Chapter 60 Drummond
Turning around the corner of the alleyway, this is a place surrounded by thick darkness.It is blocked by several tall buildings, and no moonlight can shine in.

The darkness seems to become more intense here, like a ball of ink, exuding a cold and chilly breath.

Even the light of the torch in his hand can't shine very far, and it is difficult to penetrate this layer of darkness.

Seeing such a situation, Yado's heart tightened immediately.

Things are not right here!
Such a weird situation, so obvious, even ordinary people can easily see that there is something wrong with it.

Yado stopped in his tracks immediately, standing on the edge of darkness.

He stared quietly, as if trying to see through the darkness in front of him.

Immediately, Yado's face became solemn, and this place seemed to be more serious and dangerous than he imagined.

But Yado didn't flinch because of this, the Shadow Demon has a fatal weakness, and it's impossible for a high-level Shadow Demon to appear in the city.

Since the appearance of the Shadow Demon, the wizards have long developed a set of equipment that specifically detects the energy fluctuations of the Shadow Demon, which can detect the special energy fluctuations emitted by the Shadow Demon

Now this set of equipment has long been integrated into the protection system of every city. In the emerging city of Freeport, it is naturally equipped with a stabbing system.

Due to technical reasons, the monitoring accuracy cannot fully cover the lowest level of Shadow Demons. After all, their energy fluctuations are not even as large as a mouse.

Therefore, in the city, there are still such weird creatures occasionally wandering around, and because of their particularity, they often cause quite a disturbance.


Yaduo gave a deep voice, and his mental power drove the magic power around him to respond immediately.

A group of fiery orange-yellow flames immediately rose in front of him, shining bright light with scorching hot flames.

Yado stepped forward, and the flame light and scorching heat wave also moved forward, dispelling the dense darkness.

As the black mist was dispelled, the surroundings seemed to become a little brighter.

In the middle of the road ahead, a pretty girl suddenly appeared in front of Yaduo.

Less than half an hour after the two separated, Yado easily recognized that this was his blind date, Ariana.

At this time, a ball of dim light was lighting up in Ariana's hand. This light had become shaky and seemed weak, and seemed to be extinguished at any time.

It seems that it has reached a very dangerous situation.

But it has already been fooled once, and this time Yado World used the [Target Detection] function on the girl in front of it.

[Target: Ariana (eroded state), mental strength 18, strength 6, constitution 8, agility 5]

Seeing the feedback information, Yaduo was naturally sure that it was not a trap.Immediately, he took a few steps forward, letting the flames completely envelope Ariana.

At this moment, the darkness that had already retreated, for some unknown reason, started to counterattack violently, and the billowing black mist did not hesitate to consume, constantly attacking Yaduo.

Immediately, Yado felt that the speed of mental power consumption began to intensify, and the black mist seemed to have no end at all, continuously pouring out from all directions.

I'm afraid it won't be long before this darkness will exhaust his mental power.

Yado's brows furrowed immediately, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his face.

This is by no means an ordinary white shadow demon!
We must get out of here quickly, we must not wait any longer.

"Hehehe, since you're here, why bother to leave?" Seemingly seeing through Yado's thoughts, an eerie voice sounded in the darkness.

"What! Who are you!"

Yado was shocked immediately, the existence in the darkness could make a sound.However, if the Shadow Demon wants to make a sound, he must at least reach the black rank, and a black rank Shadow Demon is almost equivalent to the third-level intermediate wizard of the wizard.

But how can this kind of existence bypass the city's monitoring system and enter here openly.

"Why do you think I am willing to talk to you so much? It's just to attract your attention. Today you will be my food. In return, you can know my name. Remember that the one who killed you is the Shadow Saint, Drumonk!”

It turned out that this shadow demon who didn't know where he was hiding deliberately made a sound to attract Yaduo, and then set up a trap to completely trap Yaduo.

It wants to kill the person who almost destroyed its plan here.

As the voice fell, the surrounding blackness began to expand with a few words, and it suddenly soaked towards Yado.

"Got you!"

Yado yelled suddenly, the fireball in his hand began to compress instantly, and soon a fireball exuding bright orange light was thrown by Yado towards the left, in the opposite direction of the sound.

Zi la la!The fireball passed through the black mist, making piercing noises.

"Ah! How is this possible? How could you find me!"

There was a sudden explosion in the mist, and then came the furious yelling of Shadow Demon Drumonk.

But immediately the sound disappeared, leaving only the vast darkness slowly pressing forward.

In an instant, Drummond sank to the bottom and disappeared in the darkness, and constantly changed his position to prevent being discovered by this human again.

Zi la la!At this moment, another fireball passed through the black mist.

"Ah, that's impossible!"

The voice of the shadow demon Drummond became so angry that it was almost unbelievable.

If it wasn't for abolishing self-cultivation in order to sneak into human society, how could it be possible to use conspiracy against this extremely weak wizard in front of him.

But it can't think of how this human being found himself, once is a coincidence, but twice is absolutely not!
This human must have some way to lock it!

In an instant, Drummond had the idea of ​​retreating. He was afraid that after being hit by two fireballs, he would have to explain himself here.

But after finally finding such a suitable container, it was reluctant to give up.

At this moment, Drumonk, who was constantly changing his position, was hit by another fireball.

After its shape and the fireball canceled each other out, waves of ripple-like shaking appeared and became dimmer.

"Ah! I want to eat you!"

Drumonk roared like a wild beast, jumped out of the darkness, and instantly shot electricity at Yaddo.

"Where is this?"

Yado only felt his eyes go dark, and when he recovered again, he had already appeared on a dark land.

There is only pure darkness in this world, the earth is black, the trees are black, the river is black, the sky, the ocean, and even the light are dark!
So weird, so scary, where is this place?
(End of this chapter)

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