Chapter 31 News
"Ah, it's really delicious, why don't you try it, I like this city so much, though."

The dwarf Loli Chromie wiped the food residue from the corner of her mouth and said with some lingering thoughts, although this city will soon be destroyed.

Chromie looked at the young mage walking behind, and said to him, "Why do you look so unhappy?"

"Is there? No, you must have read it wrong." Of course Yado would not admit it.

At this time, he kept recalling that Stratholme was polluted by natural disasters and then purified by Alsace when Baron Rivendell went to Lordaeron, that is to say, it was this period of time.

It can be said that the longer you stay in this city, the more dangerous you will be, and you must find a way to get out of here!

Thinking of this, Yaduo couldn't help but look at the two sneaky figures following him out of the corner of his eyes.

These two sneaky stalkers have been following Yado at a distance since he left the city hall. The other party is very careful, and has been following far behind, never getting too close.

However, Yado, who has raised his mental power to 2.1, already has the mental strength of a junior mage in this world, and the range of mental power sensing has been greatly enhanced, so he easily spotted the two sneaky stalkers.

If you don't look for two thieves, just two ordinary knights, how can you hide from the induction of the junior mage.

Yado couldn't help but sighed, he didn't need to think about it, he knew that daring to follow him in such a sneaky way in Stratholme City must have something to do with the mage consultant named Frost Vespal .

Is this because he is afraid that he will run away!Or is there some other conspiracy?
First Vespal, Yado kept thinking about this name in his mind, remembering that he seemed to have heard this name when playing games in his previous life.

But after all, it had been so long ago that no matter how much he thought about it, he still couldn't remember where he had heard this person.


Chromie didn't delve into it, but continued to destroy the food in her hands, but looking at her, she knew that she didn't believe Yado's words, but she didn't expose him.

The two, one behind the other, quickly disappeared at the end of the lively and prosperous street corner.

At midnight, dark clouds covered the sky, making the night even darker.

This is not Dalaran, so naturally the magic spar lights that last day and night will not be lit. At this moment, the bustling and prosperous streets during the day have already become quiet.

Under the cover of night, two furtive figures walked through the quiet streets of Stratholme.

They seemed to be very familiar with the routes of the patrolling guards in the city, and they were always able to avoid the patrolling guards just right, and soon they entered the material warehouse that should have been tightly guarded on the west side of the Crusader Square.

"How's the matter going?" Under the dim light, a middle-aged man dressed in a black mage's long-distance running was reflected, his eyes were as fierce and terrifying as a vulture.

This person was the mage advisor named Frst Vespal that Rado saw in the city hall during the day.

"Back to Mr. Foster, we followed him for a day. Ossus just wandered around the city and didn't do anything else."

The person who spoke was exactly one of the two knights who were in charge of following Yado during the day. Judging from the emblem on his bright silver armor, this person was also a paladin of the Silver Hand.

"Yeah!" First Vespal pondered for a while, and then continued: "You continue to monitor him, and report to me immediately if there is any change!"

The plan at this moment has reached a critical moment. If he hadn't accidentally seen the letter written by Ossus to Baron Rivendell, he might not have been able to remember the second son of the baron.

Judging from that letter, Ossus seems to know something. After all, he was an apprentice of Kel'Thuzad, so it's not surprising that he really knows something about the Cult of the Damned.

In order to avoid the unstable factor of Ossus, and to test whether Baron Rivendell is loyal to the Cult of the Damned, the baron has repeatedly called him back.

Of course, because of Ossus' special status, they couldn't kill him hastily, but put him under the supervision of the Cult of the Damned.

In this way, if something goes wrong, it can be dealt with immediately, so that the plan will not be exposed.

Thinking of this, Foster smiled sullenly, hoarse and ugly like a night owl, he must not have imagined this Osses, his father, Baron Rivendell, is also a member of the Cult of the Damned.

"Lord Kel'Thuzad has new instructions!"

At this moment, a grey-white Birman cat rushed in through the open window on the west side of the room.

Its pale paws stepped on graceful steps, setting it off like a nobleman.In the icy blue eyes, there is no trace of emotion that a living person should have, only endless coldness.

"Master Bigworth, please show me." First Vespal said respectfully. For the Birman cat named Bigworth in front of him, his actions were extremely respectful, because the other party represented Ke Ersugad.

"Alsace has fallen into a trap. The master has led the prince to Andorhal. I believe His Royal Highness will follow the clues to catch up here. Before that, the master hopes that you can control the defense forces in the city as soon as possible, so as to Guarantee the smooth progress of the plan." Bigworth said coldly.

"Please tell Master, we will definitely complete the task." First said respectfully, and he bowed deeply to show his obedience to Kel'Thuzad.

When he raised his head, the vigorous Birman cat had disappeared from the direction it came from.

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of sunlight hit Stratholme, Yado had already changed into a well-tailored hunting suit. The exquisite and luxurious fabrics and exquisite workmanship perfectly set off the temperament of an aristocratic youth.

Yado hung a delicate dagger at his waist, of course it was more of a decorative dagger.

Dressed like this, it was natural that Yado decided to go to the Alonsus Chapel in the city today, preparing to witness this extremely legendary Church of the Holy Light in the entire World of Warcraft.

After the purification of Stratholme and the invasion of natural disasters, this chapel has been surrounded by the Holy Light. This sacred place is named after Archbishop Alonsus Faol.

Although he had already made up his mind to escape from this city that was about to be destroyed, it was obviously not the time. Some people in the city didn't want him to leave easily.

(End of this chapter)

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