wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 266 Tomb War (2)

Chapter 266 Tomb War ([-])

Drawn away at Immorton, O'Connor was left from hiding.He stepped forward and removed the long sword from the statue's hand, and then quietly approached the platform of the main hall.

When the distance was close enough, he jumped up suddenly, and then slashed down the long sword fiercely.The quality of this sword is surprisingly good, it can be called a magic weapon, and it cut off the iron chain on Evelyn's arm with one strike.

This naturally alerted Immorton. He turned around and saw O'Connor's movements, and immediately ordered the mummies of the surrounding monks to attack O'Connor.

Of course, this distraction also made Yado catch his weakness.

I saw Ya Duo stabbing out with a sword, the speed was twice as fast as before.This was beyond Imerton's expectations. He didn't come to defend and dodge, and was pierced by a sword in the chest.

Ya Duo draws his sword and retreats quickly. Ordinary people will lose half of their lives if they are not killed by this attack.But he knew that Imerton was different. As long as this guy's soul essence was still there, physical trauma was nothing at all.

Sure enough, the sword was drawn away, and Immorton's black robe was cut open.There was no blood flowing out of the wound, but it turned into a handful of sand, which continued to fuse, and soon returned to its original state.

At this moment, Yado heard a lame incantation, and it was Jonathan not far behind him, who was reciting the incantation on the cover of the golden sutra.

This incantation seemed to possess some kind of strange power. It actually broke through the influence of the forbidden spell and summoned a small team of mummy guards.

These mummies are all dressed in armor and holding swords and guns. They are obviously the personal guards of the pharaoh. Naturally, their fighting power is not comparable to that of the mummies transformed by the monks of Imerton. They can be regarded as elite mummies.

"Go kill that intruder!"

Imerton saw this scene, and he ordered in the ancient Egyptian language.

These mummies only retained basic spiritual intelligence, and they couldn't tell that it was their Pharaoh's mortal enemy who gave them orders.

Then, these mummy guards attacked and killed O'Connor who had saved Evelyn.

"Quickly recite the spell!" Yado said.

Only by reciting the spell in full can these mummy guards be controlled. Otherwise, no matter how many more they are summoned, they will only become Immorton's minions.

At this time, Immorton's attack arrived. Before the fist could reach, the fierce wind of the fist roared in. Yado believed that if this circle hit the elephant, it would be able to kill it with one punch.

Faced with this attack, Yado rushed forward suddenly, and then at the moment when he was about to come into contact with Immorton, he ducked and passed by.

The positions of the two staggered in an instant.

At this moment, Yado came to the place where Imerton was standing just now. The half of Imerton's sleeve that was cut off was at his feet, and the hexagonal key was just under the black cloth.

"Imorton, did you build the solar ship below?"

Yado stomped on the piece without a trace, and then asked Emerton.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have seen that ship before," Imerton said.That solar ship was not built by him, but by Pharaoh.

The pharaoh not only wanted to knock him down from the altar, but he also wanted to live forever in the world, so he secretly built the solar ship.

He also learned about it later, when he was preparing for the last ceremony in this mausoleum.

Pharaoh also relied on the powerful power of the solar ship to injure him severely in one fell swoop, and then successfully defeated Imerton.It was just that at that time, his reincarnation ceremony had been mostly completed and his soul had gained immortality, so the Pharaoh could only seal him but could not kill him completely.

"I guess you didn't build that ship!"

"You guessed it right, it was built by Pharaoh Sethis at that time."

"Oh? Isn't it Seti I?"


Imerton snorted coldly, but did not answer Yado's question.He attacked again.

He could feel that the power restricting him was constantly draining away, and he would be able to recover in a short time, and then he would be able to kill all these damned guys in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Jonathan finally finished the spell. He didn't order these guards to attack Emerton, because in his opinion, these mummies were definitely no match for this more powerful 'mummy'.

He sent those mummy guards to attack Ansuna.

"You don't seem to care much? According to rumors, you were executed by Pharaoh for 'love'."

Yado saw that Imerton was only slightly moved at the beginning, and wanted to stop him, but because of Yado's obstruction, it was naturally difficult for him to succeed.

Then Imerton's face returned to coldness, expressionless and rigid, more like a mummy than a mummy.

"Do you want to know what is missing in that solar ship? It also lacks a soul. Only a powerful soul can drive that ship."

When Imerton said this, his eyes showed a little longing, and he looked at Yado as if he saw a prey.

"Ansuna was good, but now I have a better goal."

Yado immediately understood the meaning of Immorton's words. It turned out that he resurrected Ansuna in order to use her soul as the power source of the sun ship.

Now because of Yado's appearance, he switched his target to Yado's body, a powerful sacrificial soul, a soul that is more valuable than Ansuna's soul.

As long as you inject the soul of the guy in front of you into that solar ship, you will definitely get a more powerful solar ship.

"Is that right?"

Yado thought to himself, the magic circle on that solar ship is indeed somewhat like a soul-binding magic circle.But he always felt that something was wrong. The truth of the matter did not seem to be as Imerton said, and there must be a deeper conspiracy.

"How dare you wander off!"

Immorton shouted sharply. After fighting for such a long time, he finally seized the opportunity and knocked Yado away with one punch.

This attack was so powerful that Yado flew straight for more than ten meters, and punched Yado into the hall with one punch.

Immorton has very rich combat experience. Once he gains power, he will naturally be unreasonable and unforgiving.

He rushed forward quickly, brought up a gust of wind, and punched Yaduo who fell from the air and had nowhere to rely on, and sent him flying upwards again.

Obviously, he didn't intend to give Yado any time to react, and was going to directly kill Yado here in the midst of constant attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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