Chapter 334 Combat
On the second day, Earl Collis led the soldiers who had experienced a 'war', reluctantly forced a soldier-like army, and started the next journey, moving towards the Lorraine defense line in the north.

Of course, regarding the cause of this beast tide, our Cross Knight naturally did not find out the reason. He only said that he searched for more than two hundred miles and found nothing. Instead, he encountered sporadic beast tides and suffered some casualties. manpower.

And, according to Cross Knight's deduction, the beast tide should have come from the north.

It came from the north, that is to say, the beast tide was most likely caused by the attack of evil wizards.Everyone couldn't help but cast a shadow in their hearts. This war is very likely to be much bigger than previously expected.

Of course, Knight Cross had already thought about these remarks, and he had already informed Earl Collis of the real situation.

Then, Earl Collis naturally ordered that, except for some of the wounded to be transported back, the others continued to go north.

Immediately after a bloody battle, the army barely had a trace of iron and blood, and amidst the mighty voices, they marched towards the northern battlefield.

As the distance continued to approach, along the way, several armies continued to round, and the ten earls and lords belonging to Duke Douglas had all rounded together.

The private army of these lords, together with the newly recruited soldiers, surpassed the previous numbers, and unexpectedly gathered an army of nearly 60.

Although everyone's situation is similar, but the army of more than 60 lined up still gathers an extremely powerful momentum.

Ya Duo was in the formation, and he felt deeply about this strange change.Originally, when there was only Earl Collis's army, the feeling was not very obvious. When there were more and more soldiers, especially when they converged with the main force of Duke Douglas.

An invisible change slowly began to spread to all the troops.

There is a faint power, and then gather the power of all the soldiers.

"Is this some kind of magic weapon or some formation?"

Yado was able to feel this change because his mental power was strong enough.It seems that apart from those knights, there are still extraordinary powers in this world.

This magical power is very similar to some kind of group buff spell, at least doubling the combat effectiveness of these soldiers.

It seems that the Cavaliers Alliance has been able to exist for such a long time, and it still has some background, not all because of the release of those wizards.

After the army gathered, they rested for a day.Then after two days of marching, they finally arrived at the line of defense they were in charge of, a part of the western section of the Lorraine line of defense.

Fortress of Lorraine, located on the top of the Lorraine Mountains.

Borrowing the terrain and countless labors, it took more than ten years to finally build the Great Wall, which lies like a giant dragon for thousands of miles.

As the world's first line of defense, the walls of this line of defense are as high as [-] meters, and they are all made of hard green steel rocks. For this reason, more than a dozen huge mountain peaks have been hollowed out, and it took millions of manpower to build this one. A line of defense like a steel dragon.

Facing this miraculous building at this moment, these soldiers who were transformed from farmers and slaves were all stunned and inexplicably shocked.

"Okay, don't even look at it, go in quickly, and immediately enter the combat position."

Immediately, these soldiers, in shock, were urged to rush into the towering and huge defense line.

Not long after, on the fifth day after Yaduo and others entered the fortress, these soldiers had just become familiar with the city defense equipment, and the vanguard army of the invaders came to the foot of the city wall.

It was a creature that looked like a modified hunting dog, but it was four or five times larger. Each one was nearly three meters tall, and its whole body was filled with a violent aura.

What's more, the number of these creatures is really too many, looking up at the mountains and plains, it is simply innumerable.On the battlefield as far as the eye can see, there are no less than one hundred thousand creatures. Before trying this entire line of defense, there are all such creatures.

In this first wave of attack, there are at least tens of millions of enemies.

Although these enemies are ferocious and terrifying, occupying such a defensive line still makes everyone feel more courageous.

That hound-like monster rushed towards the defense line like a tide.

"It's like this every time. The vanguard is always these blood wolves. Brothers, get ready, wait until they get close and start attacking."

It was a veteran who was speaking, a veteran who had been stationed on the defense line all year round, and a veteran who had lived from the last war to the present.

His duty is to lead recruits like Yado to adapt to the battlefield, familiarize themselves with weapons, and display their combat effectiveness faster.

Following the veteran's command, the defense team that Yado was in quickly entered combat mode.

In the veteran's explanation, the basic information of the blood wolf is also known to these recruits, especially the vital points of these guys.

Of course, the most important point is that you must not be bitten or scratched by the blood wolf.Because anyone who is scratched or bitten will eventually transform into a creature exactly like the blood wolf.

Hearing this, Yado already knew what this creature was.

The flesh-and-blood modification creature produced by Strike Company, the low-level mana bio-transformation technology, has added a highly contagious biological gene, which can transform any human or other creature below the second level into the same kind.

Because it can also have an effect on humans, and the Stryco Corporation used this biological virus in a certain world to conduct brutal experiments on the local aborigines.

Later, the company exposed even more problems. In addition, it produced a variety of biological magic weapons that violated the basic laws of the wizarding world. It was finally exposed to public opinion and was banned by the Wizarding Association.

And in this world, he actually saw the biological weapon produced by the other party.So in this world, those evil wizards are the remnants of Stryco Corporation?
Is this company behind the production of those prohibited dark reds?

Thinking of the endless shady scenes of the other party, Yaduo can almost be sure that these people are behind the tricks.

Thinking of this, Yado couldn't help but feel a little gloomy. If there was such a vicious force, would the missing wizards, including Gandry and others, still be alive at this moment?
During this time of thinking, those blood wolves had already attacked within the range of their weapons.

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately, the trebuchet with the longest range began to roar.

The outside of the stone ball is wrapped with thick flammable ointment. After being ignited, it holds a long tail flame and is propelled by the trebuchet, and is thrown towards the enemy in the distance like stars in the sky.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The arrows were like stars, and the endless rain of arrows immediately covered the nearby battlefield.

At what time, the bones of the blood wolf were flying everywhere, and the scene was a bloody scene.

However, a large group of blood wolves still attacked and climbed up the city wall.

The hard claws can leave scratches on the steel-like city wall, coupled with huge strength and agile speed, these blood wolves can climb up.

Of course, the wall is still too high. After many blood wolves climb to a certain height, they are unable to climb up and eventually fall down again.

Then, less became more, gathering and gathering, they piled up the defense line, and then the blood wolves climbed up by stepping on the bones of those fallen blood wolves!

Soon, hills made up of blood wolves formed around the defense line.

"Throw the raki!"

Then, the trunks of huge trees, which were ten meters together, were lifted up, and then smashed down along the city wall towards the hill made of blood wolves.

A single tree trunk weighs several tons, plus the huge impact caused by being thrown from above.Immediately, those blood wolves that were smashed were broken and broken.

At the same time, the giant trees were constantly being thrown down, quickly smashing down the hill made up of blood wolves.


Following the order, on the ground in front of the line of defense, several lines of fire that crossed for more than ten miles were suddenly ignited, and the remaining blood wolves were immediately divided.

Seeing the blood wolves being gradually wiped out, Yado became more suspicious.

The strength of the blood wolf lies in its extremely strong contagious power. If it has been guarded against and with the help of strong fortifications, then such a little blood wolf is nothing to worry about.

But these duchies, these lords are still facing a big enemy, mobilizing so many troops to defend this front.

And there is this powerful knight order, which means that the enemy's means are not limited to this.These blood wolves are an appetizer, and the real attack is yet to come.

Although the battle on the first day didn't look tragic, there were still several lines of defense that were attacked by those blood wolves.However, he was immediately suppressed by the knights defending on the side.

Of course, there were still thousands of people who died in that brief confrontation.Most were infected and had to be killed.

At night, the full moon hangs high.

Yaduo got out of the barracks. His strong physical fitness allowed him to fly over the hundreds of meters high city wall easily and without making a sound, even if he didn't use spells.

As for the speculation during the day, he had to verify it again, because what he heard and saw may not necessarily be the truth of the matter.

Only the corpse of a blood wolf was found and a detailed examination was carried out.

Because these blood wolves are extremely contagious, they burned with flames during the daytime, so there was not a single blood wolf corpse left in this area.

If you want to find a blood wolf for research, you can only look in the direction where the blood wolf retreats. There are so many blood wolves that will definitely slip through the net.

Yaduo started with all his strength, and he looked like a ghost in the dark night, his figure was erratic, and he could run hundreds of meters in a single breath.

A dozen breaths disappeared on this battlefield and entered the group.

His mental power is strong, and he quickly found the traces of more than a dozen blood wolves.

"It should be separated from the main force, um, fifteen, the number is just right."

Yado immediately decided to make a move. He took out his long sword, a long sword forged from Thunder Black Steel. After returning to the wizarding world this time, he added several kinds of metals to make this long sword sharper and stronger. sturdy.

Yado's various attributes far surpassed this group of blood wolves. Even though their god bodies were taller and looked more terrifying, they would have no resistance at all by then.

During Yado's speedy travel, each sword hit the heads of those blood wolves with precision, using skillful strength, cut off the central motor control nerve, and made these blood wolves lose control of their bodies in an instant.

Under the dim light of the fire, Yado took out the tools he had prepared long ago, and stabbed it precisely on the body of a blood wolf who was used as an experiment, and then cut a ten-centimeter-long wound.

This wound was not long, and it was nothing to a five-meter-long blood wolf.

Following the anatomical order in his memory, Yaduo began to cut continuously, and soon cut off a large piece of flesh from the blood wolf, revealing its core organs.

"Sure enough, it is this kind of creature!"

Looking at the heart inside, it seems to be a mechanical structure, and there is a mark of Sclater on it.

Creatures like blood wolves do not have a particularly uniform appearance. The most important thing is the core of magic energy attached to the heart.

Once this kind of mana gene modification like a biological virus enters the organism, it will immediately attach to its heart. According to the resistance of the organism, it can replace the heart of the organism in an extremely short period of time, and then The genetic material carrying special energy will be pumped out from the new heart, and it will be successfully transformed while transforming the whole body.

Moreover, in order to highlight its own achievements, Strike Company designed all the appearances of the magically transformed objects as their company logo.

This is their confidence in their own technical strength.

Of course, if one does not consider the huge potential threat of these technologies to society, and the use of various shady means by Stryco Corporation in order to achieve its goals, this extremely powerful magic energy technology company may not necessarily go to destruction.

However, its former size is still very astonishing. Even in the face of the wizarding association's crusade, there are still remnants of forces hiding in the dark.

And it seems that the other party is still secretly carrying out some kind of conspiracy in the wizarding world.

Those dark reds that are used to prolong life can't be made out of boredom, they must be used for huge exchange of benefits.

Now that it was determined who the enemy was, Yado's plan gradually became clear. The most important thing now was to support Peter who was about to stand in front of the stage as soon as possible.

Then collect resources and become a true high-level wizard as soon as possible. No matter what happens, you will have stronger confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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