Chapter 310 Mantis
After a long time, the battle above the sea finally came to an end, and the two fleets will soon be victorious.

"Shalu, your end is here, why do you think you were able to escape from the royal city?"

On the Golden Dream, Barryman stood on the bow of the ship, facing the sea wind. His voice was not loud, but through the amplification of magic, he instantly suppressed the battle sounds in the surrounding waters.

"Hehe, winners and losers, life and death, I've already looked down on them. It's just Barryman, have you ever thought that those Yingjinli people will never let the Pirate Kingdom go, and you will definitely not end well if you cooperate with them. The future will be broken in your hands!"

At this moment, an indescribable enthusiasm appeared in the eyes of this old pirate grand elder. He was born a pirate, and the blood of freedom flowed in his bones.

Free pirates!Son of the Sea!Ruler of this sea! ! !

Therefore, when Sharu learned that Baliman had an unclear connection with Ying Jinli, he chose to kill this guy who betrayed the pirate tradition.But he didn't expect that his plan would eventually fall into Barryman's trap.

Thinking about it now, I'm afraid that the news he got back then was leaked to him on purpose by Barryman, otherwise how could this guy easily defeat him.

"Money, power, these are what a person should pursue, and this is what a pirate should pursue, otherwise, what is the value of this life! And you guys, all of you are self-righteous, insisting on the tradition of pirates has blocked many the way of man," Barryman said.

"Baliman, you will not succeed, someone will definitely stop you."

After Sharu finished speaking, he drove his ship, the legendary ship Devil Shark, and activated the legendary ability, Deep Sea Submersible Shark.Immediately, this strangely shaped ship sank into the sea water.

Sharu's ship is made of a powerful sea monster devil shark, even its appearance is exactly like a devil shark.

The greatest ability is not in attack power, but in being able to dive into deep water and launch attacks from the bottom of the ocean.

Although the Devil Shark is not the legendary battleship with the strongest attack power, and even its statistics are not as good as Barryman's Golden Dream, this diving skill alone is enough to give ninety percent of the enemies a headache.

Immediately, one could see that under the ocean, a huge shadow was constantly cruising, just like the same Devil Shark tracking its prey. It was Sharu who was driving the Devil Shark constantly looking for fighters.

"If you want to escape with all your heart, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to keep you, but now you still want to attack my flagship, then you can only kill yourself."

Barryman smiled at the corner of his mouth. How could he be unprepared for what kind of ability the opponent's Devil Shark has.

So now, he is not afraid of this kind of diving attack at all, because the Devil Shark, which is not good at attacking power, can't attack his specially modified Golden Dream at all.

And as long as the opponent shows up, then only death awaits Sharu!
On the surface of the sea, Yado and other five pirate kings who participated in the trial from the wizarding world have already driven their ships to the sea area where Barryman and Cell are fighting.

Compared with the two pirate kings, these newly promoted pirate kings indeed look relatively humble. In addition to their own legendary-class ships, each of them does not even have many subordinates at all.

Among them, the one with the most ships under his command only had seven steam ironclad ships.This scale is not even comparable to some powerful super-class pirate groups. If many of them have legendary ships, I am afraid that they will not be able to take the position of Pirate King.

"It seems to be almost the same. After a while, I will open the fog of war, and then everyone will launch an attack, trying to keep these two."

The fog of war is naturally intended to hide their offensive and obscure some of the informants.


The five of them are all from the wizarding world, and their ideal pursuit is naturally very different from these local pirates, so they will not really support Barryman.

Those guys who originally said they supported Barryman saw an opportunity at this time, so they naturally wouldn't let it go.

There is no loyalty among pirates at all, what they believe in has always been strength!
The Great Pirate King, they naturally want it, and they will not let it go easily.

"Fog of War!"

Immediately, one of the legendary ships, a tangential iron-clad ship emitting billowing black smoke, bursts of black smoke from the huge chimney.

As soon as the smoke appeared, it floated towards the distant battlefield.

The black smoke was full of magical power, and the huge sea breeze couldn't blow the fog away.Instead, facing the huge sea wind, it floated towards the battlefield, and soon covered the entire sea area.

"What is this? Enemy attack?"

Barryman's subordinates looked at the thick black smoke that suddenly appeared around them, and naturally knew that they were under attack, and they were attacked by people who did not belong to Cell's side. Obviously, other people joined the battlefield , and the target is exactly them.

"Hmph, sure enough, there are quite a few clowns out there. It's worth waiting here for so long."

The corners of Barryman's mouth turned up on his stern face, revealing a smile.He didn't just do it for Cell, but also to catch all those guys who dared to take advantage of the fire, kill these pirates, and confiscate those legendary pirate ships by the way.

"Pass down the order and implement the second plan."

Seeing that the time was right, Barryman heard a magnetic but not majestic voice, and his adjutant immediately passed the order to every captain of the Golden Pirates.

Immediately, the entire Golden Pirate Group and the remaining sixty steam ironclad ships began to deform. Amidst the sound of rumbling metal friction, huge cannons rose from the deck.

Then the sixty ironclad ships turned around and aimed at Yaduo and the others who were constantly approaching.

It turned out that since Barryman had set up a trap, he would naturally not let go of the monitoring of the sea surface. Therefore, although the black smoke enveloped the entire sea surface, through special means, the Golden Pirates were still able to find that they were heading towards the sea. Dozens of ships approached them.

And the pirates who dared to approach at this time naturally had ideas about the position of the Pirate King.

After all, Barryman himself didn't even believe the verbal promise, so how could he believe that those pirate kings would keep it? He did this just to give these guys a false appearance and attract them to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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