wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 361 Public Opinion Propaganda

Chapter 361 Public Opinion Propaganda
The huge roar continued to sound, and the battle between the Earl of Nanton and the silver armored knights of the rebel army was inextricably fought. The two sides came and went, and it was absolutely difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

But the battle between the soldiers of both sides is already about to decide the outcome.The rebels, relying on their superiority in numbers and their sneak attack, have gradually suppressed the Hurricane City's army. The victory or defeat is only a matter of time.

"How is it possible, you are just a newly promoted high-level knight, how could you persist for such a long time!"

Earl Nanton had already begun to pant violently, excessively stimulating the life seeds, which put a huge load on his body, and the sword in his hand was getting heavier and heavier.

But every sword that the opponent attacked still seemed so heavy!

"There is no need for a dead person to worry about this. Since you are the running dog of an evil wizard, you must have the consciousness to be killed."

The silver-armored knight yelled, and once again burst out the life seeds, then jumped up high, and slashed down with a fierce sword.

This time the knight in shining armor exploded with all his strength, and Earl Nanton, who had reached the end of his crossbow, could no longer resist.The long sword in his hand was instantly chopped into pieces, and he watched helplessly as the long sword slashed into his body.

After beheading Earl Nanton with a single sword, the silver armored knight scanned the audience.

"Surrender without killing, lay down your weapons immediately. The sharp sword in the hands of human beings should not be pointed at our compatriots. We should unite and fight against our common enemy. Now that the culprit Nanton has been eliminated, the others, as long as they lay down their weapons, change their past and forget the past .”

The sound of shouting resounded throughout the audience, causing both sides in the battle to stop involuntarily.

Seeing their leader's victory, the rebel army naturally cheered and their morale was high.On the other hand, the Hurricane Knights under the Earl of Nanton, after seeing the head of the Earl of Nanton, one after another like a defeated rooster put down their weapons and chose to surrender. After all, no matter how they looked at them, they had no hope of victory, let alone Many of them were not willing to give their lives to the evil wizard, so after the death of Earl Nanton, they chose to surrender cleanly.

"Clean the battlefield and put on the armor of the Hurricane Knights. After finishing everything, we will go to Hurricane City according to the original plan!"

Said the silver armored knight, and then commanded his soldiers to take action.

They had planned a long time ago. After defeating Earl Nanton's material escort team here, they changed into the opponent's armor and clothes, and then disguised themselves as the Hurricane Knights.After opening the gate of Hurricane City, occupy the city, and then use the Hurricane Territory as a base, unite with more than ten knights from outside, launch an attack on the king's capital, and then obtain the entire Duchy of Cologne.

Soon, the rebels, who had finished changing their outfits, escorted supplies back to Hurricane City.

Hurricane City, the largest city in the west of the Principality of Coron, is also the closest big city to the capital of the Principality of Coron.

Occupying the most affluent land in the west, it has always been known as the granary of the kingdom.

After the war broke out, Earl Nanton, the lord of Hurricane City, immediately surrendered to the rebels and dedicated this strong fortress.

And it took on the task of transporting the kingdom's supplies, sending a large amount of supplies to the king's capital every month, and sending them to the battlefield of the alliance of evil wizards and knights via the king's capital.

"You see what that is?"

"It's the Hurricane Knights, the Earl is back?"

On Hurricane City, on the fifty-meter-high city wall, the soldiers guarding the city immediately spotted a team that was heading towards Hurricane City.

"Do you see who are those people in the back? They are chained and dressed in shabby clothes. Could it be the bandits caught by the Earl?"

In this year and month, the whole world is in chaos, so no matter which country, the most indispensable thing is gangsters and robbers.After all, the order has long been lost, and people who cannot survive for various reasons have embarked on such a road.

"Yes, these guys without eyes dared to rob without asking about the power of the Hurricane Knights. It seems that they were captured by the Earl."

The guarding soldiers above were discussing constantly, and the Hurricane Knights were walking in high spirits, while behind them, they were escorting rows of ragged people.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a triumphant return, but in this almost calm Hurricane Territory, the only ones who dare to attack the Earl are these ignorant gangsters.

It seems that this time, the serf team in Hurricane City can be expanded once again.

Soon this line of troops arrived at Hurricane City, and the soldiers guarding the city opened the city gate without any doubt at all.

Because in their cognition, the earl is brave and invincible, and will never fail.

Therefore, they would not have thought that these people are the Hurricane Knights at all!

After the city gate was fully opened, a bang resounded through the sky immediately.

The Hurricane Knights immediately began to charge, and those captives who followed behind like bandits and mobs also broke free from their chains, took out their hidden weapons, and followed the large troops ahead, charging into Hurricane City go.

Immediately, the shouts of killing drowned out everything.

Because there was no defense, and the elite of the Hurricane Knights had already followed Earl Nanton to escort the supplies out of the city, the defense in Hurricane City was really empty.

There are only more than ten thousand ordinary soldiers, hundreds of junior knights and a small number of intermediate knights.

In addition, he had no defense, so after being easily tricked into opening the city gate, he lost the defense of the strong city, and naturally he could no longer resist the attack of the rebels.

After persisting for no more than an hour, they were completely defeated, and the rebels successfully occupied the city.

The Silver Armored Knight came to the castle of the Earl of Nanton. As the leader of the rebel army, this place naturally became his headquarters.

"Next, we must immediately liberate the serfs and arm them. We must also intensify training and pass on the knight's breathing method, and strive to cultivate enough junior knights before Coris, the traitor, reflects."

In the meeting hall, the silver armored knight spoke to several of his commanders.

"Yes, Chief!"

These are plans that have been made long ago, and this leader is the only high-ranking knight in the rebel army, and he is also the leader with the highest reputation in the entire rebel army, so everyone naturally has no objection and began to carry out the order one after another.

After all these people had dispersed, the silver-armored knight took off his helmet, and his long golden hair leaked out. Then he parted his long hair, and there was a hideous scar on the left side of his face.

If Yado was here, he would be able to recognize immediately that this person was Na Pete.The once ignorant boy has become the leader of the famous rebel army in the Principality of Cologne.

And also successfully occupied Hurricane City, possessing the ability to stand up to the traitor, the guy who now calls himself Emperor Kelisi.

He knew that the thing he lacked the most now was time. After occupying Hurricane City this time, the rebel army, which was just a scabrous itch to Kolis, would immediately become his confidant.

I'm afraid that as soon as the news reaches the capital, the other party will immediately send an army to come.

The time left for him is probably less than a week.So now it is time to quickly mobilize all forces, quickly organize enough troops, and rely on the special terrain of the Hurricane Territory to bite the Koris army who came to attack here.

However, Pete didn't expect to be able to defeat Collis by relying on Hurricane City, Hurricane City.His real goal is to use Hurricane City as a bait to lure the main force of Koris out of the capital.

Then he led the army to occupy the capital, and then attacked back and forth, then Kelisi's army would definitely be defeated.

Although this plan looks simple, it is very effective. As the principality's most important granary, and the terrain is dangerous, it is extremely suitable for defense. Nakoris will definitely send a large army to come.

So, this plan is bound to succeed!

After the silver-armored knight Pete gave another big order, he immediately left Hurricane City quietly, and followed him, along with hundreds of elite knights.

Soon, the news of Hurricane City's fall spread to the capital.

Kelisi was naturally furious, and immediately ordered to mobilize all the elites in the capital, and then personally marched towards the Hurricane Territory and killed them in a mighty manner.

A battle is imminent!
Things in the world are always so unpredictable.

Collis led the army. There were tens of thousands of junior knights, thousands of intermediate knights, and several senior knights.It can be said that the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, and they are simply different from those of the rebels.

Even before the army arrived in Hurricane City, the rebels in Hurricane City had already been shaken. If Pete hadn't been strict with the army, they might have already mutinied.

This was also Kelisi's strategy. He vigorously publicized the strength of his army to put enough psychological pressure on the enemy. After all, Hurricane City was easy to defend and difficult to attack. A strong attack would inevitably cause huge damage to his army.

It was already the sixth day after the fall of Hurricane City, and Collis led an army to appear under the scale of Hurricane City, a whole day earlier than Pete expected.

"What! What are you talking about! The capital has fallen!"

Wearing a golden armor, the high-spirited and triumphant Emperor Kelisi was shocked when he heard the scout's report.

The capital of the king has fallen, and the capital of the king has been broken by those rebels!

Immediately a thought came into his mind, that was impossible, but he believed that this scout would never dare to deceive him.

So is it someone spreading fake news on purpose, or is it true?

In order to win a great victory, although he has brought out most of the army, the strength left in the royal capital cannot be underestimated. There are [-] ordinary soldiers, [-] junior knights, plus the most sincere It stands to reason that such a situation is absolutely impossible.

The strength of those rebels is very rough. Although the scale is getting bigger and bigger, after all, most of the soldiers are serfs, and there are not many knights among them. It seems to him that they can capture and occupy Hurricane City. The Earl of Nanton is a stupid pig who fell into the trap of someone else's trick.

Therefore, he led the army to come here, and he was upright, no matter what conspiracy or tricks the other party had, it was impossible to defeat him.

But now, someone told him that the capital had fallen, and his army was caught in a double attack.

"Hmph, to disturb the morale of the army, it must be a spy sent by the other side to drag him down and behead him!"

Kelisi immediately ordered the scout who sent the order to be killed, because at this time, regardless of the dead body, he could not make the army mess up.Otherwise, once such news spreads, after the army becomes chaotic, it will really be powerless.

On the contrary, with this large army in his hand, he is not considered a loser, and he still has a chance to come back, and the chance is very high. After all, the power in his hand is still the most powerful in the Principality of Cologne strength.

Therefore, there can be no chaos here, this scout talking nonsense must die.

"Okay, everyone, you don't really believe that those rebels can do such a thing, but they are just some mobs and some serfs. They must be thieves who want to disturb our army's morale."

"Everyone, prepare your army immediately and attack Hurricane City!"

Kelisi immediately decided to start attacking immediately, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

But before his order was passed on to the army, bursts of noise rang out.

The entire army began to commotion, and countless people were talking about it.

Balls of paper were projected from Hurricane City to Kelisi's army one by one.

"The king's capital has fallen!"

"Corris is the murderer of Duke Douglas!"

"Collis is a puppet of an evil wizard."

"Corris crippled human beings and sent a large number of them to the hands of evil wizards."

All these, all kinds of remarks that are not conducive to Kelisi, are written clearly and orderly on these paper balls.

Immediately, among these large armies, there was a huge impact.

After all, the knights and the evil wizard have been deadly enemies for many years. It is an undeniable fault that Koris turned to the evil wizard, although he suppressed the opposing voices with his powerful strength.

But the knights at this level are not satisfied with him, and have a lot of resentment in their hearts.

The appearance of these notes now immediately ignited the anger in their hearts.

At this moment, even more explosive news spread.

"The king's capital has fallen! The rebels have gained an absolute advantage!"

"The blood wolf beast is cruel and easy to kill. Once the remaining three principalities are eliminated, it will immediately deal with the Principality of Cologne."

"It is absolutely impossible to be alone. We must resist in order to win. Otherwise, there is only one end waiting for you, and that is to become the ration of blood wolves."

This news was even more like a bomb, which immediately detonated the entire army.

(End of this chapter)

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