wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 376 The Treasure House

Chapter 376 The Treasure House
After Yado and Susie left Violet Fort, they went to the Great Library in Dalaran.

The Great Library is the most important building in Dalaran except for the Violet Fortress, where there is a collection of books in Dalaran.

And this is also the points exchange place for the mages in the whole Dalarang.In Dalaran, in addition to gold coins and magic crystals, mage points are also hard currency.

The two of them are going to sell some spells to Dalaran here in exchange for points, and then use these points to buy all magic items and potions with special effects.

Although the two of them also carried a lot of gold coins, the gold coins can only buy some low-level magic items in Dalaran. Those really high-level things must be purchased through mage points.

This is done not only to prevent the outflow of Dalaran's resources and knowledge, but also to inspire the enthusiasm of the mage apprentices in Dalaran and devote themselves to the task more enthusiastically.

This will also prevent the poor mage from having no way to rise.

"These spells are indeed not included in the Dalaran book, are you going to sell them all?"

Fermat, the middle-level mage who was in charge of point exchange in the Great Library, couldn't help but wiped the sweat from his forehead when he saw the spells that the high-level mage had brought out in front of him.

This high-level mage is really too powerful. There are so many spells, from low-level to high-level, covering five fields, twelve small categories, and a total of 230 six spells.

This is also the first time he has seen someone who can produce so many unrecorded spells at once during the many years he has held this position.

And in his opinion, many spells are not the kind of early versions that were created on a whim. These spells are all spells that have been tempered and can be used directly without any adverse consequences.

This is simply beyond his imagination.

"My lord, are you sure you want to exchange all these spells for points?" Intermediate Mage Fermat confirmed again.

This exchange is very likely to be the most important exchange since he took up his duties, so in order not to make any mistakes, he asked again to confirm.

"That's right, let's do the math, how many mage points are there in total for these spells." Yado replied with confirmation.

"Wait a minute!" The intermediate wizard Fermat quickly began to use special magic tools to evaluate the spells provided by Yaduo by category.

Soon, the points of these spell values ​​appeared on the display board of the magic weapon.

"A total of 250 three kinds of spells, including 110 low-level spells, 79 middle-level spells, and 64 high-level spells."

"A low-level spell costs 120 points, 110 two spells, a total of 440 points. An intermediate spell costs 560 points, a total of 240 points, and a high-level spell costs [-] points, a total of [-] Sixteen thousand points."

"If you sell the plan, the big picture officer can pay you a total of 15 mage points."

Soon, the intermediate mage Fermat calculated all the values ​​of these spells.Hearing this number, even Yaduo couldn't help being stunned, obviously he didn't expect these spells to be so valuable.

After all, most of these spells can be obtained at a very small cost in the wizarding world, and there is no difficulty at all.

But in this world, to be able to exchange for such points, this is what Yado did not expect at the beginning.

"Change, of course!"

"OK, just a second."

Seeing that the other party agreed to change it, the intermediate wizard Fermat quickly took out a golden card from the side drawer, with a light blue crystal inlaid on it, which looked extraordinary.

"Please check it, there are a total of 15 mage points." Fermat intermediate wizard said.

Soon, after confirming that it was correct, Yado took Susie and left the big library.

Then the two started a crazy buying mode. The two of them quickly walked through the various magic shops in the city, constantly harvesting various magic weapons, equipment, potions, and potions in Dalaran. Purchased quite a few engineering artifacts.

For example, a mechanical Road Hog with a price of [-] gold coins. This thing uses the Titan energy core flowing from Ulduar, uses a frame made of smelted black iron ore, and adds all kinds of characters carved and drawn by its own mage. The magic circle allowed this mechanical Roadhog to reach a super fast speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

The price is only [-] gold coins, which is obviously not expensive. For the two wealthy people, Yaduo and Susie, it is nothing at all.

Of course, the goblin merchant who sold them the mechanical Roadhog, Marlin Hardclaw, would not tell them that these mechanical Roadhogs of his use inferior Titan energy cores, and the total cruising range is only [-] kilometers.

These green-skinned guys are born businessmen and also born profiteers.

The crazy shopping of the two lasted for a whole day. One of them bought a storm suit. The casting speed increased by 20.00%, the casting power increased by 15.00%, the mana recovery rate increased by 5.00%, and it came with a storm shield spell.

Although each set is worth [-] points, it is obviously worth the money.

It wasn't until night fell that they spent all their points and gold coins. They bought a large amount of supplies, and they were ready for a small battle.

But in the end, the two of them still couldn't find any suitable weapons. After all, as wizards, they were more suitable for fighting with magic swords.

And after they inquired about the news, they knew that there might be something they needed in the treasure house of Dalaran.

At night, the two of them spent the night in the hero's house in the city.

The next day, the sun was just rising.

"Susie, Jaina will return here in three days. At that time, that's when we get in touch with her."

This is the news that Yado went out early in the morning to find out, because in the memory of her previous life, Jaina led refugees for the last time, after the city of Dalaran was broken, she led a large number of mages and refugees from the Kingdom of Dalaran across the sea of.

So now Yado and the others can wait for this action, and of course they have to wait until Alsace leads the army to break through Dalaran and summon Archimonde.

At that time, Jaina will lead the remaining power of Dalaran across the sea under the entrustment of Antonidas.

At that time, they will inevitably open the treasure house of Dalaran and unlock all the magic seals in it.

At that time, it was also the best time for them to sneak into the treasure house of Dalaran.

Now, there is only waiting for the arrival of Alsace.

Day by day, Jaina returned to Dalaran and met with Antonidas. No outsider knew what the two talked about.

But since that day, the atmosphere in Dalaran has become tense. The number of mages on the streets has increased sharply, and all of them are wearing lavender Kirin Tor mage robes. These people are exactly Dalaran. Law Enforcement Mage.

Yado could see that they arranged and repaired the entire city magic circle, raising a layer of defensive cover around the entire city.

And this layer of defensive cover is designed to restrain the undead. The defensive cover can absorb and transform the power of the undead from a distance, so no matter how many undead come, as long as there is no power to break the shield with one blow, the shield will become stronger and stronger. powerful.

So in theory, this shield is the nemesis of the Scourge. As long as the shield exists for one day, it is absolutely impossible for the Scourge to break through Dalaran.

No wonder Antonidas didn't seem too anxious about the news of the Scourge Legion. It turned out that they had already researched such a magic circle.

With this kind of magic circle that specializes in defeating the undead, you really don't need to pay too much attention to the Scourge.Because no matter what, they can remain invincible in Dalaran.

However, Antonidas may not have heard a word, that is, strong fortresses are often breached from the inside.

And among the Scourge, there happened to be a person who knew the details of Dalaran, Kel'Thuzad, a member of the former Dalaran Council of Six.

Soon a shocking news began to spread in Dalaran.

The Scourge captured the ancient elven kingdom of Quel'Lath, and Arthas killed the Sun King Anasteria, defiled the well water of the Sunwell, and resurrected the necromancer Kel'Thuzad.

Now the Scourge Legion, which has become even larger and composed of various undead, began to return to the south, and according to various intelligences, their goal is Dalaran!

Time passed day by day, in the early morning of the seventh day.

Outside Dalaran City, a gloomy and cold voice sounded.

"Mages of the Kirin Tor! I am Arthas, the number one death knight of the Lich King! I want you to open the city gates and surrender to the Scourge immediately!"

Alsace is invincible, striding forward, watching Dalaran coldly.His voice is blessed by magic, and he believes that everyone in the city can hear it.

At this moment, when the voice echoes in Dalaran.

Yado and Susie, who were in some corner, couldn't help raising their heads, and they said softly, it's time.

At the same time, in Violet Castle.

"Hello, Prince Arthas." Antonidas said loudly. "How is your honorable father?"

"My lord Antonidas! My father is fine. If possible, I think you will meet him soon." Alsace replied.

"We are ready for your arrival, Arthas." Antonidas continued calmly.

"We have already set up a defensive enchantment, which can destroy any undead that breaks in."

"Your poor magic can't stop me, Antonidas. You've probably heard what happened to Quel'Thalas? They thought they were invulnerable, too. But it took me less than a day to disintegrate their last The proud defensive enchantment trampled those proud elves under their feet."

Alsace didn't take Antonidas' words to heart at all, because at this moment, Kel'Thuzad led his men and sneaked into Dalaran.

"Son, I have a bad premonition, go and carry out that plan, and take everything you can take away. I will stay here to stop them."

Antonidas did not answer Alsace, but turned to Jaina beside him.

Dalaran cannot be destroyed in his hands, even though he has confidence in the outer barrier, but now he is still going to transfer those things in Dalaran.

Dalaran Vault,
Most of the civilians in the city, some ineffective mage apprentices, and talented low-level mages have all been transferred out.

Now the finishing touches are going on, which is to take away the most powerful pieces of magic equipment in Dalaran.

These magical artifacts are usually sealed in the treasure house of Dalaran, and will be taken out once they meet a suitable mage.

The treasury is usually protected by three strong and difficult-to-break spells, but now these defenses have all been opened, and it seems that they have been cracked by violent means.

"Who are you? Why are you here! Put it down, or I will make you regret it."

As soon as Jaina entered the treasure house, she knew something was wrong, because the treasure house had already been opened.

And she really saw an evil figure, a figure covered in a black robe, holding a leather book emitting a miserable green light in his hand.

That kind of Pigiana is very clear, it is human skin, and the entire book is made of human skin.

"Oh, look, who is this, Miss Jaina Proudmoore, the most talented mage in the history of Dalaran, and you have become a senior mage in just a few days. , you will definitely become one of the most powerful mages on the ground of Azeroth. But now, you are not my opponent, leave here, I will pretend that I have never seen you."

The black-robed figure turned his head, and saw a pale skeleton inside, with a pair of horns growing on top of the skeleton, and ice-blue flames flickering in the eye sockets.

"I've heard this voice before, you are Kel'Thuzad!" said Jaina Tree.

"Yes, it's me. You stubborn guys stopped my research, and now I'm back. One last time, for Alsace's sake, let's go."

Before Kel'Thuzad came to a wall, there was a shield, and inside the shield was an ice-blue rapier. It seemed that this necromancer took a fancy to holding a magic sword in the shield.

So he began to crack the shield in front of him like no one else was there, and the magic power full of withering power was constantly corroding the translucent shield.

The shield disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, after the power of the Sunwell, the power of Kel'Thuzad has become even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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