Chapter 358 Darkness
Ya Duo's face was gloomy, looking at the whirlwind of sword light that was approaching bit by bit.

As well as the other Sophia who was constantly pestering him, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

He knew exactly what they were trying to do.And he is also willing to let them do this. If the two Sophias find out that they have made such a great sacrifice, their expressions must be very beautiful in the end.

Thinking of this, Yado's face showed anxiety, he dealt with this Sophia's attack bit by bit, and seemed to try his best to dodge to the rear.

And Sophia, who was in charge of biting him tightly, saw this scene and naturally stepped up her offensive. How could she let this guy escape? Otherwise, wouldn't the two of them be trying in vain to slow down the evil wizard later? Come on, what awaits the two of them is failure or death.

Therefore, no matter what, she must put in all her efforts to stop this evil wizard.

The life seed erupted again, and the bright life energy was stimulated, making her speed faster, her strength stronger again, and she slashed down with a fierce sword.

The eruption of life seeds is essentially to stimulate the potential of life, and it has its limits.Just like a junior knight, Zhien's dog will lose its strength after a dozen outbreaks.After reaching the intermediate knight level, this situation will be much better, and the number of outbreaks will double again, but it will be different when it comes to advanced knights. Advanced knights can maintain a life seed in a low-level outbreak state without What harm will it do to itself.

Of course, at the high-level knight level, even a low-level burst is more powerful than an intermediate-level knight's full-strength burst seed.So this is why, the knight level, when reaching the advanced knight level, there will be a qualitative change.

As for the titled knights, their Life Seed eruption is better than that of the senior knights, and the duration it can last is much longer than that of the senior knights.

Of course, in addition to the regular burst, there is also this extreme burst, which is beyond the range of its tolerance, so no matter what level of knight it is, once it is used, it will make him live far beyond the normal power in an instant.

But this kind of power is naturally not free, that is, every time it is used, it will cause a shock load to the body, and it is not enough to use it many times. Once the limit is exceeded, your body will collapse and explode.

Since entering this ruins, Sophia has performed limit stimulation of life neutrons many times, and her body has already faintly felt that it is approaching the limit.

Facing this formidable enemy at this moment, even though they have gained great strength under the blessing of secret treasures, it is unexpected that the two of them can fight together easily, so that the two of them are forced to continuously stimulate their limits.

This sword erupted all of her remaining strength, and when she erupted all of a sudden, she immediately gained extremely powerful power.

Sophia knew that this kind of power couldn't last long, and she had to make a quick decision, so she immediately jumped up and slashed.

Sure enough, the enemy in front of her didn't expect that she would be able to stimulate the limit again, so she seemed to be surprised, and there was a loophole in the defense, allowing her to seize the opportunity at once.

The great magic-weave sword in his hand struck Yaduo's long sword at once, and then a huge force came out through his body, immediately cutting him into the range of the whirlwind.

"Hmph, now you have no way out!"

Looking at Yado who has been swept into the whirlwind, Sophia, holding the ice blade, muttered to herself.

She clearly knows the power of Whirlwind Slash, which is a secret skill of knights, even junior knights can perform it.

And the combat skills that can be called secret skills must be extremely powerful secret skills, and the power of whirlwind is also one of the most powerful among all the secret skills.

And this secret technique has extremely low requirements for use, even junior knights can use it, but the disadvantage of Whirlwind Slash also has its own fatal disadvantage, that is, its slow speed.

It is said that the speed is slow, it is for the strong at the same level, and against those low-level opponents, there will be a situation of being fled.

But if you want to deal with an extremely fast opponent like Yado, it will be a bit worse, unless you can be in a certain narrow environment, or restrict the enemy's actions.

So when one of the Sophia used this move, the other Sophia immediately took action to restrain Yado, and when it seemed that he couldn't contain it, he activated the life seeds with all his strength, and with the help of the explosive power, all of a sudden He drove this enemy into the whirlwind.

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

The sound of metal colliding continued to sound, as if a machine gun was firing at half speed.

Since Yado was slashed into the whirlwind, he didn't even use his sword to resist.He held up a magic shield to resist the endless sword blades and the piercing sword light.

Yado resisted with all his strength, and the thick magic shield was constantly slashed by the endless swords, and he was hit by hundreds of swords in just one breath.

The shield value dropped extremely quickly and bottomed out quickly, and the magic shield immediately began to flicker. Seeing this situation, Yado immediately input magic power again, filling the shield defense value.

It can be said that as long as the magic power is not exhausted, then the wizard's shield is difficult to break. Unless the level of power is too large, the magic shield will be broken in an instant, otherwise as long as there is still magic power, then the magic shield will be destroyed. It will never be broken.

The value of the shield bottomed out again and again, and Yado continued to add mana to it.Soon Yado's magic power was exhausted, but it was still in a hurry, and it didn't think that Sofia could break his shield at all.

Because his magic power is absolutely beyond imagination, even if the magic power in his body is exhausted, he can still exchange experience points for magic power, and according to his current consumption level, even if Princess Sophia is exhausted to death, this whirlwind Can't break his shield either.

Because Whirlwind Slash is powerful, but its attack is superior in speed, and its strength has not reached the level that can break Yado's magic shield in one fell swoop.

That's why Yado was able to rely on the continuous replenishment of experience points, so that Sophia's whirlwind could not break his shield at all.

And if you can't break his shield, you can't hurt him naturally.

"It's my turn!"

Soon, Yado let out a soft drink, and filled the defense value of the magic shield again. This was the second time he had filled the blur shield with experience points.

At this moment, it was obvious that the opponent was powerless, Whirlwind Zhan was already showing signs of fatigue, and his speed had already slowed down.

Soon, Ya Duo saw the opportunity, and struck out with a sharp sword, hitting the opponent's weak point at once, and immediately smashed the whirlwind.

Then with a hard blow, this Sophia was sent flying.

"How is it possible, how can you stop it, how can you stop it."

Sophia sat slumped on the ground, the armor on her body was already broken, and there were even many gaps in the magic-weave sword in her hand, especially her face was disastrous, full of unbelievable horror.

With the blessing of secret treasures and the burst of life seeds at the limit, her strength has definitely surpassed that of the titled knight. Coupled with her big move, she absolutely believes that no one can stop it.

But the cruel reality told him that things are often so unexpected.Not only did the evil wizard block it, but he didn't seem to have suffered any damage.

So, are these evil wizards so powerful!These are the enemies of the Cavaliers Alliance, are they the enemies of the Lionheart Principality?Such a powerful enemy is simply desperation.

Thinking of this, there was nothing but misery on Sophia's face.

"Nothing is impossible, just like you two, why there are two people, haven't you thought about who is fake and who is real."

"But these are meaningless to people who are about to die, so leave the answer to me."

After Yado finished speaking, his face was full of icy coldness. He swung his long sword and slashed down fiercely, beheading the two Sofia who had lost their combat power.

After killing the two, Yado waited for a long time, only to see that the bodies of the two slowly turned into tiny light spots, which dissipated after a while.

In situ, only two crystals remained.

There were actually two pieces, and Yado leaned over to pick up the crystals on the ground, compared them carefully, and found that the two crystals were exactly the same, with the same pattern on the top, and even the continuously flowing energy fluctuations inside.Putting the two crystals together is like looking in a mirror.

People have disappeared, so why do these two crystals exist.

And Yado knew that this thing should allow Sophia to have combat power beyond her own limits, allowing an intermediate knight to possess or even surpass the power of a titled knight.

Such a treasure is considered precious even in the world of wizards.

It's just that after Yaduo held it in his hand, apart from looking strange and mysterious, he couldn't see how to use it at all.And he also tried using magic power or mental power, but it also had no effect.

But since it couldn't be used for a while, Yado fortunately didn't fiddle with it anymore, but put the two crystals away.Then he walked towards the depths of the hall.

Soon, Yado walked into the depths of the hall, before the royal family.

Although the throne is very simple, it is magnificent and solemn.

Yado walked towards the throne step by step, and none of the expected obstacles or traps appeared.He walked to the throne unimpeded all the way, and then sat on it directly.

Suddenly, it seemed that some mechanism was triggered, or some condition was met.A burst of violent voices came to mind, and a stream of mysterious magic power began to rise, like streams of light, flowing continuously in the hall, and soon runes were activated one by one, and magic circles were lit up one by one.

Soon a wonderful change happened suddenly, and Yaduo only felt blurred vision. When he recovered his vision again, he found himself in a starry sky.

This place seems to be a fragment of a certain star. It is desolate, and there are fragments of stone everywhere.There's no atmosphere, no water, no life, just dead silence.

It was because of the protection of the shield above the throne that he could appear here. Otherwise, in such an environment, senior wizards would never be able to survive. Only great wizards could survive in this vacuum environment.

Yado sat on the throne and looked around.

Behind him is a star emitting blazing light. Of course, because of the protection of that energy shield, Yado cannot feel the blazing temperature.

In front of Yado, there is a huge planet, which is extremely huge, even far surpassing ordinary planets, fully reaching the size of ordinary stars.

He could feel that this planet was full of vitality and powerful energy.

"This is a whole new world that has not been discovered!"

Suddenly, Yado had such a thought in his heart.And at this moment, Yado withdrew his gaze, and stared at the void in front of him fixedly.

He seems to have discovered something.

"Come out, I know you're here!"

Yado made a sound suddenly, and his voice was transmitted under the blessing of magic, and even echoed continuously in this force.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to know. It is absolutely impossible for you to find out. Tell me, how did you guess it."

The eerie and deep voice fell, and in front of Yado, a black smoke began to shrink continuously, and soon condensed into a human shape.

It was the guy who called himself Trund Sykes. This person changed his image at this moment. The wide black robe covered his whole body, revealing only a pair of dry and hard claws like dry bones.

With the appearance of Trond Sykes, bands of light of different colors appeared in the surrounding void.

These bands of light are full of mysterious and strange power, which makes people unconsciously cast their eyes into them.

There are four light bands in total, three dim and one bright.

Soon, Yado withdrew his gaze and looked at Trond Sykes again.

"It's not easy. You don't need to think about it to know that you are here. Didn't you do it just for this moment!"

Yado sneered, as if he had seen through the purpose of this guy named Trond Sykes.

He knew that this guy would never let it go, since he didn't show up halfway, he must be waiting for him at this last place.

The power of law is here. If Tronde Sykes does not appear, then he will inevitably lose the most precious thing in this illusion. Similarly, he will also lose the foundation of survival and will be directly extinct.

So at this time, if there is no obstruction in front of him, he will definitely appear now.

"Hehe, it's a pity that smart people often end badly. You think you can resist. In the face of real power, the things you rely on will be useless!"

(End of this chapter)

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