wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 381 Felwood Forest

Chapter 381 Felwood Forest

1 years ago, before the outbreak of the War of the Ancients, the demons had not yet entered Azeroth.

The Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend and the mysterious Pandaria, were once one vast world.

At that time, because of the powerful energy, most of the world was surrounded by emerald green. At that time, Azeroth was as beautiful as heaven.

But after Queen Azshara went insane, the Highborne summoned demons, and released into Azeroth these beings who were born with destructive, tainting fel.

As a result, the War of the Ancients broke out, and all life in Azeroth, the dragon army, and many demigods of the wilderness all began to fight the demons.

That battle was extremely tragic. The Well of Eternity exploded and the entire continent was torn apart. Many demigods of the wilderness lost their bodies and had to return to the Emerald Nightmare. Malfurion also fell into a deep sleep in order to repair the wounds of the earth.
After the collapse of the sky, until now, even though 1 years have passed, these places still have not been restored.

Such as Azshara, such as Durotar, the Barrens, and Felwood.

But there is a big difference in this. Except for Felwood, other places are just a little barren.

But Felwood has been contaminated by evil energy for 1 years and cannot be cured.

This piece of land has suffered the most serious trauma, and the dark green fel energy has polluted the entire forest.

Even now, there are still demons and satyrs entrenched in many places in Felwood Forest. Even many ancient trees that have lived for more than 1 years are still in a distorted and evil state. Even the lake and river water contain evil energy. and severe toxins.

Few creatures can survive here, more are twisted lives transformed by fel energy and shadow.

Yado still remembers that this place once produced many good minerals and herbs, such as Grom, Monroe Flower, Khadgar's Beard, Rich Thorium, Arcane Crystal, etc., as well as the legendary radish.

But at the time, I didn't think about why this Felwood Forest was so different from other places that were also polluted by evil energy.

Now, the demons are back again.

Heading north from the Ashen Valley, passing through a mountain path covered by woods, Yado and Susie entered this land contaminated by evil energy.

Three days later, Yado came to a small night elf camp on the halfway of a certain mountain.

This is the last camp set up by the druids in Felwood Forest, and there are several elf druids guarding here.

Their main job is to monitor the demons here and report the activities of these demons.

The location of this camp was also obtained by Susie by virtue of her status as a priest of the moon god.

"Humans, you shouldn't be here." Yado and the others didn't hide their stars, so the druids naturally saw these two powerful human mages.

Because of the strength of the people who came, these druids did not act rashly, otherwise they would have arrested the two invading humans long ago.

"We bring orders from Tyrande!"

Susie revealed her identity as a moon priest, and it was easy to gain the respect of these druids. Then they reported to Susie and Yado the information in the forest these days.

In the past few days, the actions of the demons have been very strange. These guys scattered into the forest, as if they were looking for something.

When Yado heard this, his heart immediately lit up. It seemed that Tichondrius had come to this forest. Is he looking for the Skull of Gul'dan?
Eastern Kingdoms, somewhere in Lordaeron.

Arthas waited patiently on the top of a grassy hill. He knew that the man would definitely appear and Kel'Thuzad would never betray him.

The arrival of Archimonde took over the entire Scourge Legion forcefully, and this desperately powerful demon seemed to ignore the Lich King as if it was a tool that had been disliked, and even had a little hostility.

Arthas chose to remain silent. He did not believe that he could lie with a straight face like Kel'Thuzad.

"Hmph, arrogant guy!" Alsace spat hard.

The demons had treated him and Kel'Thuzad as nobody, and he wanted to show them how wrong they were.

"The third part of the plan, which is the real core part of the Legion invasion." The main force of the demons has left, so now Kel'Thuzad will also start the Lich King's plan.

Arthas remembered what Kel'Thuzad had said before, that the Lich King had a detailed and complete plan to get out of trouble.

The first step is to create the Scourge, invade Lordaeron, attack Dalaran, and then summon Archimonde.

And once the Burning Legion came to this world, in order to restore its strength and summon Sargeras to descend, it would inevitably devour all the magic power and take all the lives.

Therefore, they must destroy the thing that contains the most original and purest life essence of Azeroth.So these demons have crossed the sea to Kalimdor, the sacred tree of Kaldorei on Mount Hyjal, and the world tree is their target.

"Kaldorei? Quel'dorei, I know. Are they another kind of elves?" Arthas was confused, he was never a good student, and he didn't study these disturbing things well at all. .

"It's the native species, don't worry about these details. The key is that we must prevent the Legion from getting what it wants, and among the Kaldorei, there is one person who will help us." Kel'Thuzad corrected, and he waved his hand indifferently.

"Now, it's time for us to act."

So just like that, Kel'Thuzad used magic to transport Alsace to this distant continent, and landed on a monstrous and terrifying mountain.

It is not difficult to see that this place was once a forest full of vitality, but now, Alsace has seen the evil results caused by the legion.

The earth, the vegetation, the animals, they did not die, but were corrupted and turned into deformed demonic creatures.

Soon a figure appeared on the top of another hill.Alsace smiled, the person he was waiting for finally arrived.

This night elf was indeed very different from those Qudorei.

The elf's skin was light purple, with light green magic patterns engraved on it, and numerous scars, as if it was the product of some kind of ritual.

His eyes were covered with black cloth, but it didn't seem to affect his actions in the slightest.

He holds a pair of ring-shaped war blades in his hands. This weapon has two blades with serrated edges, and a sickly green light shines on them, the kind of brilliance infected by demonic energy.

So, this guy has dealt with demons before.

This elf is Illidan Stormrage, his face is full of hatred and anger, obviously he has a long-standing grudge, and as Kel'Thuzad said, he is eager for revenge and power.

"Who are you, you smell of death, human, I will make you regret coming close to me." Illidan roared.

"Are you sure it will be like that, demon hunter?" Arthas' voice came from afar.

Arthas sneered, eager for a good one-on-one fight.

So the enemies of these two fates began the fiercest battle.

It was almost like a dance, Arthas thought as the two fighters faced each other.

The two moved quickly and powerfully, and also mastered a certain degree of spellcasting ability.The two are indeed evenly matched,
After a short while, both fighters stepped back, panting heavily.

"We can fight like this forever, but it's meaningless, tell me human, what do you want to do?" Illidan said.

Arthas put down Frostmourne, "In this forest, there is a dreadlord named Tichondrius, who commands many armies of undead and demons here. This dreadlord is using a thing called Gul'dan The Warlock Artifact of the Skull is polluting this forest."

Flying forest, blood poison waterfall.

Illidan walked quickly in the dark forest, his brows were tightly wrinkled, obviously preoccupied.

Half a day ago, he met a human being full of the power of death. This human called himself Alsace, and he was carrying a powerful weapon full of magic power.

This human seemed to be waiting for him somewhere, and told him that Tichondrius, the demon king of fear, had occupied the ancient lair where he was held, and polluted the land with an artifact called "Skull of Gul'dan". There are hundreds of demons protecting him.

Then, he got into a fight with Arthas.Of course, this is also to test his hand, if possible, he doesn't mind killing this dead guy.

Although he became a demon hunter, Illidan's heart was also full of delays for these evil forces. This was the most essential feeling from the elves, even for him.

He uses fel energy to deal with demons, never because he likes such power!
"Alsace? The strength is not bad..."

Illidan had to admit that although he didn't do his best, the strength shown by the opponent shocked him.It seems that 1 years of captivity have made his blade rusty.

That's almost as much power as him!No matter the opponent's combat skills, energy level, or even the weapons used, they are on par with him.

If they don't stop, they can keep fighting and there will never be any results!
"Although that human being has his own conspiracy, it doesn't matter to me."

Illidan rushed towards the road he came from. He wanted to rush to the beast's den quickly to find the fear lord named Tichondrius.

Illidan did not hide his tracks, he is such a powerful demon hunter, he went all the way, hunting demons.

As a demon hunter, his mission is to fight against the Burning Legion and hunt demons.

Even as he hunted more and more, he became more and more courageous because he was able to absorb the power of demons and become stronger!
Half a day later, Illidan still came near the sleeping den.

Tichondrius is difficult to deal with, not only because this guy is powerful, but also because this fear devil has always been known for his insidiousness and cunning, and will flee once he encounters disadvantage.

And this guy's escape level is extremely high, and he has escaped from almost certain death situations many times.

After Yado learned about the dreaded demon king from the information provided by the druids, he and Susie started hunting down the dreaded demon king.

The two walked through the jungle very quickly, and soon came to the place suggested by the information. This was not the animal den, but a forest not far from the animal den where Illidan used to sleep.

Strong energy fluctuations, obviously there are two strong people fighting there.

The same demon energy, one of which is Tichondrius, and the other, Yado has no impression.

But obviously, only Illidan was able to fight with such powerful demonic energy at this time.

Sure enough, Yado and Susie saw the battle ahead.

I saw a tall night elf holding a pair of emerald green double blades, fighting with a large group of demons.

The night elf was blindfolded with a black cloth, but it obviously didn't affect his attack at all. He was tyrannical, and every time he attacked, a large number of demons would fall down.

And Tichondrius obviously didn't intend to fight Illidan head-on, he was constantly harassing and attacking, and without thinking about it, he knew that the demon was planning to use these miscellaneous soldiers to consume Illidan's power.

Then, when it was about the same time, this guy would make a move to kill this guy who even felt a great threat to him.

"Huh? That's the head of Gul'dan!"

Yado looked across the battle group and easily saw the skull placed on the altar by the lake. He felt the powerful evil power contained in it. Yado didn't know yet that this skull was like The legendary head of Gul'dan.

"Rage Thunder Grid!"

Yado didn't go directly to snatch the artifact, but was going to deal with the demon army here first.

Strong lightning appeared from the sky, and then quickly formed a huge power grid, covering those demons.

Of course, such magical power cannot directly kill these demons, but the electric energy in it can temporarily paralyze them.

And Illidan has extremely rich combat experience, so of course he never replayed this opportunity, he immediately charged, the double blades in his hand fluttered like a butterfly, his speed was extremely fast, almost within seconds During the time, hundreds of attacks were cut out.

All the demons attacked by his war blade were cut into several pieces.

Just this attack reduced the number of demon army present by one-third.

"Damn it, it's you two again, this time I won't let you escape again!"

Tichondrius naturally saw these two humans who suddenly appeared.In Lordaeron, these two guys slipped away from his hands. This time, he would not let these two humans escape again.

(End of this chapter)

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