wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 268 Construction completed

Chapter 268 Construction completed

In the deep and dark mausoleum, Yado maintained several magical flames at the same time, illuminating the entire hall brightly.

This is already the third day after the war. At this moment, he is the only one in this hall.

Three days ago, Yado prevented O'Connor from killing Imerton.Instead, he chose to keep him, because this guy's soul is the key to driving that solar ship.

Later, Yado learned the ancient Egyptian language from Evelyn, and also used experience points to raise this language to the full level.

Then O'Connor and his party of three naturally went to hunt for treasures. After all, the hall next to them was full of gold. One of their archaeological purposes was naturally for gold.

Of course, the process was not smooth and unfavorable. The inertia of the world is still very strong, and it is constantly developing towards its predetermined trajectory.

Although there is no tragic little character like Benny, when they were searching for gold, Jonathan touched the mechanism by mistake, causing the entire mausoleum to protrude from the ground and collapse.

Yado refused to leave with them, because his goal was the solar ship in the mausoleum. If he left here, he would miss this solar ship.

Ya Duo sat on the throne of the main hall, and the "Golden Sun Sutra" and "Black Sutra of the Dead", these two powerful scriptures with mysterious and unpredictable power, were placed in front of him.

In the past three days, he has read the scriptures completely.

The incantations on these two scriptures are simply the divine power of the gods, so that they can have all kinds of incredible powers. This is not a magic book at all, but a hymn of two powerful gods in ancient Egypt.

"That means these two gods haven't fallen yet!"

Feeling the divine power contained in the scriptures, Yado can naturally conclude that these two ancient Egyptian gods are still alive.

"But this is not in line with the style of wizards!"

The wizards attacked this world, how could they allow those gods to stay? Shouldn't they have killed all of these gods?

Or it was because the time for wizards to conquer this world was too short, and those gods had not been wiped out.

This is just Yado's guess. The location of the original gods in this world must be the deepest secret. Presumably only the real high-level members of the alliance can know.

Of course, if they can be safely allowed to enter here, then it means that those gods cannot appear in the material world at all.

Yado closed the scriptures, came to the center of the hall, and took out the sarcophagus that sealed Imerton. He had sealed the evil priest in the sarcophagus again.

"It turns out that what is missing from the solar ship is this sarcophagus."

After these three days of research, Yado has clearly understood what is missing in the sun ship.It's this sarcophagus.

This sarcophagus is the source of power for the solar ship.The former pharaoh sealed Imerton in the sarcophagus just to charge the sarcophagus.

Of course, only after 3000 years, Imerton was born from the dead, gained a thousand years of mana, and then was sealed into the coffin, could he have enough power to drive the solar ship.

"You guys, carry the coffin to the boat for me."

Yado used the ancient Egyptian language to command the mummy guards in the hall.

The mummy guards were very powerful, and they quickly placed the sarcophagus in the designated location according to Yado's instructions.

As soon as the coffin was placed on the magic circle, bright rays of light immediately emerged from the magic circle, and then were bound to the sarcophagus and connected to certain lines on the sarcophagus.

Immediately Yado felt it, the whole solar ship shook slightly, and then huge energy immediately flowed through the whole ship, making the whole solar ship glow slightly.

Then as time went by, the light became stronger and stronger.

Yado could feel that the solar ship under his feet was undergoing subtle changes at this moment.The previously slightly rough parts of the hull are constantly fused, and the materials are no longer simply spliced, but fused together.

Soon, the entire ship and thousands of wooden boards became one piece, and no gaps could be seen anymore.As a result, the entire hull has become even stronger. Yado can feel that even if he uses all his magic to attack the hull of the current ship, he may have to attack for several hours to break it.

The light dissipated, and the solar ship finally completed its final construction.

Yado came to the pilot's seat, and he invaded the spirit, leaving his spiritual imprint on the core of the ship.

While successfully owning this ship, he also understood the basic functions and various attributes of this ship.


[Length 69 meters, width 12 meters, speed [-] knots]

[Condition of the solar furnace: intact (energy 100%)]

[Main gun integrity: 100%!Secondary gun integrity: 80%!Divine Armor Integrity: 100%! , protective stance defense degree 1000000 degrees]

[Legendary Ability - Eternity: Because of the energy provided by the solar furnace, this ship does not need to rely on other energy sources.All energy consumption, as long as it is under the sun, can be quickly replenished (one solar day can be replenished)]

[Legendary Ability—Havoc: The Sun has a powerful main gun, which can convert the energy of the sun into extremely compressed and powerful shells, which can break through a mountain with one shot. 】

[Legendary ability—Divine Armor: The hull of the Sun is made of divine wood, with amazing defensive power, and there is a layer of energy shield outside the hull]

[Legendary Ability—Light and Darkness: The Sun is the vehicle of the sun god, and under the sun's rays, it can obtain full attribute blessings, and various abilities can be increased by 30.00%.At night, under the moonlight, the solar ship can transform into a ghost attribute, thereby avoiding physical attacks, and lasts for half an hour. 】

"Sure enough, as a legendary ship, it must have this powerful ability."

Yado looked at the capabilities of this ship. Apart from being unable to fly, it was no longer even inferior to the third-tier spaceship built by the Wizarding World.Of course, if the sun god sitting on it can fly, that's another matter. After all, according to the legend, this solar ship can fly.

The speed reached 110 knots, or nearly two hundred kilometers per hour.Even this speed can be increased by 30.00% during the day, already catching up with the speed of those ordinary high-speed trains in the previous life.

At sea, it is not much different from flying.

This speed also exceeded that of the rumored Black Pearl.

Coupled with the powerful defense and attack capabilities, Yado believes that this ship will definitely help him gain an advantage in the confrontation.

Being able to fight and run is innately invincible.

(End of this chapter)

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