Chapter 76 Combat
"Hurry up!"

Before Yaduo could shout, everyone had already dodged away.

We are all wizards, how to fight with wizards, naturally we have long been familiar with it, and when we sense the fluctuation of mana, we have already made dodge movements.

However, there were a total of five students on the side of Heilunhua, and after Eric shot, the other four also shot together.

All of a sudden, blazing flames, ghastly green venom, water arrows, wind blades, and four different spells all shot at Yado and the others, covering them all.

Yaduo couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't expect these Black Wheel Flower students to have such a strong sense of combat. From when they suddenly took action to seize the opportunity, to now when the five of them took action together, there was no sense of sloppiness at all.

On the contrary, there was a feeling of being surrounded by five opponents and beating them.

Seeing this, Yado released the spell "Burning Hand" that had been prepared, after all, this spell was the most proficient spell he had mastered.

There was only a little flame gathered from his fingertips, and within less than two breaths, it rapidly expanded and expanded until it was the size of a millstone, and then Yado threw the flame out violently.

The fiery flames scorched the air and made a stinging sound, the huge fireball hit the venom directly, and then Yado moved mentally, the flame burst out suddenly, turning into a rain of fire all over the sky It fell towards Esik and others.

Yado's reaction was not unreasonable, but the other students were not so lucky. Their ability to control spells was naturally several orders of magnitude behind Yado's. They could only cast spells in a hurry, so they had to dodge in embarrassment. .

"Unexpectedly, there is still a master! But that's all."

Essik gave a playful admiration, the Heilunhua Elementary Wizarding Academy follows the law of the jungle, and the strong are king.

They are born full of aggression, plunder and warlike hearts, and they have experienced more battles than people like Yado can imagine. At this time, although they feel that Yado's spellcasting speed is extremely fast and the reaction is not bad, but they are not. He didn't take Yado's spell to heart.

After all, this is just a zero-ring spell. After the previous collision consumption, how much power is left?

"Don't dodge, continue to cast spells and attack!"

As the strongest of the five, Essik naturally gave orders.

So these five people faced the rain of fire without dodge or dodge, preparing to hold on to the rain of fire and release spells again, completely not giving Yado and others a chance to react, and preparing to defeat them in one fell swoop.

At this moment, even Yado had to admire the opponent's decisiveness, but after all, they didn't know that Yado had already raised the flame hand to the full level, almost raising the power of this spell to the level of the full version.

Coupled with the bonus of his passive 'Spell String', the power of this spell has exceeded its own limit.

At this moment, these students of Heilunhua Academy, without any protection, accepted this spell hard.

Seeing this, the corners of Yado's mouth could not help but rise slightly, let them experience the beauty of this spell!

As the fire rain fell, there were a few screams immediately, and the spell that was still being prepared was interrupted immediately, and the four people except Essik couldn't help but groan under the backlash of their mental power, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

But Essik is the strongest among them, and he persisted under such severe pain, and the 'Frozen Flame' was successfully stimulated by him.

In an instant, the icy flames spanned a distance of more than ten meters, freezing a Bauhinia Academy that had no time to react in place.

At this time, Yado and the others would naturally not let go of this good opportunity, and the ten magic spells shot towards the enemy with all kinds of brilliance.


Essik endured the pain in his body and gave the order decisively.

The offensive and defensive situation between the two sides was reversed in this instant.

"Keep attacking!"

Yada shouted, and threw the spell in his hand again.

Another round of spells covered Essik and the others, and in just this moment, two people were hit by the spells and knocked away.

"Melee attack!"

After Yado finished speaking, he rushed out first. At the same time, a ball of flame condensed in his hand, and he threw it fiercely forward.


Seeing this situation, Esik decisively ordered to retreat.

At the same time, he led the remaining two people to retreat towards the back courtyard. After all, he was burned by the flames in several places all over his body. The burning pain stimulated his nerves, making it difficult for him to concentrate, and the speed of casting spells was greatly reduced. procrastination.

If they are being approached, the huge gap in the number of people will make them easily defeated.

"Richard, Phelan, go and kill those two people, and then we will withdraw!"

Yaddo did not choose to pursue, but asked Richard and Feren in the team to kill the two Black Wheel Flower academies, because the two of them had the highest mental power among the remaining ones who had not completed the task. .

"Why don't you chase?"

In Richard's view, they already had a huge advantage at this time, and they should take advantage of the victory to pursue. If they miss this great opportunity, they don't know when such a good thing will happen.

"Let's go, the situation there is unknown, who knows how many accomplices they have, you don't think they are the only ones who came here!"

Yado said that those people hadn't completely lost their fighting power. If they wanted to escape, they might not be able to kill them all.

And more importantly, he didn't know how many people of the other party were here, or how many of Sauron's subordinates.

Maybe as soon as they enter, they will fall into a trap!
"Let's go!"

After Yado finished speaking, he ignored them, turned around and left.

As for Richard and others, although they were unwilling to do so, after Yado left, these people had self-awareness and naturally left with no choice but to do so.

At the same time, at the Prancing Horse Inn, a big battle was going on.

Three ring spirits, leading more than a dozen young men in exquisite robes, are attacking violently.

The cold and strange atmosphere is spreading, and the fire, ice, and lightning spells are intertwined, lighting up the night sky.

Aragorn deserves to be the king who created the United Kingdom of Gondor and Rohan thickly. At this time, he held a long sword and resisted the attack of two Ring Spirits by himself.

If it wasn't for those nasty spells, he would be able to block the three Ringwraiths, of course they must be the weakest of the three Ringwraiths.

"Resistance is useless!"

The Ring Spirits didn't seem to be at a disadvantage at all. The deep and terrifying voice kept echoing on the battlefield, making people feel fear unconsciously.

 Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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