Chapter 353 Iceberg
The sky was silvery blue, so there was no need to think that it should be the place where Yaduo came down, and above that should be the bottom of the spiritual ocean.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this moment, Yado had a special mental fluctuation, wanting to invade Yado's mind.

There were traces of bewilderment in it, and Yaduo sensed it carefully, and soon he deciphered the meaning of this message.

Kill three people and you can get out!

Interesting, Yado couldn't help chuckling, which means that in the illusion of death, people who have to be killed can pass through.However, thinking of the imperceptible delusion contained in that message, I was afraid that things might not be so simple.

Before coming down, Yaduo saw the struggle of those people through the silver-blue mirror, but now, when he looked around, as far as he could see, there was no one at all.

Immediately, Yado sensed a bit, chose a direction with the most intense energy fluctuations, and began to march towards the distance.

This realm of death is surprisingly large. According to the rules of life and death, since this place corresponds to death, the size of this place should be equal to the area of ​​the oasis, desert, and ocean he experienced before.

So this place is probably hundreds of kilometers in radius, and it is already considered a small secret place.

In the wizarding world, the place where the dead finally go is the place of eternal death, which is located in the deepest part of the world, where the will of the world is located.

There, a person's soul and will will be washed again, and then turned into some kind of substance, reintegrated into the heaven and earth, and start a new reincarnation.

And when wizards are promoted from level six to level seven, when they reshape the power of the rules they master into the world, what they imitate is the form of the wizard world.

So it should be the same here. Although the forms of expression are different, their essence must be the same, so the core here should be the imitated will of the world.

And the place where it is most likely to exist is the place where the energy fluctuations are the strongest.

That place will naturally radiate and attract the fluctuations of the soul, so as long as you walk towards the place with the strongest power fluctuations, you will definitely be able to find the place.

In a place covered with endless frost, in a white-capped world, occasionally a gust of white-haired wind blows.

In such a situation of scruples, Yado kept walking forward.

He had been walking for a while, but in his telepathy, he still didn't find a living person.

At this moment, Yado heard a sound like bones rubbing against each other.It's just that in his spiritual induction, he didn't find anything of value.

Ka Ka Ka sounded continuously, and then, not long after, Yado saw the source of the sound.

I saw, in front of him, behind the huge protruding rock, a skeleton was shaking its head and adjusting the ribs one by one.

The skeleton of the skeleton is already gray and white, obviously it has existed for a very long time.

The skeleton's eyes were flashing with blue will-o'-the-wisps, and then it swayed and rushed towards Yado.

I can't feel it at all!

If it wasn't for being able to hear the sound and seeing this painting of a skeleton, Yado would not have felt that there were other things around him.

After all, as a wizard, he has long been accustomed to using the power of his mind to observe and sense, even replacing his eyes, ears, and touch.

But now he jumped to this skeleton, a thing that would not be sensed by spiritual power at all.

If this kind of thing attacked suddenly, it would be too much of a threat to wizards.Unless the shield spell is activated at all times, many wizards will be hit by a sudden attack.

When he was still 20 meters away from Yado, the skeleton stopped. His eyes, shining with blue will-o'-the-wisps, just stared at Yado.

Although the skeleton has no expression, Yado can clearly feel that this guy seems to be smiling.

At this moment, the skeleton jumped up, held the rotten sword in its hand, and attacked Yaduo.

Before jumping up, the skeleton moved slowly, and it seemed that it was not even walking as fast as an adult.But this time he jumped up, he jumped up so fast, he was really moving like a rabbit, the contrast between the front and the back was shocking.

This time, it was quite unexpected. It was unexpected that a skeleton that was supposed to be slow moved so smoothly and swiftly.

The rotten sword cut through the air under the skeleton's swing, causing waves of harsh whistling sounds. This blow actually reached the level of an intermediate knight.

Such an attack, of course, is not very threatening to Yado, and this blow can't even pierce his magic shield.

With a thought in Yaduo's mind, he commanded a lavender magic energy missile and shot it towards the attacking skeleton.

The magic energy missile hit the target accurately, and it tore the skeleton apart in one blow, and pieces of bone parts fell from the air with a clatter.

The process is very simple, and it's over with just one blow. This skeleton looks weird, but its strength and speed are almost at the level of an intermediate knight, but it can't even stop a single magic energy missile. Intermediate knights are far behind.

It was just a small episode, and Yado didn't care about it at all, he continued to walk forward.

But before he had gone far, Yado stopped, because he heard the sound of bones rubbing against each other again.

When he turned around, it was just as he had imagined, the shattered skeleton, the pieces of bones were slowly reorganizing under an inexplicable force.At the beginning, this process was still very slow, but as time went by, the speed of skeleton bone reorganization became faster and faster, and soon a skeleton that was exactly the same as before stood in place.

From being broken to the completion of the reorganization, this kind of time is only five seconds.

Could it be that the creatures in this illusion have different attributes?
Looking at the skeleton that had been restored to its original state, Yado couldn't help but think of the sand elemental that he encountered in the desert before. It also has tenacious vitality. Although it is not strong, it is extremely difficult to kill.

The reassembled skeleton shook its head and the will-o'-the-wisps in its eyes lit up again, then turned around and attacked Yado again.

Yado naturally struck again casually, crushing the skeletons once again.But this time after crushing the skeleton again, Yado did not stop attacking, but continued to fire three magic energy missiles, smashing the skeleton even more like bone fragments,
Then these bone fragments, under Yado's control, all flew into the air, and gathered together, and then, a group of blazing flames were formed out of thin air, continuously roasting.

Soon, under the burning of the flame, this group of bone fragments turned into powder.

I can't be resurrected now!

Seeing the skeletons that had been completely turned into ashes, Yado let go of his mental control and let the ashes scatter with the wind.

He didn't leave in a hurry, but looked at it for a while and found that the skeleton showed no sign of coming back to life before walking forward again.

Just before he had gone ten steps away, Yado stopped.

Because he heard a series of crackling sounds, the sound of bones rubbing against each other, one after another, not once or twice, but thousands of times.

It was densely packed and came from all directions. Even in front of him, there were countless sounds of bones rubbing together.

Yado frowned, and soon, just as he imagined, skeletons appeared in all directions, and there were thousands of them.

These skeletons were the same as the previous one, gray skeletons, holding a rotten sword in their hands, and surrounded him with only bones left on their feet.

Yado's face suddenly became serious, he didn't care about ten or hundreds of skeletons, but once the number increased sharply, like now, tens of thousands, so many ants killed elephants, it was not empty talk, after all The strength gap between Yaduo and these skeletons has not reached the level where the numbers can be ignored.

Fortunately, the speed of these skeletons was very slow, even much slower than that of ordinary junior knights, so Yado had already rushed out before these skeletons really encircled them.

It just seems that his existence has some inexplicable attraction to these skeletons. After running for more than ten miles, he can still see the line formed by a skeleton behind him, and then move towards him.

I remember that he didn't see a single skeleton in the silver-blue mirror before, and when Xin Yat fought with the three brothers, the momentum was even greater, but there were no skeletons.

So how did these skeletons stare at him, how could they chase him.

Yado couldn't help but began to think, and soon he thought of a possibility, that is the difference between him and these four people, the biggest difference is that these four people have died once.

In the original Oasis Treasure Hall, Xin Yat died once, and in the desert illusion later, Yado also killed the other three brothers.

And he also judged from the costumes of these two groups of people and various clues on their bodies that in this fantasy world, maybe each of them has been copied once.

Now, there is such a change here, I am afraid that it is inseparable from the fact that he came down directly from the silver-blue mirror in the sky.

He didn't 'die once' so he looks out of place here?Only the dead can enter the realm of death!

Thinking of this, Yado immediately quickened his pace, he wanted to hurry to the core of this death environment.

With the gushing of magic power, Yado's speed surged again, and he disappeared in an instant.

In the land of endless ice and snow, there is a huge mountain here, but you can't see the slightest difference from a distance. Only when you get close can you see the whole picture of this mountain.

This mountain peak is completely composed of ice and snow, soaring and towering, piercing the sky, and even its top has pierced the silver-blue sky.

On the mountainside of this mountain peak, there is a wide original platform with intricate patterns engraved on it. On the other side of the platform, there is a step made of ice. Above the step is a huge throne. On the throne sits a huge figure.

This figure is all covered in a bone armor, but from the exposed gap, it can be seen that this figure is not a skeleton.

The figure on the throne, resting its chin on one arm, seemed to be thinking about something. On the other side of the throne, there was a huge warhammer.

This figure seemed to be half of the statue, maintaining this motion without moving, as if it would continue like this, but suddenly, he moved.

The sound of metal rubbing against each other sounded, the armored figure sat up straight, and a pair of blue ice flames ignited in the ferocious skeleton armor.

He stood up and looked in a certain direction, his eyes spanned an unknown distance, and he saw a figure that was moving at a very high speed.

Behind that figure, there are endless skeletons, chasing after them all over the mountains and plains. Although it seems that they can't catch up at all, there are such things everywhere here, and all the front and back are skeletons.

So no matter how fast the speed is, it is still inevitable to encounter these skeletons.

"Interesting, how many years have passed, how many years have no survivors come."

Low and hoarse, like a half-machine voice sounded.The ice, which had been immobile for a long time, trembled slightly in the sound.

Afterwards, the figure on the throne picked up the war hammer, but without any movement, a red light suddenly lit up on the war hammer.

Then a certain kind of fluctuation began to spread continuously from above this mountain.

Yaduo was constantly running at a high speed, and he could feel the magic power flowing rapidly inside his body.Maintaining this speed for a long time is still a big burden even for him.

What's more, the magic energy here is full of inertia, and it is difficult to be absorbed and utilized.

But fortunately, he can still support it for a while, and in his induction, he is almost reaching that place.

"Hey, gone?"

Ya Duo sighed, in his line of sight, those skeletons that kept appearing suddenly disappeared?

This made him stop involuntarily, and Yado looked around, and sure enough, there were no traces of those skeletons anywhere, only a piece of white snow remained, as if the appearance of those skeletons before was just an illusion.

Yaduo was puzzled by this strange change, but it did not prevent him from continuing to move towards the place in the induction.

After all, in this seemingly half-disabled illusion where something went wrong, no matter what happened, it was nothing but normal.

(End of this chapter)

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