wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 255 Exploring the Tomb

Chapter 255 Exploring the Tomb
"They will insert a hot red iron tongs into your nostrils. The brains will be slightly mashed, and then pulled out forcefully."

Evelyn has intensively studied various knowledge of ancient Egypt, and she is very clear about the mummification process.

In addition, she is in this confined space, so her explanation is particularly powerful, and people can't help but become involved in it.

"Ah, that must be very painful!" O'Connor touched his nose and said with concern.

"No, at that time, you were already dead." Evelyn's cold voice came.


At this moment, a huge sound suddenly sounded.

Then I saw an object falling from above, bringing up a huge cloud of dust, and making the whole room smoky.

This sudden turn of events shocked the three people in the room.Because, just a little bit, the thing was going to hit Evelyn and O'Connor.

"Oh my God, it's a sarcophagus!"

Jonathan turned around and walked to the side of the sarcophagus, and then he looked to the top of his head, which was at the feet of Death.

"Buried at the feet of God of Death, if he wasn't of a distinguished background." Evelyn withdrew her upward gaze and looked at the sarcophagus in front of her again, "That would be a heinous crime!"

Immediately, the three of them all looked at the sarcophagus.

They cleaned up the sand on the sarcophagus and saw that the sarcophagus was very special. The name of the deceased was not engraved on it, and it was locked with a machine lock.

"If I were you, I wouldn't touch that bug on the wall!"

Yado looked at the one in the team, the fat man who had no name in the play, who was prying the sleeping scarab on the front wall at the moment.

Yado's spirit was scattered, and he could feel that on the wall, among the bugs like blue metal, there were life fluctuations.

"Damn it, don't stop me from getting rich. If you want it, you can find it elsewhere. Everything here is mine."

This unnamed dragon turned around and vaguely pointed the gun in his hand at Yaduo, as if he would shoot whenever he moved.

"In that case, good luck to you."

Yado smiled slightly, and turned into another passage.

He was just passing by here just now, and when he saw this guy dying, he couldn't help reminding him, but now the other party didn't appreciate it, so naturally he wouldn't say anything more.

It's hard to persuade the goddamn hell.

Yado could faintly feel that there was a little magic power fluctuation on those scarabs, which could barely be regarded as demonized creatures.

It's no wonder that the dragon will be bitten to death by a bug. Ordinary people who are unprepared and attacked by such bugs are naturally no match at all.

Ya Duo walked tens of meters, and then the miserable voice faintly heard in his ears was the voice of that fat man. It seemed that he was really bitten by that bug.

Immediately, Yaduo ignored it and continued walking forward.

"Well, it's over here!"

Yaduo entered a dead end and searched all the way. He found that the six lines of magic circle converged here.

This is a dead end, sealed off by thick rocks.It can be seen that this passage should lead directly to the bottom, but for some unknown reason, it was blocked.

Yado sensed it with his mental power, and the rock was about ten meters thick.

This rock is nothing, but the magic circle on it is still working, an unknown defensive magic circle.

"These damned Egyptians! There are so many tricks."

Yaduo took a few glances and found that with his knowledge base, he could detect the traps in this defensive circle, but he was unable to crack it.

Although, with his strength, he could forcibly break through the magic circle, that would inevitably trigger a trap on the magic circle, which would produce a series of explosions and collapse the entire passage.

"Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, this defensive circle can still work. And it is still under the condition that the external energy-gathering circle fails, which shows that there are other energy supplies under the mausoleum and inside the mausoleum. source!"

Ya Duo's eyes flickered, as expected, the mausoleum was really not simple!

At night, the icy wind blew slightly.

During the day, this place is a furnace that will heat people to death, but at night, this place will exude the coldness of nine cold days

"It seems that your luck is not very good today."

Yado came out from the darkness and looked at the three of O'Connor who were depressed.

He went straight to the fire, and threw what was in his hand in front of them.

"what is this?"

Jonathan keenly noticed a familiar light shining, and then saw him pick up the things on the ground with lightning speed.

He studied by himself by the light of the fire, and soon the expression on his face became wonderful.

"This is yellow"

He immediately noticed that his voice was a bit loud, and then looked narrowly at Yado, "Do you still have it? Where did you find it?"

"It's just below, but it's not the same path as you."

"Where is it, take me there now."

"I'm sorry, but you may be disappointed, that's all I found in that place."

"That's such a pity."

Jonathan looked regretful. If he could follow Yado today, with his professional level, he might be able to find more gold.

"Jonathan, let me see."

After Evelyn finished speaking, she snatched the things from Jonathan's hand regardless of whether he agreed or not.

"It's gold, it should be part of some kind of scepter."

Evelyn carefully looked at the pattern on the gold nugget in her hand, and felt that it was very similar to a certain pharaoh's scepter she had in the museum, and the nature was also very close, so it should be the same item.

"What luck!"

Evelin raised her hand to return these pieces of gold to Yado.

But at this time, Jonathan stretched out his hand suddenly and grabbed the gold in his hand.

"This is mine. Yado gave me this gold just now."

"Yes, I gave them to Jonathan. Without your help, I'm afraid I still can't find my way in the desert."

Yado didn't care about this bit of gold at all.If you can make good friends with these plot characters with these few pieces of gold, then it will be very worthwhile.

"Look, I told you that he gave these to me."

Afterwards, several people started talking about the previous topics again.

"They triggered the mechanism, and it was high-pressure hydrochloric acid that melted those people."

This is the information that O'Connor came back from inquiring. If it weren't for those Americans, I'm afraid there are only a few of them in the central government now.

Thinking of this, the three of them couldn't help but turn pale for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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