wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 67 Review (Happy National Day Chapter)

Chapter 67 Review (Happy National Day)

Bauhinia Elementary Wizarding Academy, the central tower.

There are about 300 students taking the big exam this time, which is equivalent to one-seventh of the graduates of the entire junior college.

This is already the highest ratio in recent years, and the ratio in previous years was basically ten to one.

"The time has come, please line up, students, and prepare for the qualification review."

The thick mechanically synthesized voice of the witch spirit guard sounded, without using any spells, just relying on its special body structure, it made a deafening sound.

Hearing this sound, the noisy crowd immediately fell silent.

"Please arrange a team for each classmate and prepare for the qualification review."

The Wuling guard moved his majestic steel body and took two heavy steps forward, causing the entire ground to vibrate slightly.

Then the witch spirit guard twisted its huge head, and light blue light shone out immediately, forming a light gate.

"Please follow the order and pass in turn."

"Please follow the order and pass in turn."

The deep mechanically synthesized voice rang twice in a row, and the identity review for the graduation exam officially began.

The students who had already lined up began to pass through the light gate one by one. The first in line was a girl with long light blue hair, wearing a plain tight robe, full of the style of the southern sea.

The blue-haired girl looked extremely confident, with a sense of heroism. Her steps were swaying with a unique rhythm, showing off her beautiful body.

"The review is qualified and approved."

When the girl passed, the voice of the witch spirit guard sounded without any emotion.

"Sure enough, this is the goddess in my heart. Even the qualification review is so charming."

"Ah! Atlanna, goddess of the sea! I love you."

The crowd that had just calmed down suddenly burst into shouts one after another.It wasn't until Atlanna's figure entered the tower that the crowd gradually became quiet.

Yaduo stood in an inconspicuous corner. He admitted that just now, for a moment, there were strange ripples in his heart.

This blue-haired girl is called Atlanta, and she comes from the southern sea.

It is said that she has one-third of the blood of sea elves, and she is the only woman among this class of students who can be compared with Susan in terms of appearance and strength.

The natural charm with which Atlanna walked just now, the uncontrollable allure that came from her heart, was truly worthy of the rumored person with the blood of sea elves.

The following process was very smooth, and no one was able to cause a sensation to Atlanta.

The students passed the review one by one, the crowd in the square gradually thinned out, and soon one-third of the students entered the tower.

Um?Shortness of breath, cold sweat, pale face.He looked tense, as if he was afraid of something.

Suddenly, Yado noticed that not far in front of him, a student who was about to enter the line looked a little strange and abnormal.

Soon it was the boy's turn in the team, and he was trembling forward, his steps trembling because of fear, and he was almost unsteady on the road.

But the distance was finally over, and the classmate finally walked under the light curtain.

"Warning! Unqualified review, please leave immediately!"

There was a burst of red light from the sockets of Wu Ling guard Sven's eyes, and he watched the student closely.

"No!, let me in! I will definitely be able to pass the exam, and I will definitely become a wizard!"

The student's emotions collapsed in an instant, and he began to cry loudly.

"Warning! Please leave immediately! Otherwise, you will be forced to leave!"

The Wuling guards can be said to be emotionless, and they spoke again, ruthlessly indifferent.

"Please! Please let me go! I've obviously tried so hard, why, why can't it still work!"

"The warning is invalid, enforce forced eviction!"

The Wuling guards ignored the student's cries and begging.The thick and powerful arms stretched out like lightning, and the huge palm was like catching chickens, and the student grabbed it.

Immediately, he swung it aside violently, throwing it flying, and there were law enforcement officers on the periphery to escort the student away.

"Hey, isn't this Wells? It is said that he only sleeps for two hours a day and spends the rest of his time studying."

"What's the use of that? If you don't have talent, no matter how hard you work, it's useless."

Seeing the scene in front of him, listening to the surrounding discussions.

Yaduo felt somewhat sad in his heart. If he didn't have a system, he might not be much different from this person.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of a famous saying that he had passed through in his previous life.

Genius is 1% talent plus 99% sweat, but that 1% talent is the most important, even more important than the 99% sweat.

This is even more so in this world of wizards, talent determines everything, even a [-]% effort is not as important as that [-]% talent.

"Yo! Isn't this Yado? Why do you want to learn from that guy just now? If you leave now, there should be still time, or you will be thrown out in a while."

Just when it was Yado's turn, a piercing voice sounded.

Yado didn't need to look to know that the speaker was Dis.He has been in the library these days and has not seen this guy again.

But he didn't expect that today he had already deliberately lined up at the back of the line, and still met this guy. He didn't want to pay any attention to such a person.

"Why don't you appreciate it, I'm trying to persuade you with good intentions. Those iron lumps are not as gentle as me, they will be happy to throw you out like a ball!"

Seeing that Yado ignored him, Diss uttered ironic words again.

This little episode immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd to this place, and soon some people in Yado's class recognized him.

"Is this guy crazy? How dare he come to test him!"

"Yeah, a piece of garbage, the mental power is probably not even 15 degrees, let's see how he was thrown out for a while."

The whispers continued, mixed with cynicism.

Yado will naturally not take these words to heart, because he knows that these people are hoping for you to refute.

Facts are the most powerful tool to gag a man's mouth at all times.

Sure enough, seeing that Yado ignored them, the voices of those people gradually fell silent. After all, there is no normal person who can always talk to the air.

But their faces were full of expressions of gloating. They were waiting, waiting to see how Yado would be thrown out.


The mechanical synthesized sound sounded, and it was finally Yado's turn.

(End of this chapter)

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