wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 370 The Battle of Andorhal (2)

Chapter 370 The Battle of Andorhal (Part [-])
Arthas rides on a resurrected horse, which is different from the other horses that have been resurrected.

It is more majestic, even more complete, its whole body is wrapped in muscles, unlike its bulletin, many of its bones have been exposed.

This horse has a name, it's called Invincible.

This is his most beloved war horse. Because of his fault, Invincible left him, and he ended its life with his own hands. Now he revives it and makes it his partner, the most loyal partner.

A few strands of long silver-white hair fluttered in the wind on Alsace's forehead.He kept thinking, and rode invincible towards Andorhal.

The voice in his head, the one he revered as his master, told him to resurrect Kel'Thuzad.

This is really a great irony, it was he who killed the necromancer Kel'Thuzad himself, and now he is responsible for resurrecting him.

Frostmourne was whispering softly, and the whisper that seemed to never stop was constantly ringing in his mind.

Yet he didn't need its voice, or rather he needed the Lich King's voice to comfort him.

Now for him, there is no turning back, and he doesn't want to turn back.

Thinking of this, the icy blue energy in Alsace's eyes won in vain.

He felt that his strength had increased again. This feeling of getting stronger every moment made him intoxicated. Compared with this, there was no harm in killing a little.

"Alsace, it looks like you're in good spirits, you've adapted to this role so quickly."

Beside Arthas was a dreadlord, a dreadlord exactly like the Melganis he once hunted down.

This is also a great irony to him, but the current Alsace doesn't care about these at all, and he doesn't even feel anything.

Although he can be sure, this dread demon king was sent by the Lich King to monitor him.

"Although I am a dreadlord, I am not your enemy."

The dreadlord Tichondrius assured him, but a mocking smile appeared on the corner of its mouth at the same time, obviously its words were not worth trusting.

If Arthas had read the book about the Dreadlord in Dalaran, he would know that these winged demons have no integrity at all, they are masters of lies, and their smooth words have become instinct.

You can't believe a word of what the Dread Demon King said, and even their expressions are full of deception.

"Actually, I came to congratulate you. You killed your own father and turned the people of this land into Scourge warriors. Now that you have passed the initial test, the Lich King is pleased with your loyalty .”

"Yes," Arthas said.

He faced Tichondrius calmly, "In his name, I destroyed everything I fought for. And I have no regrets, no pity, no shame, only excitement."

However, in the deepest part of his heart, there is a weak voice whispering at this moment, that is the kindness that he has never extinguished

Arthas suppressed the emotion in his heart.

Anyway, that voice had to shut up, he couldn't be knocked down by cowardice, couldn't be fettered by emotion.

As if he noticed the change in the other person's mood, Tichondrius whispered softly, "It seems that your change is very complete!"

The Scourge Army continued to march in the direction of Andorhal, and countless undead snaked out in a queue that was several miles long.

Paladin Delani, come and lead the paladins back to the ambush location.

They saw the army of undead coming from a distance, and at the same time he also saw the man in the middle of the team, the prince he wanted to follow eagerly, Alsace.

Looking at the other party, he exhausted all his strength to endure the killing intent in his heart, because he knew that he couldn't make a move now.

"Lord Ossus, in half an hour, the vanguard of the undead army will arrive here."

Delani half-kneeled and reported to Yado.

Now, he has regarded this young mage as the object of allegiance, whether it is because of his origin, what the other party has done, or even the surging holy light.

"Well, you guys hide it."

Yado said casually, and then his eyes turned to the distance, this distance, with his mental strength, he could already feel the dead silence, withering, and freezing fluctuations coming from the east.

And this wave of fluctuations became more and more intense, obviously the distance between those bone scum and them was constantly approaching.

Half an hour, the time was very accurate, exactly the same as Colonel Delany's estimate.

In the line of sight of Yado and the others, some shaky figures appeared.

Soon he saw the one in the middle of the army wearing skeleton armor, a black cloak, holding a long rune sword, and silver-white hair.

His skin had turned gray, and his eyes emitted cold fluctuations of magic energy.

Arthas, once the prince of Lordaeron, now the death knight and the commander of the Scourge, is slowly approaching with the army.

Yado can feel that Arthas is not dead, he is still alive.

Next to Arthas was a ferocious demon. The wings of the elder's bat were slowly sliding under the drag of evil energy.

According to his memory, this guy who looks almost exactly like Mel'Ganis should be Tichondrius, the strongest among the Dread Lords.

It is the first lord of Nathrezim, the Dark Lord Tichondrius. These demons possess extremely powerful spiritual power and are very good at hypnotizing the enemy without knowing it. Even the final fall of Sargeras has nothing to do with These dreadlords have a deep relationship.

At this moment, this guy is getting together with Alsace, I am afraid it is also to deepen the control over Alsace.After all, it is very far away from the North Pole, and the radiation of the Lich King's power has become very weak, so this guy is added just in case.

Beside them were several death knights exuding icy power. If Yado guessed correctly, they should be Alsace's two lieutenants, Falrick and Marvin.

Further out are shambling abominations, necromancers, skeleton warriors and mindless undead, and of course gargoyles flying in the sky.

Because of the protection of the hidden barrier, these guys did not detect them.

As expected, he was born in a wealthy family. There used to be a powerful wealthy family with eighth-level wizards in his family. The enchantment provided by this magic weapon can even block the perception of the fearful demon king who specializes in spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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