Chapter 39
As soon as the dragon's breath shaped like yellow sand appeared, Yado seemed to hear the sound of dragon chant, which seemed to be distant and near, and seemed to resound directly in his mind, making it difficult for people to distinguish the sound of the dragon chant. from where.

Huang Shalong's breath collided with the black ball of light at a distance of more than ten steps away from Yado.

I saw two kinds of energy spells with the same origin but diametrically opposite properties began to collapse inwards at the moment of contact, and the energy was constantly annihilated, and the surrounding space even rippled because of it. .

"What are you looking at, let's go!" There was a hint of anxiety in Chromie's voice, didn't he tell you to run away as soon as the battle started, why are you still here now!Don't you know what a formidable enemy this Time Lord is!
"oh oh."

At this time, Yado wanted to reply, but his mind was numb and he just made a sound of unknown meaning.

He felt as if there was a ball of paste in his head, even though he could hear every word Chromie said clearly, and he even knew that facing such a powerful enemy at this time, escaping from here was the most correct choice.

But the instructions in his mind were difficult to transmit, as if everything became extremely slow.

"When? When you first appeared? I didn't expect you to be so powerful, Ebok!"

Sensing something strange about Ossus, Chromie's eyes showed an extremely solemn look for the first time since the word Ebok appeared.

This time lord actually cast a time slowing spell on Othus at the very beginning, before she even noticed it, partially adjusting the flow of time around Yado and slowing down the passage of time. More than ten times.

"Chromie, the glory of your bronze dragons will never return, and will disappear forever in the torrent of time. Regardless of the past or the future, we will be the world of our eternal dragons. The barrier of time, the great seal of time tearing!"

Ebok's deep and hoarse roar suddenly reverberated, the strange evil made people shudder.

As his words fell, I saw streaks of black energy emanating from his body, and continuously surrounded the surroundings, and quickly wrapped and cut the surrounding space with a radius of nearly [-] meters.

Then these black energies re-gathered in mid-air, turning into a strange symbol, and then disappeared in a flash, slowly blending into the void.

And at the moment when the spell was completed, Yado felt that he had regained control of his limbs, and the time spell on him seemed to have lost its effect.

Although he didn't know what kind of spell the Time Lord was casting, his keen mental power instantly noticed that this space seemed to be isolated from the outside world, forming a separate time domain.

"Damn it, Ebok didn't expect you to be so powerful, but even so, you have to pay for your stupid behavior today!"

Chromie's golden pupils were full of gloom. Unexpectedly, a momentary carelessness caused this Ebok to cast this spell.

This time split seal, a powerful time spell.Although it is only an epic-level time spell, within the scope of this spell splitting, even a legendary-level time spell will be sealed and become useless, and can only be used for physical combat.

In vain, Chromie let out a violent roar, and streaks of pale yellow light immediately emanated from his body.

Immediately, his short and exquisite body began to expand rapidly like a balloon. When the light dissipated, a huge behemoth with bronze scales appeared in front of Yado.

Chromie suddenly revealed her real body, a grown-up bronze dragon that reached the epic high level, coupled with the magic and peculiarity of the time spell, and even possessed legendary combat power.

At this time, under this seal, he can only give up his strongest side, and turn to physical confrontation with the enemy on the opposite side.

"Hehe, Your Excellency Ossus, just stand aside and watch, and I will deal with you after I get rid of this stubborn lizard." Ebok, the time lord, looked at Adoxing like a real gentleman I saluted.

Immediately, a strong fighting intent erupted from the dark eyes of the Time Lord, and his huge figure twisted, and he did not appear to be slow at all.

In an instant, a distance of tens of meters was crossed. Ebok smiled ferociously, and swung the right hand holding the ax violently. The three-meter-long two-handed ax violently pierced the air, making a rumbling sound.

The sound was so loud that Yado could only feel a roar in his ears, and his mind was even dazed for a while.

At this time, Yado looked at him in horror. The ferocious monster-like Time Lord seemed to be able to exert such power just by exerting force lightly, and he was only struck by the aftermath of the sound.

Yado couldn't help but think that if the ax was aimed at himself, he might be shocked to death by the huge sound wave on the spot.

At this moment on the battlefield, in the face of Ebok's fierce attack, Chromie did not retreat but advanced. The same huge figure took steps, even faster than the heavy armored chariot. The huge force even made the ground under his feet They all trembled slightly.

When the bronze-colored giant dragon was about to touch the black dragon beast, its huge body suddenly stopped, turned around, and the nearly three-meter-long dragon tail was violently thrown out by the force of the forward rush.

The common stunt of Azeroth dragons, the tail attack, was skillfully used by Chromie.

The swift and fierce dragon's tail unexpectedly struck Ebok's chest in an instant.At the same time, the big ax in Ebok's hand finally hit the bronze dragon's back.

The violent sound like a thunder explosion erupted in an instant, and the scorching white air wave rolled out. Yaduo, who was standing in the distance, was overturned by this scorching white air wave. It can be seen that two dragons fought against each other. The power of the powerful.

After the blow, Ebok was sent flying, half kneeling on the ground far away, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.There was also a deep wound on Chromy's body, and blood dripping with fiery temperature continued to flow down.

"It's like scratching an itch. The famous Chromie, does he only have this little strength?" The huge black dragon beast wiped the blood from the corner of its mouth, and slowly stood up, its cruel face full of sarcasm.

"Hmph!" Chromie snorted coldly, and two jets of scalding white steam suddenly spurted out from the huge dragon head, "Then come and give it a try!"

A bronze dragon, an eternal dragon, two natural enemies, facing each other at this moment, with only deep murderous intent in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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