wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 367 Interlace City

Chapter 367 Interlace City

After the airship entered the predetermined channel, it switched to automatic driving. At this time, the entire airship had calmed down.

People in the airship can't even feel the slightest bump, as if they are standing on the ground.

"Brother, can you switch seats with me?"

Although it sounds polite, it contains undeniable doubts and a little spiritual hint.

Ya Duo, who was recuperating with his eyes closed and meditating secretly, heard a somewhat complacent voice.Without opening his eyes, Yado knew that standing in front of him was a peacock with its hair blown out.

After all, the girl sitting next to him, even though she was not in the same grade, was very slim, oh no, in the words of her previous life, she was a top-notch loli.

She even has a beautiful face that can arouse the possessive desire of the opposite sex. It is normal for anyone to strike up a conversation.

Ya Duo naturally ignored it, it seemed that the young master who was spoiled by the family was still closed his eyes and meditating.

"Please change seats with me!"

The man said it again, with a bit of anger in his tone, and the mental suggestion just now was in vain several times stronger.

Yado still didn't speak, and was still meditating with his eyes closed, as if he didn't hear the other person's words at all.


That man snorted coldly, don't blame me for being rude to you if you are shameless!

Immediately, a wave of hidden power fluctuated, following his thoughts thinking about Yaduo, attacking and leaving.

Feeling this force, Yado sneered in his heart. Although this force is unknown, it is difficult for even a mid-level wizard to resist. Once attacked, he would have to lie in bed for at least ten and a half months.

Yaduo is now so powerful that he doesn't care about such an attack at all. With a slight wave of magic power around him, he pushes back the incoming energy.


The man obviously didn't expect to encounter such a situation, and was immediately attacked by the trick he released.

Immediately, a layer of black air flashed across his face, and he couldn't help but fell backwards.

This little surprise immediately caused a commotion on the airship, but the staff on the airship seemed to be very familiar with such things.

And the monitoring on the airship is enough to prove that the other party made the first move, so after a simple inquiry, they gradually dispersed.

After this episode, no one came to harass Yado again.

Interlace City, an ancient city, has a history of tens of thousands of years.

It is also the closest big city from the Northern Wizarding Union to the Southern Saint Soderland Wizarding Union.

Unlike other cities in the wizarding world, there are no tall buildings, modern speeding cars, and high-tech facilities in Interce City.

The tradition of the wizarding world is still maintained here. Once you enter here, it is as if you saw the wizarding world thousands of years ago.

The airship arrived on time, not one minute earlier, not one second later.

It landed at the airport, which was dozens of kilometers away from Interles City.

"Sure enough, it's the same as what was said on Wizard.com. Outside of the airport, it shouldn't mean that outside of the airship, this city has a trace of modernity at all."

Beatrice said excitedly, the entire airport here is built of huge stones, and there is no trace of wizard modernization, there are some magic circles everywhere, and magic full of ancient atmosphere. creation.

"Yado, let's call a carriage!"

Because of the voyage, the girl sitting next to Yado had already exchanged names with Yado.In Beatrice's words, they are already good friends.

Of course, Yado is invincible, although his own running speed is far faster than ordinary carriages, and even ordinary magic speed cars are not as fast as him.

But now that he has no money, he naturally wouldn't do such a thing, and agreed to Beatrice's proposal very kindly.

"That one, which one do you want? That white horse is a unicorn! I haven't seen a unicorn yet! I want that one."

Suddenly Beatrice saw a group of carriages waiting to carry passengers, and saw a very ordinary carriage. Although it was not very outstanding among the carriages, the horse used to pull the carriage was a unicorn.

"Hehe, it looks like a country bumpkin. Those carriages without public signs are private carriages, and they are not used to carry passengers, and those who can afford unicorns here are all real dignitaries. Money can do it."

At this moment, a young man and woman passed by Yado and they heard the conversation between them, and couldn't help showing contempt on their faces.

"Hmph! It's none of your business if I want to ride in a carriage."

Beatrice was very dissatisfied and said that this person, relying on his origin in Interce City, and seemed to be some kind of nobleman, harassed her before boarding the airship, and even prepared to disembark from the airship. Dark hand, after being countered by Yaduo, An lived a lot of time along the way. Unexpectedly, after getting off the airship, he dared to come over, and he didn't know where to deceive another beautiful woman.

However, this time, the other party may have lingering fears, just talking and not actually taking action.

"Have you finished speaking? Get out!"

Yaduo stared at this annoying guy coldly, and released a little bit of spiritual stance, which immediately made the other person's expression change drastically.

"Hmph, this is Interlace City, not a place for you country bumpkin to run wild. Just wait, I, Baal, will want you to look good sooner or later."

The man who called himself Baal yelled, but without any hesitation, he quickly walked towards the group of carriages, quickly hailed a carriage, jumped on it, and left in a hurry.

"The annoying guy is finally gone, and he is finally at peace."

Beatrice jumped up and down and ran towards the unicorn. That unicorn was so beautiful that it made her girly heart grow cute. Even if she couldn't ride in such a carriage, It’s also good to be able to touch it.

This girl never thought that unicorns are also monsters, and they are also dangerous.

So, soon, Beatrice's exclamation was heard.


A high-pitched scream sounded, making it hard to imagine that such a loli girl would make such a loud scream.

Beatrice touched the unicorn as she wished, but at the same time, the unicorn kicked Beatrice with a dazzling speed.

However, when it was about to kick Beatrice, the unicorn's front hooves stopped firmly and did not really kick.

It's just that even so, Beatrice was frightened, and a surprising sound broke out.

"Bad horse, how dare you play a prank!"

Beatrice, who had reacted, couldn't help but started rambling, and kept talking without repeating.

Well, this unicorn may have never seen such a girl who can think about things, but was shocked by Beatrice's nagging and kept backing away.

"Okay, it's time to go. Are you going to talk about the end of the universe with a horse here?"

Hearing Yado's yell, Beatrice realized that Yado had already walked up to the carriage at some point.

And the door of the carriage has been opened, and it looks like it is about to get in the carriage.

"Ah!, this car, is this car here to pick you up?" Beatrice asked in surprise. After all, the annoying Baal just now said that there were no marks like this, and he also used a unique The families whose horned beasts pull carts must all be extremely powerful wizard families.

Could it be that this unattractive, even ordinary guy in front of him is actually a member of an ancient wizard family in this Interlace city?

And he happened to be on the same airship as himself, sitting next to him.Could it be that she knew her identity from where, and made all the special arrangements?

Beatrice's background is also not simple. She has been used to the intrigues of big families since she was a child, and she is familiar with all kinds of conspiracies and schemes.

For this kind of person, they met by chance on the airship, pretended to be cold, and then arranged for a guy with no eyesight to indirectly highlight his extraordinary status.

Hmph, such a routine can't fool this girl.

Beatrice sneered in her heart, but on the surface she remained calm and followed Yado into the carriage, ready to see what tricks the other party was going to play.

It's just that none of the expected situations happened. After getting into the carriage, Yado began to remain silent as before.

But this appearance left a bad impression in Beatrice's heart.Hmph, do you think you can attract me by continuing to pretend to be cold? You really treat me like those little girls who don't know anything.

If you don't talk, I won't talk either!
Beatrice made up her mind not to speak, but it didn't take long, well, a minute passed.

"Hey, this is your family's carriage. I didn't realize that you are so rich in such simple clothes." Beatrice said pretendingly admiringly.

"It was sent by a friend."

Still cherishing words like gold, Ya Duo began to enter shallow meditation after finishing speaking, constantly tempering his mental strength. After all, he never wanted to improve his strength more urgently than now.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Beatrice knew that Yado had lost his mind again.

I couldn't help but start thinking about it again, this hateful guy actually said that, shouldn't he admit it immediately, and then stage it, despising the life of eating and waiting to die, and determined to make a career for himself , and then found out that it is better to go home and inherit hundreds of millions of wealth.

Well, Beatrice has been poisoned by those soap wizard dramas from other worlds.

The carriage moved forward all the way. Although the shape looked simple and simple, it made people feel no bumps at all.

Soon, Yado felt the carriage stop, and it seemed that the destination had arrived.

"Okay, we've arrived in the city, let's break up here."

After getting out of the carriage, Yado looked at the ancient buildings around him, feeling like he had come to an advent world.

On the streets here, there are no magical speeding cars that shuttle around. Instead, the second generation of witches rides various mounts, or some simply use the entire magic carpet, or something else. In short, it is very retro. .

"Hey, hey, why did you leave?"

Just when Beatrice was shocked by Yado's approach, and was about to see if he was playing hard to catch, she found that Yado was walking forward without looking back.

She wanted to catch up, but found that the other party was walking very fast, and disappeared after a few steps.

"Hey, why is it completely different from the script. Hmph!"

After the pursuit was fruitless, Beatrice couldn't help stamping her feet, and then left in another direction.

Interlace City, Wizards Association.

It is located in the middle east of the city, on the edge of Victory Day Square.

The ancient style is still maintained here, with a huge ring-shaped stone tower, and a layer of boulders flying around the stone tower floats on top of the stone tower.

Yado walked into the lobby of the Wizards Association, and when he got inside, he realized that the space inside was surprisingly large. Obviously, the interior of the Wizards Association used inner space magic to expand, that is to say, the interior of the Wizards Association is like It's like a small world that was opened up alone.

"Dear Mr. Senior Wizard, welcome to the Wizarding Association of Interlace City."

As soon as he entered the hall of the Wizards' Association in Interlace City, a handsome woman in the robes of a wizard's apprentice greeted him immediately.

Unlike the Saint Soderland Wizarding Union, in the Northern Wizarding Union, even the newly enrolled wizard apprentices can go to the Wizarding Association to accept some simple tasks and earn wizarding points.

"This is my appointment." Saying that, Yado showed the other party the information in the wizard's bracelet.

"Well, please come with me."

Afterwards, the wizard apprentice led Yaduo to the private reception room on the second floor of the Wizard Association.

In the Wizarding Association of Interlace City, wizards in need will also be provided with this kind of room suitable for more private conversations.

And most importantly, because of the particularity of the Wizarding Association, a lot of monitoring can be avoided here.

"Long time no see! Yado."

It's still the same person, still the same voice. Yaduo has thought about the scene after the two met again in his mind more than once, but after actually meeting him, he realized that the relationship seemed to have faded long ago. Quite a few.

Susie is wearing a wizard robe today. From the lines on the robe, it can be seen that the other party has become a senior wizard!
However, when thinking about the other party's identity, it's like being hooked from birth, and being able to reach the current level in just one year is nothing at all.

On the contrary, it was Yado who was able to reach the senior wizard, which obviously gave Susie more shock.

(End of this chapter)

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