wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 257 Opening (Happy New Year Everyone)

Chapter 257 Opening (Happy New Year Everyone)
Huon asked the black knights to wait for him here, and then left alone, heading towards Hamna Tower.

Hou En is already middle-aged, and his hair is already a little gray. Last year, wrinkles also climbed up his face.

It has been nearly 30 years since he received divine enlightenment and became a priest, so he has already experienced hardships.

For more than 30 years, he has also stayed at the level of junior priests, and his progress is very slow, so that he has no hope of promotion at all.

He thought it would be like this in his life, but today, when he was stopping a group of tomb robbers, he saw a senior priest.

High-level priests, in the classics, were the most powerful class even in the most powerful period of ancient Egypt, the Golden Dynasty.

This undoubtedly has an extremely strong temptation for him.

Therefore, even though there might be danger, he still went towards Hamna Tower without hesitation.

Because he didn't go too far, he soon saw the ruins of Hamna Tower flashing again.

Sure enough, as soon as he reached a certain range, Hearn felt a mysterious guidance, and then he detoured towards the east and came to a hidden place in the ruins.

"Here you are! I thought you wouldn't come."

Yado didn't turn around, but he could feel the person coming.Even so, there was no doubt in his tone.

"Yes, my lord, Huon would like to listen to your orders."

Huon turned to the figure in front of him and performed a noble etiquette of five-body worship.

The hierarchy among the priests is very strict, and the high priests have absolute dominance over the low priests.

"Huen, why do you call me an adult." Yado's voice came.

When he thought about it, why this apprentice wizard, who had only met him once, seemed to be so obedient and in awe of him, it didn't seem like it was because he had more powerful power.

"As a primary priest, it is reasonable to offer my loyalty to you, Your Excellency the Senior Priest."

Although he was very surprised by Yaduo's words, Hu En still said respectfully.

"Well, I want to know everything about this place, especially the information about the solar ship."

Afterwards, he seemed to see the doubts appearing in Heon's eyes, and continued: "I came back from a far away place, and I don't know much about everything here."

This is the truth. Yado knows that there are treasures here, such as the "Golden Sutra of the Sun", the "Black Sutra of the Dead", the evil priest Imerton, and a temple.

He even knew that this place was not like an ordinary mausoleum, and that there might be something more mysterious there.

However, I really don't know the clues about the solar ship involved in it. After all, there is no introduction about this point in the movie I saw in the previous life.

After hearing this, Hou En couldn't help but tremble in his heart, especially when he heard the sentence "Returning from a distant place", a certain guess could not be suppressed in his heart.

Legend has it that in the distant time when Egypt was the most powerful, even the pharaohs had to submit to the powerful theocracy, and it was these powerful priests who represented the theocracy.

These sacrifices have great power, and to ordinary people, they are gods walking on the ground.

They were not willing to die in front of the years, so they carried out a god-making plan in an attempt to survive in the world through special rituals, become an immortal existence, and rule the whole of Egypt forever.

But later, this plan failed.

At least in the records, this is the case. Pharaoh was not willing to have an eternal shackle on his head, and he didn't want someone to be able to press on his head forever.

Therefore, when this plan reached a critical period, the pharaoh led an army to raid these priests, they destroyed the ceremony, and killed all the priests present.

That battle was to cover up the truth.

Pharaoh made up a lie that the high priest had an affair with his queen and poisoned her.

What the Pharaoh did was very successful. Not only did he wipe out all the priests, but he even cleaned up all the guards who participated, so the truth of this matter was hidden under the yellow sand forever.

And he also learned about this seemingly false legend through a certain ageless document.

In that legend, several priests had achieved success at that time. Although they suffered physical destruction, they would definitely return to reading one day in the future.

Could it be that the young man in front of him is such an existence, a powerful priest who has returned.

Otherwise, how should I explain that this young man, who is not yet 20 years old, has already become a senior priest.

"About everything here, I know something from those tomb guards. The clues about the solar ship should be in"

Immediately, Huon began to tell Yado, everything he knew, and finally, he also expressed that he would follow Yado and serve him.

Of course, Yado rejected him in the end, but he asked Horn to wait for him in Cairo. In Yado's mind, a ship must need a crew, and the native apprentice in front of him obviously still has a little.

Yado watched Huon leave, and then his eyes flickered.

"Sure enough, history will always contain layers of fog, and the truth is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

"This is not a poignant love story, but it also contains power struggles and various conspiracies."

There was only a sigh left in place, and then Yado's figure disappeared into the darkness.

He had already got what he wanted. There was indeed a solar boat under the mausoleum, which was prepared for himself by the high priest at that time, but it was not built at that time and was attacked by the Pharaoh.

So now, even he doesn't know whether the sun boat down there is still intact or whether it was destroyed by the Pharaoh at that time.

And he also got a very important news, that is, the construction method of the solar ship is recorded in the "Sun Golden Scripture".

The next day, it was finally time for the "Black Book of the Dead" to be unearthed.

The American expedition team took out a cube box from the mechanism opened yesterday, the box containing the "Black Book of the Dead".

There is a curse engraved on it. Anyone who opens this box will be killed.

And a warning: once this box is opened, the evil spirit sealed by the holy law will definitely return to the world, and he will kill everyone who opens the box to be resurrected.

From a cursed spirit, he transformed into a monster causing harm to the world!
(End of this chapter)

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