Chapter 262 Pursuit
The inertia of the plot is really great!

When Yado came to Cairo, it was already very dark night, the river was stained with blood, and the ten kinds of disasters in the legend were coming one by one.

According to his speed, he should have reached Cairo faster than O'Connor and others.

But in fact he was three days behind these people, and these three days were enough for Imerton to do a lot of things.

"Unexpectedly, this "Golden Sun Sutra" is actually a semi-magical weapon!"

Yado subconsciously stroked the tightly wrapped "Sun Golden Sutra" in his hand, thinking about it with some emotion.

When Yado walked out of Hamna Tower, the city of the undead, he thought it would be an easy journey, but an accident happened.

The "Sun Golden Scripture" in his hand actually started to become very heavy.If it weren't for his great strength, an ordinary mid-level mage would come over, and he might not be able to hold this scripture at all.

Therefore, Yado's trip was seriously delayed, so that he arrived here three days later than planned,
"But why do I feel that Cairo and even Egypt are different now?"

Doubts arose in Yado's heart. He felt that the barrier of space became weak for some reason, and the magic energy elements around him also became active.

In other words, the power of spells will be magnified here.Yado didn't try it, but he could feel that the power of the spell had been increased by at least ten times.

In other words, even an apprentice can release spells that are as powerful as a formal junior wizard.

At this time, his cultivation as an intermediate wizard can release the magic power equivalent to that of a senior wizard.

Yado knew that all of this had something to do with Imerton, and he didn't know what this guy had done to turn Cairo into what it is now.

Yado was vigilant, walking through the silent city, looking for O'Connor and others.

"Sure enough, Imerton was successfully resurrected, but I don't know if he is still in this city now."

Yado walked through the city, and he saw that on the street, there were some numb people everywhere, holding knives and forks and holding up torches. Some kind of symbols had been imprinted on the faces of these people.

There was no expression on the faces of these people, they just chanted Imerton's name numbly and marched on the street.

Yado's speed was so fast that these numb slaves couldn't even notice anyone passing by them.

Soon he came to the hotel in the original plot, but it had been smashed down long ago, and there was no sign of Love Song.

"Then, now we can only go to the museum to find them."

With a thought in his heart, Yado set off here.

In this riotous city, everything is full of weirdness and horror.

The flying locusts raged in the air, but Yaduo was not affected at all. There was an invisible shield outside his body, which crushed the locusts in the air and bounced them away.

He didn't know where the museum was, so he could only run continuously in the city. With his current physical fitness, the running speed could already catch up with the ordinary cars of later generations, with a speed close to [-] kilometers per hour.

But even so, trying to find that museum in the big city of Cairo is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"Huh? Is there a living person? It's that Horn!"

Suddenly, Yado, who was running extremely fast, stopped.In his telepathy, he discovered a familiar mental fluctuation, which was the priest Hu En.

At this moment, this mental wave is at a certain position 500 meters in front of him on the left, and Yado can feel that the opponent's mental wave is very unstable, as if he is in a battle.

Yado immediately adjusted his direction, and then ran towards that location.

At this moment, in the Cairo Museum, more than a dozen mummies are wreaking havoc in this long-standing building. To be precise, they are chasing and killing a man in black robes, the sacrificial Hearn.

These mummies are agile and flexible, run fast, and are extremely powerful, even stronger than the best soldiers.

If the man in black who was hunted down by them hadn't thrown a few dark green rays of light, or the faint yellow quicksand spell, he would have been unable to hold on long ago.

But even so, he was still hit a few times, and a little bit of black blood continued to flow with the violent movements. It was obvious that the mummy's claws were highly poisonous.

From the looks of it, it was only a matter of time before Hearn lost.

The mummies attacked again. This time, due to the location, these mummies attacked Heon from all directions and directions. This time, all the dodging directions of Hearn were blocked, making it impossible for him to hide. .

"Horn, squat down!"

Just when Heon thought that there was no possibility of surviving, a somewhat familiar voice sounded, and suddenly a young figure appeared in Heon's mind.

He didn't think in a hurry, his body had already reacted. Facing the attacks of these mummies, he didn't fight back, but squatted down suddenly.

Then, he only heard a huge roar.

Immediately, he felt the purple light shining, and a violent wave whizzed past his head, sweeping away all the mummies that had been slaughtered.

Hearn raised his head, and immediately saw that familiar figure appearing in front of him.

"My lord, be careful that those mummies will come back to life!"

"Don't worry, Hearn! As long as your spell is powerful enough to smash those mummies to pieces in an instant, they won't be resurrected."

Hou En just wanted to continue persuading, but immediately heard Yado's words, and immediately felt very speechless.

Besides, he looks like a difficult mummy guard, but when he comes to this lord, it's just a matter of magic.Sure enough, he must be a powerful priest reincarnated.

"Oh, why didn't you pledge allegiance to Imerton, after all, he was once the High Priest."

Yado asked suspiciously. It stands to reason that Hearn, as the inheritor of the sacrificial ritual, should have respected Imerton, the former high priest. Why is he being attacked by the mummy?
"My lord, you don't know that Immorton is already crazy. He wants to be the only true god on earth, and he wants all the priests to be his slaves."

As a noble priest, Hearn naturally couldn't accept this condition, so he was attacked by these mummy guards.

Yado can naturally understand this, no wonder the other party will resist Imerton.As a noble wizard, he was naturally unwilling to become a lowly slave.

"So, do you know where Evelyn and the others are, those people who were with me that I saw in Hamna Tower before?"

"I don't know, but it should be to the west. They escaped from the museum, and then drove west in a car."

Yado was naturally not entangled. Since O'Connor and others have escaped, why are you a priest with magic power trapped here.

It was nothing more than seeing Imerton's resurrection and wanting to take refuge in the other party, but he couldn't accept the other party's conditions, so these things happened now.

"Okay, are you going to follow me, or stay here?" Yado asked.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy, as a priest, still has some extraordinary power, his future ship is still short of manpower.Otherwise, Yado would definitely not invite the other party.

"Willing to serve you, my lord!"

"Then let's go!"

O'Connor drove the car and ran wildly on the street.

He stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and continued to accelerate towards the slaves in front of him.

After all, it wasn't the car of the later generations. Although it knocked over many people, it was still rushed by more people.Finally the car was fitted with a bunch of obstacles and turned over.

O'Connor and others immediately jumped out of the vehicle, and at this time, the slaves chasing them gradually surrounded them and surrounded them in front of a wall.

"Imorton! Imorton! Imorton!"

These people with slave symbols on their faces surrounded O'Connor and the others, but they did not rush to attack, but stopped. They shouted Imerton's name, waiting for the arrival of the high priest.

Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, with solemn and solemn tones, echoing continuously, showing sufficient religious meaning.

Soon, the crowd automatically parted ways, and Imerton in a black robe came out, but from his face, he could still vaguely see some wretched Yingzi.

"Which monster is it? It has been fully resurrected!" The old curator could tell Imogen's state at a glance. Imogen, who had killed all the Yankees, was completely resurrected.

And possessed a thousand years of mana, becoming an extremely powerful evildoer.

"Come on, my princess, as long as you come with me, I will let your friend go."

Imerton's eyes were indifferent, high above, looking down at the few humans on the opposite side.

"You mean what you say? As long as I go with you, you will let my friend go?" Evelyn asked.

"Of course, I'm Imerton, the high priest of Egypt, so I won't deceive you."

"Okay, I'll go with you, you let them go."

After that, Evelyn took a few steps forward and walked in front of Imerton.

"And that key."

Imerton smiled charmingly, and with a wave of his arm, an invisible force captured the hexagonal key from Jonathan's pocket, then took Evelyn's hand, turned around without the slightest hesitation Just walked outside.

When passing by those slaves, Imerton coldly ordered them to kill all the people in front of them.

After hearing this, Evelyn naturally resisted with all her strength, but where she could break free from Imerton, she could only let him pull her away.

And those numb slaves, under Imerton's order, immediately began to approach O'Connor and the others.

The battle was about to break out. Although O'Connor and the others had experienced many battles and were powerful in combat, the slaves who had an absolute numerical advantage quickly surrounded them.

"I think you need help."

Just when O'Connor and others were in a desperate situation, a clear voice sounded.

Then they saw, on the roof behind them, a tall and straight figure appeared, dressed in the same black robe, and a more mysterious black robe.

"Dude, I thought you were dead in Hamna Tower!"

Jonathan said in surprise when he saw Yado.

They fled from Hamna Tower without finding Yado, thinking that the young guy had died somewhere, but they didn't expect to see each other again at this time, so naturally they were very surprised.

"Hey, Jonathan, I'm not going to die so easily!"

"Okay, buddy, hurry up, there is no way to hurry up, we are almost going to be unable to hold on."

When O'Connor knocked down another slave, he said impatiently.At this time, they are like people who are about to drown, no matter what, as long as there is a chance of life, they want to catch it.

"Of course, as you wish. Grab the ropes, and you all come up."

Yado finished speaking, and then saw him drop three ropes from above.

"That's it? Gosh, tell me it's not a joke!"

"Hurry up, you're running out of time."

These people were naturally very skeptical. Even if there was a rope, would they have time to climb up?But at this time, they had no choice but to trust each other.

So, while there was still time, one person grabbed a rope.

"Grab it!"

I only heard Yaduo shout from above, and then the three of them felt a huge force at the same time, which immediately dragged them upwards and crippled them.

In a blink of an eye, it actually appeared on the roof.

"What a lot of strength!"

The three of them weighed at least more than 500 kilograms in total, whether they were heavy or light, but the guy in front of them, who even looked a little thin, actually pulled them up in one go. What a lot of strength!
They even suspected that this guy was a tyrannosaur in human skin.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, hurry up and go. It won't take long for these guys to gather around again."

After being reminded by Yado, they realized that at this time, they were still being hunted down, so naturally they didn't dare to stay here for a long time, so they all ran forward with Yado.

During the day the next day, the sun was shining brightly, steaming the earth.

A car roared and ran wildly somewhere on the outskirts of Cairo.

It was O'Connor who was driving, and Yado, Jonathan, Hearn, and the leader of the black knight were sitting in the car.

They were heading to an airfield, the Royal Air Force Base at the port of Giza.Of course, it used to be a regular British Royal Air Force base during a certain war.

But after the war, because of the distance from the mainland and the changes in the international situation after the war, this place was abandoned. Now there is only an old pilot and some of the people he hired.

"Morning, Winston, I have something to discuss."

O'Connor crossed the dunes, found Winston who was drinking tea, and spoke.

"Does your question have anything to do with the RAF?"


(End of this chapter)

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