wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 52 Chapter Return (Please recommend a ticket!)

Chapter 52 Return (please vote for recommendation!)
Stratholme, Alonsus Chapel.

When Yado woke up, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

"I didn't expect that using this spell with all my strength would have such a big impact!" Yaduo felt that until now, he was still feeling dizzy in his mind, and his exhausted mental power still didn't look like it was about to recover.

Even at this moment, he already felt that there was a barrier between himself and the world, like in a dream world, which he could clearly see but was hard to touch.

He knew that this was a sharp consumption of mental power, and had even damaged some of the descending true spirits.Moreover, he felt that his true spirit was still weakening, and he was afraid that it would not be long before his true spirit would weaken to the alert value, and he would be forced to end his descent by the Tower of Advent.

He knew that the time left for him was running out, and he had to take advantage of this last time to bring these people gathered here out of Stratholme to complete that temporary mission.

"Master Ossus, you are ready, shall we set off now!"

George Raphael looked at Ossus Rivendell in front of him respectfully. He was still shocked by the powerful power that the other party unleashed at that critical moment, the incomparably bright holy light. Even now, he still felt thrilling. .

"Okay, let's go!"

Yado said silently, with a low voice, and as the low voice fell, the prepared team started to set off, and gradually disappeared in the streets of Stratholme filled with fireworks.

Saint Soderland Wizards Union, Free Trade Port, Bauhinia Primary School.

In the center of the academy is an extremely magnificent tower. This tower is five stories high, which means that the owner of the tower is a great wizard, that is, the great wizard Extus, the president of the wizard academy.

The fifth floor of the tower uses the most advanced space folding array, and the internal space is larger than the sum of the other four floors.

This can be said to be the most heavily guarded place in the entire Elementary Wizarding Academy, because the 'Tower of Advent Subsystem' is stored here, and it is also where Yado and others took the mock exam.

"Um! Where is this place!" After the dazzling light in front of him disappeared, Yado regained his vision, and he found that there was a sea of ​​light all around him at this moment.

Up, down, left, and right, it was all white.There is no boundary, not even the concept of up, down, left, and right. Yado feels that there is not even the concept of time and space here, as if the infinite power has completely confused them.

"Yado, welcome back, please submit the task data!"

The familiar mechanically synthesized voice sounded, and Yado suddenly realized that he had returned to the world of wizards, and this was the consciousness space of the Tower of Advent.

According to the reminder, Yado selected a few important events that happened in Lordaeron during the time period in his mind and submitted them to the Tower of Advent.

"According to the submitted data, your task completion level is excellent, and you are qualified for the entrance examination."

"Then start to settle the temporary mission. Your mission completion status is to save 576 people in the end, and save an additional 76 people after completing the mission. You will be rewarded with 176 wizard points and 10 primary magic stones."

"The settlement is complete, and the advent is over."

"But where is the reward!"

However, no one paid attention to Yaduo's cry, a burst of light came from nowhere, covering him in an instant, and after a while of spinning around, he naturally lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he found that he was lying in the recovery warehouse. This first-generation antique-level Life I recovery warehouse, which had been in service for 15 years in the campus infirmary and was far beyond its service life, was still working hard.

Even Yado doubted whether this old antique that had been shaking would suddenly fall apart.

"If you wake up, it means that this treatment is very successful. It is said that this mock exam is indeed much more difficult than before, so don't take it to heart if you haven't passed it. There are many paths to go."

Yaduo's old acquaintance, Ms. Lianna from the school doctor's office, was talking nonchalantly.

She glanced at this young boy with some regret. He was sent here before the exam was over. He must have 'died' during the exam, which exhausted his mental will and resulted in a decline in mental strength.

If he fails the mock exam, he will inevitably lose his qualification to take the entrance exam, let alone leave early.

"But you don't have to worry. Your mental power didn't drop much, it just dropped by 1 degree. For other candidates, the loss of mental power is generally around 2 to 3 degrees."

Liana said that Yado only lost 1 degree of mental strength, which is not too much among those who failed the exam, but it is much better than many people.

But even if the recovery chamber was used, it was only to revive his spirit, and there was no way to restore the lost mental power.


Ya Duo said in a daze, he didn't remember that he failed in the last mission, obviously the Tower of Advent gave an excellent evaluation, how could he fail?

Could it be because he ended his advent early?By the way, that must be the case. At the last time, he did indeed damage the True Spirit because of casting a legendary spell, and in the end he exceeded the protection cordon, so he was forcibly recalled by the Tower of Advent.

Then it is the same, why did Ms. Liana say that.

By the way, the true spirit is damaged!Mental power drops!Yado sank into his mind immediately, and exhaled the attribute panel.

I saw that his data at this time suddenly changed.

【Name: Yaduo】

[Occupation: Wizard, Level 0]



[Passive skills: Basic Spell Usage LV1, Basic Magic Network Principle LV1, Low-Level Neisseur Language LV1, Cromos Ancient History LV1, Basic Magic Principle LV2, Flame Mastery LV1]

【Experience value: XP 1857 points (2000 experience points required for upgrade)】

[Available attribute points: 0 point]

[Function: [Experience value acquisition] [Target detection] [Spell analysis] [Spell template implantation]]

This, this, this, seeing that there was only 14 degrees of mental power left at this time, Yaduo couldn't believe it. His mental power attribute dropped by more than just 1 degree, but from 21 degrees to 14 degrees.

It dropped by a full 7 degrees. Thinking that other people only dropped by two or three degrees, this Ms. Liana comforted him and said that he was the one who had the least mental loss among those who failed the mock exam. Yado didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Sigh, young people nowadays can't stand a little blow." Ms. Liana shook her head.

I still remember how energetic and energetic the other party was when he first entered school.

Just like most teenagers, they always thought that they were the most special person, that they would enter a real wizard academy and become a superior wizard.

But in the end, many people will find that in the face of the ruthless reality, they have to lower their proud heads and become pebbles whose edges and corners have been smoothed by the river.

"Well, your free treatment is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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