wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 384 The Great War

Chapter 384 The Great War
The current Mount Hyjal has been attacked by demons and undead, and the offensive of demons and undead is explosive and unstoppable. A large piece of land has fallen into the hands of undead and demons.

The current Mount Hyjal is only half of the area close to Felwood Forest and Winterspring Valley, and it still maintains its original ecology.

As for the other half near Ashenvale Forest and Azshara, it has become the territory of demons and undead, polluted by evil energy and death energy, and countless natural creatures have been slaughtered.

Looking from a distance, even the flesh above the sky is filled with evil energy and the power of death, filled with an aura of destruction.

In fact, the war on Mount Hyjal has always been going on. The night elves have put more than half of their troops here. At least [-]% of the awakened druids have come here. General Shandris Feather Moon also sent all of Feather Moon Sentinels are thrown in here.

There are dead night elf archers, huntresses riding black panthers, blade throwers, dryads, faerie dragons, and uprooted ancient trees of war, ancient trees of knowledge, and ancient defenders.

Hippogryphs patrol the skies, and stormcrows accompany them, along with many other groups of powerful creatures that Cenarius summons.

"Hey! That's the tortoise demigod Tortola!"

Yado rode on a hippogryph, and cast his eyes on the World Tree a few kilometers away, and then at the entrance of the World Tree Valley, he saw a huge tortoise.

Two days ago, he felt that Mannoroth was the biggest creature he had ever seen. He never expected to see a creature bigger than Mannoroth today, the tortoise and demigod Tortola.

This demigod of the wilderness has been active since the War of the Ancients. Over the long years, its tortoise shell has already been covered with a thick layer of rocks.

Its skin is gray and covered with a rock-hard cuticle.Just by looking at it, one can feel the tyrannical vitality and strong defense.

It lay quietly by the pond, which was not even as big as his head.

Tortola, the demigod of the tortoise, is a real life at the level of the sixth-level true spirit.

The War of the Ancients 1 years ago faced the first invasion of the Burning Legion.

Cenarius, the king of the forest, summoned the gods of the wilderness to help, and then almost all the demigods died, Malorne, the waykeeper, the most powerful demigod, the immortal giant wild boar demigod Agamaggan, the wild bear The demigod Ursoc, the ancient wolf god Lagash Godrin, etc., these demigods all gave their lives in that battle.

And Toltola, the demigod who finally covered the retreat of the coalition forces, survived in the end.

Because even if it is as powerful as the Dread Demon King and the Lord of the Abyss, it will not be able to break through its defenses.The only threat to it was Archimonde, but before Archimonde could deal with it, he was sent back to the Twisting Nether by the power of Kalimdor and the explosion of the Well of Eternity.

However, although Tortola did not die, that unprecedented battle still consumed too much energy for him, coupled with the nature of the tortoise, so for most of the next 1 years, this The tortoise demigod has been sleeping somewhere in Mount Hyjal until the demons of the Burning Legion came to Mount Hyjal again and woke it up.

Archimonde and the Burning Legion came to this world again, and most of the demigods from back then were gone, so it was naturally its turn to guard the world.

"Hello, patrons of the moon and followers of the Naaru."

A voice as rich as Hong Zhongda Lu's voice sounded in Yaduo's mind, and he was instinctively startled. Who was talking?
Then Yado looked in the sensed direction, and saw that the huge tortoise and demigod Tortola, who was facing the World Tree, had turned around at some point.

A pair of huge amber eyes, filled with a gentle light of wisdom.

Tortoise, the demigod Tortoise, wants to see him and Susie.

Although I don't know what the other party's reason is, but I think there will be no malicious intentions.

Yado greeted Susie, and the two rode the hippogryph, and soon came to the side of the tortoise demigod Tortola.

Soon, they came to Tortola.

"Hello, Tortoll, the demigod of the tortoise."

Yado maintained enough respect for a powerhouse of the True Spirit series.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such an energetic young man. It's really strange. I've never seen Elune, the moon god, bestow divine power on a human being."

Torla's voice sounded, mellow like a real elder.

In this world, human beings are not the chosen ones.The night elves are the ones, after all, they have eternal life, great strength, outstanding talent, protection from the demigods of the wilderness, and even the mysterious goddess of the moon, Elune, has always loved the night elves.

Therefore, after meeting such a human being blessed by the Moon God, Thor couldn't help but want to see what kind of human being could be blessed by the Moon God.

"What a pure soul, it is even clearer than the water in the Well of Eternity. No wonder, the Moon God will bless you."

Thor dragged his feet quickly and noticed the difference in Susie. He had never seen such a pure soul, even more pure than the souls of many demigods.

Such an existence, if there are no accidents, will one day become a demigod, even a god.

No wonder that moon god would give a blessing to a human being.

Then it looked at the human man, a human archmage, a young human archmage, who can become an archmage at this age, and his talent has even surpassed most of the high elves.

But what shocked it the most was that it saw the power of criss-crossing rules in this human being, a power that only the most powerful demigods can begin to grasp.

But the human being in front of him can actually bear this kind of power.

"Archimonde is coming, and this place will soon become unsafe. The future battles will be very fierce, so please accept a little blessing."

Archimonde is approaching here, and there is no way to hide it. At that level of life, no matter where it is, as long as it cannot be hidden, it will be as dazzling as the sun in the dark night.

Therefore, Archimonde's movements have always been very transparent in the eyes of the high-level coalition forces.

Following Thor's drawn-out words, two quintessential rays of light floated out from its body, and then fell on Yado and Susie.

The blessing of the demigod fell on him.

Yado felt that now his own defense power was greatly increased. Even ordinary demon guards might not be able to break through his defense at this time, which greatly enhanced the survivability of the two mages.

After thanking, Yado and Susie left.This is the night elf defense position.

The two of them have to go to the human camp to meet with Jaina. As the first line of defense, humans are definitely the line of defense that will suffer the most violent attacks.

Therefore, the two of them had already promised Jaina that once the final battle came, they would definitely help them.

"General Necintus, take your men to the east for support!"

"General Halford, I will give you ten more mages, and you must hold the line. There are no more mages, there are only so many."

"The priest took out all the holy water. The weapons and armor of all soldiers must be soaked in holy water. At least everyone must have holy water on them. Only holy water can inflict the greatest damage on the undead!"

"Lord Gavinrad, let the Knights of the Silver Hand guard the front. I believe that only the paladins of the Silver Hand can complete this task."

"Remember, hold on, we only need to hold on for half an hour, not just 10 minutes, and it will be fine."

Although they have assembled and united all the forces that can be united as much as possible, because their main city was attacked, the promised mechanized troops could not come. The dwarves also had to defend Lordaeron from the natural disaster because of internal problems. So only a small number of dwarf musketeers were sent, and only a small number of griffin riders came.

The Knights of the Silver Hand suffered a heavy blow from natural disasters, and only one-fifth of the original number were able to participate in the battle. Including the remaining army of Lordaeron, there were no more than [-] people.

The more serious blow is that they don't have many mages. Because Dalaran was destroyed, most of the mages have died, so there are not too many mages who can participate in the battle now.

Fortunately, these days, they built a lot of defensive facilities, densely packed arrow towers, and five mage towers.

Although the strength is insufficient, she is still confident that she can hold out for half an hour.

A few months ago, she was a mage apprentice learning spells in Dalaran, and now, although she already has the spellcasting ability and knowledge reserve of the archmage level, she has not had time to be awarded the "Kirin Tor Archmage". " title.

Dalaran has already fallen, and Archmage Antonidas also died in Dalaran.

There is a rule in Dalaran that as long as you don't get the formal permission of the teacher and don't take the Mage Appraisal Examination in Creto, you will always be a mage apprentice no matter how powerful you are.

Of course, it is not needed now, she has been approved by Archmage Modera and Archmage Ansrem, and officially becomes the Kirin Tor Archmage.

Although Jaina has achieved such brilliant achievements, coupled with her noble status, she led the refugees from Lordaeron across the sea to Kalimdor and established the city.

But when it comes to marching and fighting, she has little experience.And he also doesn't have extraordinary commander-in-chief charisma.

General Necintus of Ironforge participated in World War II. He has made outstanding achievements in battle. He killed orcs with a shotgun, and he could pile up a hill. Do you think such a person will obey a little girl?

General Halford Rebain is a veteran general in the human kingdom.

Participated in World War I and World War II, and followed Marshal Lothar, and his qualifications are no less than that of General Marcus.

Even if King Varian asked him to obey his orders no matter how much he did come to this land, he would still be responsible for the soldiers he brought.Any unreasonable order will be rejected by him mercilessly
Only High Lord Gavinrad, the High Lord of the Knights of the Silver Hand, sincerely obeyed her orders, and was able to give many useful suggestions like a loyal combat staff officer.

Jaina knew that these people were not malicious, nor did they have to embarrass themselves.

Now everyone who can come has come, but there are still two archmages who have not come. If they can arrive in time, then these two masters who are proficient in defense and group attack will definitely be able to minimize the casualties of the entire battle .

During this period of time, the undead and demons launched a fierce attack on the camp every once in a while, and became more and more crazy.

But she knew that the real test was coming, because Archimonde was coming.

These demons and undead naturally wanted to clear the way for the supreme leader, so they ended their tentative attacks, and believed that they would soon launch their final onslaught.

Soon, scouts reported that those demons and undead began to launch a general attack.

It didn't take long to see countless brainless undead, skeleton warriors, more than 50 abominations, hundreds of ghouls, and thirty psychics rushing towards the camp.

And at the end, there is a grand lich.

It was a grand lich in the legendary realm, and the energy fluctuations all over his body were only a little worse than Kel'Thuzad's, exuding palpitating energy fluctuations.

This time, the undead came out in force and launched an attack.

As has always been the case with the Burning Legion, the undead lead the charge with every attack.

"Reki Winterhan" Jaina took a breath of air.

During this time, she and her army fought no less than dozens of battles with demons and undead, and obtained a lot of useful information.

The number of demons is not as many as imagined, but most of them are elite fighters. Although the number of undead seems endless, most of them are ordinary blood soldiers, and even the individual is worse than ordinary human soldiers .

However, there are also strong people among the undead, just like this great lich who was teleported from the North Pole and whose origins are unknown, and is the supreme commander of the undead army this time.

Possesses a power second only to Kel'Thuzad, a spellcasting ability no less than that of an archmage, and is extremely good at ice spells.

In the past few battles, the Grand Lich never made a move, but at the last moment, the Grand Lich finally made a move.

Now that he is here, even if the newly built alliance base less than a week old can block it, how many lives will be paid as a price?
Jaina gritted her teeth. At this moment, how much she longed for Yado to come. After all, the opponent's lightning spells can greatly restrain the undead.

With the howl of war, the undead began to attack. The sea of ​​undead all over the mountains and plains launched a general attack on the defense line of the human camp like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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