wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 45 Stratholme, the Land of Fate (2)

Chapter 45 Stratholme, the Land of Fate ([-])
The terrible silence between the two parties made the surrounding atmosphere tense to the extreme.

Uther's eyes widened, and his sea-blue pupils were full of shock. He couldn't believe that this reckless boy, his own student, could say such words.

"No, I cannot accept this ridiculous order, even if you are the king, I will not accept this order."

"Then, Sir Uther, I can only regard your actions as treason!" Alsace's words were clear and cold, and his words reached the ears of every soldier present.

They all looked at His Royal Highness in surprise, as if no one would believe that His Royal Highness could say such words.


Uther was enraged by the words, he couldn't believe it, the words came out of Alsace's mouth, and he shouted loudly, "Have you lost your mind, Alsace!"

"Yes, Sir Uther! I know exactly what I am doing. Now, then, as heir to my throne, I hereby release you from command of the army and suspend your paladin service."

"Alsace! You can't do this, you can't!"

Jaina screamed, her voice shattered with violent emotion.

Alsace turned around furiously, facing the Knights of the Silver Hand below, he said loudly: "Whoever wants to save this city, come with me, and get out of here!"

Jaina just felt dizzy, Arthas was really going to do it.

He was going to enter Stratholme and cut down every living man, woman, old man and child in the city.Thinking of this, Jaina only felt that her brain was occupied by panic, she couldn't stand still, tightly grasped the staff in her hand, and her body was constantly shaking.

She didn't know if Uther would attack Alsace, but even if he was relieved of his position, he was still Alsace's teacher of the paladins, and he was still bound by the oath of allegiance to the prince.

Jaina saw the bruises on Uther's neck, and could almost hear him clenching his teeth. It was obvious that she was extremely angry.

But in the end, Uther released his clenched fists. He took a deep breath and stared at Alsace with his sea-blue eyes. His loyalty could not keep him silent: "You have crossed the line. A dangerous boundary, Arthas. Don't get carried away by anger, it's too late to turn around now."

Arthas stared at him for a moment, then he turned to Jaina, searching for her gaze, and for a moment he was himself, sincere, young, and a little apprehensive.


His affectionate call, just one sentence, is worth a thousand words, it is both an inquiry and a plea.He held out his hand to her, longing for her to understand him and agree with him.

But Gianna knew she couldn't hold the hand, and she said in pain, "I can't, I can't watch you do that."

She couldn't keep looking at him, tears filled her eyes.

She forced herself to turn around and got on the horse.Then Uther got on the horse too, took her by the bridle, and left the scene of the most horrific event they had ever encountered in their ordeal.

"Jaina?" Arthas' trembling voice followed her.

She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"Jianna? ...Jianna!"

She abandoned him, and in an instant, Alsace felt as if a sharp knife had been pierced into his heart, pain, confusion, and all kinds of chaotic emotions rushed into his heart.

For a moment, a thought suddenly popped up in Alsace's mind, simple and clear but piercing: So are they right?

Do not!This is impossible!

If they were right, he would be an executioner, and he knew he wasn't, he knew it.

He shook off the bewildered trembling, his heart became hard and cold again, he licked his lips that were suddenly parched, and took a deep breath.

"They must be killed, their houses must be burned, and we must end this plague here with the least cost."

Having said that, Alsace looked around the audience. Because of Uther's departure, the number of soldiers here is less than one-third of what it was before.

His cold and inexplicable eyes swept across the soldiers one by one, "I know that this is not a great and glorious battle, it is full of ugliness and pain. But I also believe with all my heart that this is what we must do of."

"For the Holy Light! For Lordaeron!"

Alsace raised his warhammer, led the soldiers, and rushed towards the city gate ahead.

The Holy Light still shines in the Alonsus Chapel.

In the approaching morning, it began to rain lightly again, and the cold raindrops kept falling, covering the church of the Holy Light in silence.

At sunrise, Yado had already woken up.At this time, through the square stained glass of the chapel, he could clearly see that even at this time, there was still no one on the street outside.

Yado could feel it, as if the whole city had fallen into a dream, and it was eerily quiet.

I don't know if it was affected by the plague, or the effect of Mal'Ganis' dark magic.

At this moment, Yado still felt the constant weakness coming from his body. Fortunately, at this moment, he finally recovered his ability to move.

The priest here told him that the little girl who sent him cured him, and then the dwarf girl left here.

"But where will Chromie go?" Yado couldn't help thinking.

Suddenly, Yado was alarmed by a loud noise, and he saw several swaying figures at the end of the street—zombies emitting green light all over their bodies, walking towards here.

And there are more, panicked figures being chased by those monsters, running towards here in a panic.

The natural disaster finally broke out, and even though he had burned the grains, he still couldn't stop the Scourge Legion's conspiracy.

Stratholme's fate did not seem to have changed because of his actions last night, and the plague broke out along the historical track.

"Natural disasters and plagues are some kind of evil spells, not viruses!"

This sentence suddenly flashed in Yado's mind, because this is an evil psychic spell, then its carrier can be replaced with anything, not just grain.

Therefore, even if those grains are destroyed, natural disasters and plagues can still rely on other vectors to cause outbreaks of infection.

What's more, before he fell into a coma, he clearly heard Mal'Ganis say, "Natural disasters are unstoppable and will definitely erupt."

 Ask for recommendations, ask for collections, ask for tickets, ask for rewards, ask for all kinds of requests! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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