's spiritual will. It is a pre-set part of the instinct and has no independent emotions. Of course, it will not attack him.If you look carefully, you can see that the other person's expression is indeed stiff, like a machine.

Just let Yado rack his brains, and he would never have thought that the person who taught him the Burning Hand (popular version) spell this time turned out to be Claire's projection!
"It seems that my spirit is still affected by my predecessor!"

Yaduo let out a long sigh of relief, realizing that his state just now was still affected by the residual spiritual power of his predecessor, otherwise, no matter how much awe he had for the Flame Witch in his heart, he shouldn't have been so with decades of life experience. A big reaction is right.

It seems that in the future, I need to consult more books on the will of the true spirit to see how to solve this problem.

Immediately Yado cleared away the distracting thoughts in his mind, and began to concentrate on listening to Claire's explanation.

Yado discovered that Claire, who seemed to be fiery, had an unexpectedly profound knowledge reserve.

Her explanation was simple and easy to understand, and her language was vivid and interesting. It attracted Yaduo's attention very naturally. Of course Yaduo would not admit how attractive the other person's swaying figure was to him.

As the other party's explanation continued to deepen, various mysteries about the Burning Hand (popular version) began to flow in his mind and settled down, as if he had read it countless times.

Even this popular version of Burning Hand is not even a true zero-ring spell, but the knowledge involved is still very complicated, such as the primary use of magic, the principle of spell shock, and how shock waves are formed. 's and so on.

Although I have dabbled in the previous courses, but with the scumbag attitude of my predecessor, I naturally didn't learn anything, and my grades were always at the bottom of the class, and I was often made things difficult by the other party.

Of course, judging from Yado's eyes at this time, the other party is just because of his self-willed depravity, and some hate iron for steel. In addition, the methods are a bit fierce, and they always come to perform a spell, which makes the predecessor extremely afraid of this Claire. .

"Hey! I'm still a scumbag after all!"

Yaduo couldn't help but sigh. Although he had received the memory of his predecessor, he could still only understand the basic knowledge of these nouns and clearly didn't understand the specific content.

Of course, just to cast this spell, as long as the mental power index is sufficient, one can master the basic spell-casting principles proficiently, and with hard work, one can always learn it.

But there is a famous saying in the wizarding world: knowledge is power, and if you want to climb the peak, you must not only learn how to do it, but also learn why you do it!

So Yado is trying hard to memorize all kinds of knowledge that Claire explained, enriching his knowledge-poor mind.

"The explanation of the relevant knowledge points of the Burning Hand (popular version) has been completed. If you choose to re-explain, if you choose yes, you will start the explanation again, otherwise you will enter the actual demonstration!"

Unexpectedly, there is such a function, such a humanized design, it is indeed the most advanced model imported from the Eagle Empire.

Yado, eager to learn, naturally chose to re-explain.

The melodious voice sounded again, and Yado immersed himself in his study again.

【drop!After hard work and hard work, your experience value increases by 5 points. 】

【drop!After hard study, you have mastered the zero-level spell "Burning Hands" (popular version). The current level is lv0. It takes 50 experience points to upgrade to the next level. 】

Yaduo, who was immersed in the pleasure of learning, was suddenly awakened by the mechanically synthesized sound coming from his mind.

Seeing the latest prompt words on the attribute panel, Yado remembered that this attribute panel has its own experience value acquisition function, and experience points can be obtained through learning.

You can also increase the level of skills and spells by consuming experience points.

But looking at the experience points of less than 10 points, it is still far from the 50 points needed to increase the level of the Burning Hand, let alone the 100 experience points needed to upgrade.

"I wonder if I can increase my experience by killing monsters?"

You must know that in that copycat game, although there are many ways to gain experience, the fastest way to gain experience is to kill monsters. Thinking of this, Riado decided to wait until he got out and try to kill a few monsters.

"Please explain it again!" Yado said softly.

But the fiery red figure on the opposite side did not start explaining this time, but took a slow step forward.

"The number of lectures has been exhausted, please be prepared to start the actual demonstration immediately."

Hearing Claire's projected words, Yado was shocked to realize that he had listened to the explanation 10 times without realizing it and had accumulated 50 experience points.

"Next, please pay attention. I will cast the spell three times to attack the target twenty steps away. Please observe carefully. This is related to whether you can skillfully apply the knowledge you just learned to practice. , so as to truly learn the Burning Hand."

When a wizard casts a spell, he doesn't just stand up and chant a long spell like what Yado saw on TV, and then wave the staff in his hand to shoot out the spell.

On the contrary, it is more like an instinct that has penetrated into the body, and the spell can be cast naturally with the heart.

"When your mental power is completely condensed, you can release the Burning Hand. I will demonstrate it below, please pay attention!"

Claire's movements were quick, and as soon as her words fell, before Yado could react, orange-red flames had already risen from those white palms.

In an instant, the flames swelled in the wind, until the volume expanded to three times its initial size.Claire waved her slender palm violently, and with a bang, the orange-red flame suddenly shot out.


The flames quickly crossed the distance of twenty steps, and precisely bombarded the target. Suddenly, a handful of flames soared into the sky, followed by a burst of roaring explosions.

When the flames dissipated, white smoke was still rising from the edge of the blown apart target.

"The impact of the spell just now reached 12.7 N, and the damage intensity was 8.9."

Looking at the value displayed next to the target, Claire said slowly, then she stepped away from the target and looked back at Yado.

Then he said: "In reality, due to various reasons, the casting of spells often does not reach the theoretical value. This requires you to continuously deepen your understanding of spells, practice constantly, improve your proficiency, and improve your spells." The higher the level, the closer it is to the theoretical power."

 Thank you all readers for your great collection and thank you all for your votes.

(End of this chapter)

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