wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 281 Departure

Chapter 281 Departure
The Viscount Scandina's banquet finally ended in a changed atmosphere. In the next few days, the joyful atmosphere in the entire port gradually declined.

The time has been determined, it will be the next full moon night.

So the pirates started to act, buying supplies and various necessities of life. Of course, this made the Viscount Scandina a lot of money.

Although the pirates complained about the soaring material prices, who would stand up and criticize at this time.

Time passed quickly in peace, the sun set and the moon rose, and a bright full moon rose into the night sky.

At this time, the entire port of Scandinavel was brightly lit like daytime.

On the port, countless ships began to unmoor and unmoor, and then they followed a luxuriously decorated new-style ironclad ship, and slowly sailed towards the eastern sea.

At this time, it is on a small port to the west of the port of Scandinavel.

Because it is far away from the main port, it is very quiet here.There are only a few sporadic ships and ports, and there are still lights.

"You all came early!"

The Viscount Scandina walked out of a narrow street with dozens of well-equipped guards.

"Lord Viscount, the moon has risen to the zenith. When should we set off?"

Seeing Viscount Scandina's appearance, some pirates shouted eagerly.

Over the past few days, the news on the surface of the sea has become more and more bad, and bad news has been delivered one by one.

Before this port, all private ports belonging to pirates had been occupied by the Royal Navy of England.

It is said that the forward of the Royal Navy of Ying Jinli is less than [-] nautical miles away from here. Those ships with such a fast speed can reach here in less than three to five hours.

Therefore, these pirates are now like ants on a hot pot. If Viscount Scandina does not show up again, I am afraid that these guys have already rushed into his Viscount's mansion.

"Don't worry, we have to wait a little longer before we can show up!" Viscount Scandina said.

"Master Viscount, as far as I know, the Yingjinli fleet seems to have appeared in the western waters. If we don't leave now, it may be too late."

"Captain Velen, of course I know this, so we don't set off with those other guys."

A smile appeared on Viscount Scandina's face, and he didn't continue his words, but all the pirates here are all years old pirates, all of them are ruthless and black-bellied, and he immediately thought of Viscount Scandina's mean.

Those ordinary pirates were used by him as bait!

That is tens of thousands of pirates, hundreds of ships, what a huge target.Even a blind person can easily spot it.

Not to mention, the Viscount Scandina even sacrificed his own ship.

Immediately thinking about this, the pirates present looked at the viscount with a hint of caution and precaution.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go now."

Viscount Scandina didn't seem to care about the defense in the eyes of these pirates at all. He remained the same as before, even his tone and expression did not change at all.

Soon, several pirate ships docked on this small pier set off in the darkness of night.


With Yado at the helm, the ship slowly sailed out of the port, hanging far behind Viscount Scandina's ship.

"Everyone cheer me up and get ready to fight right away."

Suddenly Yado's cold voice came over, and the crew members on the Sun immediately shuddered.

"What happened to the captain?"

Butcher, that is, Yado's first mate who was subdued by Yado after defeating the Dread Pirates, is now the third mate of the Sun and the captain of the charge. Chance to charge.

"There are enemies coming!" Yado said in a deep voice.

With the help of the legendary ship Sun, Yado's powerful spiritual power, he sensed that the vast sea was full of malice.

Now, Yado has absolute authority on this ship. Although the crew didn't find anything, they followed Yado's instructions and quickly made preparations for battle.

'boom! '

At this time, the sound of violent artillery fire suddenly erupted above the sea in the distance to the east.

At first, there were only sporadic cannon sounds, but it soon became a loud noise in patches.The artillery fire illuminated that piece of sky brightly, and dyed the sky under the night sky into blood red.

Needless to say, Ying Jinli's fleet must have discovered those ordinary pirates, and now the two sides are at war.

"Catch up with me now, and head east immediately!"

At this time, Viscount Scandina's voice was transmitted through some kind of amplification method.

At the same time, the ironclad ship he was driving began to turn around and headed southeast.

As time passed, the sound of artillery fire from above the sea area where the battle took place gradually became muffled.

At the same time, the scattered gunfire of the pirates has become silent. Obviously, the strength of the British Royal Navy is very strong, so it was able to wipe out the hundreds of iron-clad ships of the pirates with good combat effectiveness in a short period of time. .

"Unexpectedly, the strength of these Yingjinli Royal Navy is so powerful!"

Yado stood at the stern of the boat, looking at the place where the fire was gradually extinguished.He made a rough calculation, from the start of the battle over there to the end of the battle, almost half an hour has passed.

In such a short period of time, those pirates were all defeated, such a record is simply terrible!
Even if Yado is driving the solar ship, if he wants to defeat so many pirate ships, he can only use the powerful maneuverability of the sun to constantly harass and slowly eat away. It will take a lot of time to do so. To wipe out these ships.

But now, the Yingjinli Royal Fleet has achieved this in less than half an hour, which is enough to prove the strength of the opponent.

Even, the Yingjinli Royal Fleet is definitely capable of annihilating all these super pirates.

Therefore, at this moment, these ships unconsciously speeded up, wanting to quickly distance themselves, leave this sea area, and quickly enter the stormy sea.

But, of course these pirates didn't know that they were heading towards another trap.

Such is fate, when you take advantage of others, you are likely to fall into the same trap.

(End of this chapter)

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