wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 374 The Battle of Andorhal (2)

Chapter 374 The Battle of Andorhal ([-])
In the middle of the night, Gavinrad stood on the height of the sentry tower holding the holy hammer.

There is no moon today, making it extremely dark.

According to the latest information, the traitorous Prince His Royal Highness is about to arrive, and his scouts found the traces of the undead army thirty miles away.

In other words, the army of the undead may arrive here at any time.

Although Ossus bought them a day, they finally transferred all the living people in Andorhal.

At this time, the finishing touches are being carried out, preparing to burn all the corpses in the destination outside Andorhal.

After all, there are too many corpses in this cemetery.After decades of accumulation, hundreds of thousands of corpses have accumulated in this cemetery, and tens of thousands of them can become raw materials for the Scourge Legion. Once used by the other party, it will inevitably cause great harm.

There is no way to do this, the expansion speed of the Scourge is too fast, day by day, they will have a steady stream of supplementary soldiers, and the strength of these bones will increase every day, and they will soon accumulate to make people unable to number of confrontations.

Therefore, in order to prevent the expansion of the Scourge Legion, not only the living people must be evacuated, but the corpses of the dead must also be burned.

Only in this way can the expansion of the Scourge be curbed.

Of course, the most important thing is to find the body of the death mage!
"The notice goes on. After burning the last batch of corpses, we will retreat to the second line of defense."

Looking at the vast night, Gavinrad commanded, he was restless and always felt that something was about to happen.

But immediately, he laughed at himself, he had already fought for a long time, but now he was more and more worried about gains and losses.

Could it be that people will change unconsciously when they get older?

At this moment, the piercing siren sounded.

Flames flickered throughout the camp, and figures ran staggered.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Gavinrad shouted loudly.

"Lord, those corpses have come back to life, they have become undead." His adjutant brought the latest news.

"Don't panic, everyone stay in formation, stick to the line of defense, and retreat back into the line of defense." Gavin Ladd ordered.

The corpse suddenly turned into an undead, so it was obvious that Arthas was coming, and the Scourge was coming.

Sure enough, as if to confirm Gavin Ladd's guess, dozens of dark green medicine barrels emitting a foul smell also flew into the defense line of the human defenders in the night.

Immediately, those dark green wooden barrels exploded, and the foul-smelling gas contained in them spread out all at once.

Suddenly, dozens of ordinary soldiers who were close to the gas struggled and shouted one by one and turned into undead. Then these newly undead roared and pounced on the living people closest to them.

A hole was torn open in the defense line in an instant, and at this moment, a large number of undead also rushed up from the darkness.

Seeing this scene, Gavin Ladd's eyes were tearing apart.A bright holy light gushed out from his body, and sacred golden radiance radiated to the surroundings.

He jumped off the sentry tower with a single leap, and then with a strong holy light, he rushed into the pile of undead and blocked the gap.

He wields the holy hammer, and with each blow, he can hammer large pieces of undead into the air. Wherever the holy light passes, he is invincible.

"Since the knight order has been disbanded, there should be no paladins."

With a low voice, the undead unconsciously gave way to a passage, and Alsace drove invincible to the front of the formation.

He looked at the angry paladin in front of him. He was tall, burly and dignified. He didn't wear a helmet. The big beard reminded Alsace of his memory.

"It's you, Gavin Ladd! Get out of the way, I won't kill you for the sake of past friendship!"

"Where's the warhammer? Where's the warhammer I gave you? It's a weapon of honor! And honor must never be discarded!" Gavinrad cursed angrily.

"I have a better weapon now." With that, Arthas held up Frostmourne, the runeblade gleaming hungrily in his hand.

"Get out of the way, my brother, I don't want to hurt you."

"If you want to fight, fight, there is so much nonsense!"

Gavin Ladd roared, and the holy light on his whole body became more intense, and it appeared even more dazzling in the dark night sky.

His weapon shone brightly, and at this moment, his whole body exploded with a power far beyond normal.

But these alone were not enough, the Lich King's power filled the death knight's half-dead body, and he knew that Gavinrad would definitely be defeated.

Arthas drew his sword, and his free strikes, the power of death and ice, made his opponent tired, and he teased him.

Arthas drew out his sword and whispered softly, "When I kill you, and then awaken your body as a slave, and let you follow my orders. Gavinrad, that is the shame of the Silver Hand. "

"No, your plot will not succeed, the Holy Light will surely overcome everything!"

Gavinrad's eyes are full of enthusiasm for the Holy Light and fierceness towards the enemy.

"Then, the only thing I can do is let you fall down!"

Alsace exerted all his strength, and the rune sword struck fiercely, carrying Feng Xue with a single blow and chopped Gavinrad into the air.

"It's over! My brother."

Alsace charged again, he raised the rune sword high, and was about to stab down fiercely.


At this moment, with a loud shout, a burst of thunderous power emerged from the darkness in the distance, hit the rune sword, deflected the blade of the rune sword, and pierced Gavinrad's body to the side among the land.

"Ossus, it's you again!"

When Alsace missed the target with his sword and was about to attack again, Gavin Rad had already taken advantage of this time to retreat far away, not to mention that there were Osseus and another archmage in front.

"I met His Royal Highness again, but it's just like before, today is not like the moment of our decisive battle."

"Hmph, this time I won't let you escape easily!"

Alsace gave an order, and a large swath of undead suddenly rushed forward.

It's just that he is destined to be disappointed. Unless the archmage wants to escape with the same level of mages to restrain him, no amount of low-level troops will be useless.

Fortunately, Alsace was just talking, he still knew his main task this time.

He had left Kel'Thuzad's body to rot that day, but apparently loyal followers had carefully buried the necromancer's remains in a small hidden tomb.

Because it is very secret, so very fortunately, Kel'Thuzad's body was not destroyed.

The acolytes of the Damned Sect rushed forward, found the tomb, pushed open the top cover, and quickly lifted out the coffin inside.

Arthas touched the coffin with his foot and smiled.

"Come out, Necromancer." As the coffin was loaded into the back of a meat grinder, Arthas said mockingly, "The power you once served needs you again."


A deep and hoarse voice sounded, which surprised Alsace, and then he saw a translucent figure emerge, it was Kel'Thuzad.

"I told you a long time ago that my death is not critical to the overall situation."

There was arrogance and mockery in the necromancer's voice, as well as newness and loyalty.

This self-contradictory feeling really made him feel very weird.

"Hmph!" Alsace snorted coldly, but did not respond to him.

"It seems that my prince is in trouble."

The necromancer was suspended in mid-air, black rays of light shot out from the two eye sockets, and a sly smile flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Your damned apprentice, Ossus, remember, but he made me trouble a lot." Alsace said.

"This is really unexpected. If I remember correctly, he is just a mage apprentice."

"No, I have become an archmage now."

"Hehe, I really look forward to seeing him sooner. But now, you have to find me a place to stay. This corpse obviously won't last long."

Kel'Thuzad's body was so rotten that the stench could be smelled from such a distance.

Unless a special container is found to protect his body, the fellow will be a puddle of ichor without reaching Quel'Thalas.

Alsace's expression sank when he heard that, he knew where such a container was.

Andorhal, cross the South Gate Bridge, and then to the east is a mountain range.

Uther led a troop of paladins, a small funeral procession, who escorted King Tenaris' urn forward.

Prepare to bury this benevolent His Majesty the King in this mountain range.

"Uther, aren't you leaving!" Gavinrad asked after chasing him up from behind.

Andorhal has completely fallen, and those undead are heading here. I believe it won't be long before those guys will come here.

"No, I must bury the late king."

Uther shook his head, his tone was flat, but Gavinrad knew that Uther always said what he said.

This is the same as his firm belief. Once a goal is identified, it will be practiced to the end.

"Let's go, Alsace was taught by me, and I bear the unshirkable responsibility."

As Uther said, he wanted to stay, not only to bury Tenaris, but also to wait for Alsace, and he wanted to have an explanation for what Alsace had done.

After all, His Royal Highness, he taught him personally.

"May the Holy Light bless you!"

Gavin Ladd was no longer persuading, he put his chest on his chest with one hand, saluted the old paladin, and then disappeared into the vast rain.

Arthas led the army across the southern bridge of Andorhal, and would soon catch up with the small funeral procession.

The funeral procession was full of good paladins, but they were few in number and could easily be completely surrounded.

They drew their weapons, but instead of attacking immediately, they turned their heads and waited for the order from the man holding the urn.

"I didn't expect you to come anyway." Uther said, his tone was as fierce as a whip. "I prayed that I wouldn't run into you."

In Uther's eyes, there was a hint of disappointment, even despair.

He completely lost the last hope in his heart to Alsace.

Alsace trembled slightly, his voice was hoarse and slow, he tilted his head slightly, and Uther's eyes hurt him.

"I'm just so disgusting. I have already disbanded your knight order. Why do you still call yourself a paladin now?"

Uther let out a bitter laugh, "Don't think that you can count on disbanding, I am the leader of the Knights, and I am only responsible for the Holy Light. And you used to be the same!"

holy light.

Arthas remembered it.

At this moment, his heart sank suddenly in his chest, and he lowered the sword in his hand.

However, the familiar whisper sounded again, reminding him of the power he had now, reminding him that the path of the Holy Light had not given him what he had hoped for.

Arthas raised the runeblade again and held it tightly.

"Uther, I'm here to get the urn, hand it over, and for the sake of past affection, I'll let you die happily."

There was a voice in Alsace's mind telling him that he could not let Uther go, he had too much past with this person, and had too much emotional ties.

And these will undoubtedly become obstacles to strength!

Arthas jumped off his horse, pulled out Frostmourne, raised his long sword, and attacked Uther.

The two began to circle around, the rune sword and warhammer clashing constantly.

The moves and movements of the two are exactly the same, and they have only seen many fights in the past, so they know each other very well.

As soon as I come and go, it seems to be the same as before, it is difficult to tell the winner after a while.

The two men mustered all their strength to attack together, their faces facing each other were only a short distance away, and the muscles on their arms were trembling with tension.

Finally, Uther groaned and pushed Alsace away.The young death knight staggered, and Uther followed closely.

A series of powerful and vicious attacks shocked Alsace. Although Alsace's attacks were equally powerful, they were out of order.

Because he has never been able to defeat Uther before, even with great power, he still has not come out of the shadow of the past.

"It's over, kid!" Uther shouted loudly, his voice echoing, and the rich power of the holy light erupted.

Uther's whole body was shining with brilliance, as if he himself was a weapon of the holy light, and the endless holy light burned everything, as if to completely destroy all the evil here.

The war hammer fell and hit Alsace's abdomen accurately. The armor twisted and deformed, resisting most of the impact of the force. This armor forged from Saronite iron saved Alsace's life and prevented him from being killed Searle killed with a hammer.

Alsace couldn't help feeling desperate, with such a powerful force, he turned his back on the Holy Light!

(End of this chapter)

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