Chapter 365 Death
Just like in the wizarding world, even now in the opponent's lair, Yado still made the same choice, he rejected the opponent.

"Hehe, in today's world, there are very few wizards who can stick to their principles like you. As an existence with a long life, why give up life for those illusory things."

"When you're over half a century old, you'll realize how ridiculous all your pursuits have been in the face of eternal life, power, and power."

"I'll give you another chance to choose, now tell me your choice."

The senior wizard in Zelim City once again tried to persuade him.

From the other party's tireless persuasion, it can be seen that this senior wizard obviously values ​​Yaduo very much.

Yado shook his head, "Can you tell me your name? I've met you twice, but I still don't know your name."

Immediately, Yado put his hand on his chest, making the etiquette that represents the challenge between wizards in the wizarding world.

"Wizard, Yado, I challenge you."

"Kolo, senior wizard Kolo Sedes, accept your challenge!"

The senior wizard, Ke Luo, responded with the same action, and at the same time, heavy disappointment inevitably rose on his face.

"I'll give you a good one."

"This sentence is exactly what I want to tell you."

A silver-white lightning appeared in the sky, and then shot towards the senior wizard Ke Luo.

"The same trick will not be of any use. If you just do it twice, it will disappoint me too much."

The senior wizard Ke Luo said, and at the same time, layers of black mist filled his body.

These black mist seemed to have life. Once they appeared, they began to bark their teeth and claws, turning into dozens of black monsters.

The black mist beast jumped to the ground and immediately attacked Yado.

"This is a hunting beast formed by the fog of corrosion. It is best at corroding magic shields, so don't let them get close."

Kolo's senior wizard tilted his head slightly to avoid the lightning bolt shot by Yado, and at the same time, he smiled and introduced his attack techniques to Yado.

There are twenty of these corrupt hunting beasts. Although each one is only the size of a cat, they are creatures made of spells. Their movements are surprisingly agile, and they seem to have a little more spirituality, so they can carry out simple cooperation.

Jumping forward and backward, crossing and attacking together, and knowing how to show weakness to the enemy, Yaduo was quite flustered for a while.

As the senior wizard Na Keluo said, these corroded hunting beasts have an extremely powerful advantage over corrupting magic power. Ordinary spells can't cause much damage at all, and those powerful spells have not been cast yet, and they are swiftly moved by them. The guy dodged it.

A series of lightning bolts were continuously shot by Yaduo, it was almost like a rain of arrows.However, there is still no effect. Even if it is a dense rain of lightning and arrows, the beasts of corrosion can't avoid them all, but it still has almost no effect.

The tiny lightning bolts were completely melted away by the black mist as soon as they touched the corroded beasts.

But even so, Yado continued to shoot lightning arrow rain, this kind of full-coverage attack made it impossible for those corrupted beasts to get close.

"It's useless. I have studied your information a long time ago. I know that your magic power is far stronger than that of ordinary wizards, but under such circumstances, how long can you last!"

The senior wizard Ke Luo didn't care about Yado's attack. A faint curtain stood in front of him, preventing those attacks that slipped through the net from reaching him at all.

Now he seems to be sitting on a high platform, watching Yado's performance.

"Hmph, don't get complacent too early. The thunder explodes!"

Ya Duo waved his hands, and thunder and magic power surged out immediately, and a magical change occurred in the entire space.

I saw one after another electric sparks, following Yado's words, they continued to flash and explode, as if a chain reaction had started, the entire space began to explode immediately, and the endless thunder and lightning immediately shocked the entire hall. Surrounded, the place turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

The violent thunder immediately submerged all the corrosive beasts, and the violent thunder fluctuations brought destructive flames. Even though these corrosive beasts continued to melt away the invading magic power, they still had their limit and died soon .

"Not bad, really good. I never thought you could think of this method. Previously, you released lightning arrows regardless of the cost, filling the entire space with electric charges, and then used the opposite electric charges to produce a violent thunder and lightning reaction. A thunderstorm was caused in the entire hall, and the huge energy generated in an instant directly exceeded the upper limit of the corrosion beast."

The senior wizard Ke Luo couldn't help admiring that he was able to see through the weakness of the Corrupted Beast in a short period of time, and then came up with this method, it really is a rare talent.

In this way, if a person does not die, he will definitely be able to continue to advance on the path of a wizard, and even become a true spirit.

"Having such means is enough for me to take it seriously and do my best."

As the senior wizard Ke Luo said, a more violent wave of magic power began to emanate from his whole body, his aura rose rapidly, and it seemed that there was no limit.

Soon he broke through the limit of a senior wizard, and suddenly entered the level of a great wizard.

This Ke Luo actually hides so deeply, he is actually a fifth-level great wizard!

The fifth-level great wizard, even in the world of wizards, can be regarded as a high-level one. After all, there are only sixth-level true spirits above it, and seventh-level immortal wizards who can't see the end of the dragon. As for the eighth and ninth levels, these are all legends. The strong ones almost never appear in the world, so that no one can prove whether they exist or not.

Unexpectedly, such a member of the evil organization turned out to be a fifth-level great wizard.

You know, the last time the Stryco Company was wiped out, all the high-level wizards and above were wiped out. Only a short time had passed before another great wizard was born among these fish that slipped through the net.

"The flow of time in the two worlds is different, otherwise such a short period of time would not be enough for me to transform into a great wizard."

Seemingly seeing Yado's doubts, Ke Luo explained.The time flow of this world is much faster than that of the wizard world, almost reaching a gap of nearly ten times.

So although he has only been away from the wizarding world for decades, he has spent hundreds of years here. After such a long time, coupled with the dark red and those special spiritual potions, he has made great progress, Finally reached the level of the great wizard not long ago.

And there are already three wizards of his level in the current organization.

But now, one of the great wizards is sitting on the front line of the war with the Knights Alliance, and the other great wizard has succeeded him to the wizarding world, leaving him as the only great wizard to guard Zelim.

After all, he is a recently promoted great wizard, and his mental fluctuations have not completely calmed down, so he is not suitable for encountering fierce battles.

It's just that he didn't expect that on this important day, he found that someone had sneaked into the central wizard tower. Soon he followed all the way and found that it was his old acquaintance, and the talent he sent into this world was quite Tall young wizard.

And the other party actually broke through to the realm of a high-level wizard during the few years he had been here.

"It seems that if I don't beat you up today, I won't be able to get through." Ya Duo sighed. He didn't expect that he was just a tiger blocking the way, but he changed into a dragon blocking the way.

A great wizard, the pressure on him is much heavier than facing a senior wizard at the same time.

"I didn't expect that until now, you are not desperate yet, but you already have the courage to resist. I don't know what gave you such confidence. It is a good thing for young people to have courage, but being overconfident will only harm yourself."

"Let me see what you are capable of!"

Following that, Ke Luo shot out another black mist, the same mist of corrosion, and these black mist also transformed into dozens of beasts of corrosion.

It's just different from the previous ones. This time, the beast of corrosion has almost become a solid body. It is no longer a churning mist all over its body, but a whole body, just like a real beast.

This time, after the formation of these corrosive beasts, they did not start attacking directly, but slowly adjusted their direction, and it seemed that they even started to arrange formations.

Ya Duo narrowed his eyes slightly, and he shot decisively, the surging mana burst out loudly, turning into a violent shock wave, and charged towards the corrosive beasts.

At the same time, several giant hands formed by magic energy either patted down, or turned into fists, or grabbed at the corrosive beasts.

The mana energy fluctuated violently, the dazzling light continued to erupt, and the sound of rumbling explosions continued.

It is also because the person who built this tower is of a high enough level, and he was very willing to use high-grade materials when building it, and added a powerful magic circle. Otherwise, under such an attack, I am afraid that this place will be broken long ago up.

Even so, with the constant energy bombardment, energy ripples flashed from time to time on the walls and the ground here in Yarang, obviously the protective power has been opened to the limit.

The beast of corrosion this time is really extraordinary, the same spell, the senior wizard and the great wizard cast it separately, the power of which is more than ten times or a hundred times worse.

The bombardment was even more violent than before, but it didn't cause any damage to these corrosive beasts at all, it could only block the opponent's attack a little bit.

Seeing this, Ya Duo stared at the corrosive beasts rushing forward, and his heart froze, knowing that it was impossible to cause harm to the opponent at all by relying on conventional means.

Can only make a fight!

Yado immediately mobilized all his mental power, and then slowly mobilized the regular power in the core runes.

Dark lines immediately appeared on the rune, and then a strange decaying atmosphere immediately permeated, and Yado's whole body became dry under the influence of this strange force.

His eyes turned pitch black, and his whole body was inexplicably filled with dead silence.

"What, what kind of power is this!"

Even Ke Luo, who has become a great wizard at this time, after seeing the changes in the boy opposite him, his face that was originally full of confidence suddenly became full of disbelief.

On the opponent's body, he felt the terrifying aura like mountains and seas, and he could clearly feel the terror coming from the opponent's body, which was the power of death.

He must not be allowed to make a move, otherwise extremely terrible things will inevitably happen!

Keluo immediately shot with all his strength. The terror in his telepathy made him mobilize all his strength regardless of the instability of his promotion just now.

A larger amount of magic power gathered, and then a dark blue icicle suddenly gathered in front of him, directly bombarding the boy on the opposite side.

Unexpectedly, this Ke Luo is simply cunning. He usually uses corrosive and beast-invoking spells against the enemy. In fact, the real bottom of the box is ice spells.

At this moment, with the strength of the great wizard level of the other party, it was fully exerted, and the dark blue ice crystal even emitted a series of icy blue cold flames, and the bursting cold air almost froze the space.

The icicle moved forward slowly, and it hadn't reached Yado's body yet, but the severe cold had already frozen Yado's whole body.

Seeing this scene, Ke Luo couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, it seemed that it wasn't as serious as he imagined.

But soon, the smile on Ke Luo's face froze, and I saw that layer of solid ice began to rot under an inexplicable force, as if it had passed through countless years. A crack appeared, and then quickly turned into a kind of off-white powder and scattered.

Then this invisible force began to spread continuously, attaching to the icicle. Along the way, the power of the ice could not be resisted at all, and the gray-white powder was constantly floating, and soon the entire ice was covered. The column is emptied by ablation.

Ke Luo wanted to escape, but he found that his thinking became extremely slow at this moment. Thoughts had been generated, but they couldn't be transmitted to his body at all. He could only watch the invisible power permeate his body. above the body.

boom! boom! boom!
The sound of explosions rang out continuously, and bright rays of light rose from Crowe's body, and then saw witch weapons with strange shapes burst, and then turned into dust that would be crushed by the invisible force.


Crowe only had time to say this sentence, and he was also turned into a gray-white powder in that invisible force.

With a crisp sound, Yado couldn't help but fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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