wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 42 Before Dawn

Chapter 42 Before Dawn
At this moment, being stared at by so many strange and penetrating eyes, Yaduo felt a sense of fear in his heart and had an urge to escape.

But he stopped this thought. At this time, he was too close to these zombies. This was not a safe distance for a mage.

If he hadn't cast any spells at this distance, those zombies would be able to insert their forks into his head.

Yado kept taking deep breaths, adjusted his state, and slowly stepped back, while keeping his eyes on the zombies in the room.


Seeing that the zombies had retreated to a safe distance and did not attack, Yado couldn't help but grow a mouthful.

"Okay, okay, what a pity, it's only one step away! Unexpectedly, our young master Ossus would be able to avoid running away when he saw such a situation. He is not at all different from the arrogant and domineering noble young master in our materials."

At this moment, bursts of crisp applause sounded in the room, and then the voice that belonged to the consultant named Vesper that made Yado's memory particularly familiar began to echo in the room.

Some kind of magic must have been used, and the sound was so erratic that it was impossible to determine where it came from based on the sound.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Ya Duo's eyes were serious, and he couldn't help asking tentatively.After all, at this time, he couldn't find out where the enemy was at all?This is the only way to determine the enemy's position.

"Who am I? Does it matter? This is an extremely important moment for Master Ossus, and for all the people in this entire city of Stratholme. You will fight hard with the dawn." A new future, a future of natural disasters."

Vesper chuckled and continued.

"Really? What kind of future?"

Yado said doubtfully, but in his heart he knew clearly what the future of natural disaster was, and he knew that that future would indeed happen.

At the same time, Yado's mental power spread out, constantly looking for suspicious places one by one.

Suddenly he keenly sensed waves of spell waves coming from a place, and it was right behind him!
Under the dark night sky, a dozen knights were galloping towards the south.

Soon on the road behind, there was a sound of horseshoes, and a knight rushed up from behind at a faster speed.

"Lord Vespal, I still haven't found any trace of Mal'Ganis, please punish me."

"Forget it, I didn't expect to find it. This is also expected by the leader."

Under the faint starlight, Vespal's pale face was exposed. If Yado was here, he would be shocked. He must never have imagined that Vespal had already left Stratholme at this moment.

Vespal and the others left with a mission. On the one hand, Stratholme was about to be destroyed, and they wanted to avoid this place of death.

On the other hand, he was going to the nearest Collin Crossing here, where he tried to delay Dathrohan's knights so that they could not rescue Stratholme in time.

"Is everything in the city ready?" Vespal asked.

"Return to your lord, everything is ready, we can only hope that when the time comes tomorrow, the whole of Stratholme will definitely be turned into a purgatory."

'Huh! '
Vespal, who was about to say something, suddenly let out a light snort. He was carefully sensing that he was not worthy of a spell warning in the Maid bakery, but it was activated. It seems that a stranger broke in. to the inside.

Immediately, he sank into the period, trying to sense what happened there, and see who broke into it.

"Huh? He actually found the magic trap I set. It seems that our young master Ossus is quite capable."

Suddenly, Vesper showed a cruel sneer. Through the preset spell, he saw Ossus Rivendell and told him the news that Stratholme was about to be destroyed.

Seeing the other party's fear caused by ignorance, he felt full of pride in his heart.

But one thing he didn't expect was that the other party could crack the protective spell cast above without destroying the door. It wasn't until he entered the workshop that he activated another spell cast above. A spell that controls the production of bread by those mindless zombies.

This is really unexpected, but Osas, who is a junior mage, must not be able to break the intermediate spell trap, so what about the little dwarf next to him? I didn't realize that this dwarf is actually a powerful mage.

"Damn it, it actually destroyed the spell!"

Vesper's will returned to his body, and he naturally knew that Ossus had destroyed the spell.

But he quickly put away his angry expression, and his cruelty and coldness emerged. Now that this spell has failed, you can enjoy how those toys warmly entertain guests.

But these are not important anymore, Vespal looked at the eastern night sky, in that endlessly distant place, where a shining star was twinkling, it was the morning star.

It's almost dawn, and the fate of Stratholme has been sealed and can no longer be changed!


Yado destroyed the spell, and soon he found that the zombies in the workshop had stopped their work and started staring at the door one by one.

Soon there were deep and vicious roars, and these zombies rushed towards Yado.

They move like the wind, move swiftly, and the violent movement even makes the rotten flesh on their bodies fall to the ground, looking disgusting and terrifying.

The speed of these zombies was extremely fast, Yado knew in an instant that they couldn't outrun these zombies.So in the face of so many zombies, Yado did not turn around and run away. Once he escaped, he would inevitably expose his back to these zombies, which would be even more dangerous.

Yaduo concentrated his mental power fiercely!

Soon a ball of flame was formed in Yado's hand, and before the flame continued to condense, Yado threw it flying, dragging a long tail flame, the flame did not hit the zombie, but bombarded it. Above the door beam of the workshop workshop.

This is the countermeasure that Yado thought of when these zombies attacked. The wooden beam is the load-bearing column of this workshop. As long as it is destroyed, the workshop can be blown down. Even if these zombies do not die, they must be trapped.

The scorching flame immediately ignited the beam, and even made the whole room tremble.But this was not enough, Yaduo faced the approaching zombies, although he was afraid in his heart, he did not waver at all, another ball of flame was formed and hit the beam.

Casting twice, although it didn't take much time, was enough for these zombies to run a distance of several meters.At this time, the nearest zombie to Yado was less than one meter away.

Yado could even see the pus flowing under the rotten flesh on the face of this disgusting zombie.


There was a bursting sound, and a cloud of yellow sand violently hit the zombie. The huge force immediately flew it out, and smashed it hard on the following zombies.

At this time, another ball of flame flew out and crashed onto that node.Finally, the beam could no longer support it and suddenly broke!
 Happy Mid-autumn Festival! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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