Chapter 24 Illusion
The four apprentices suddenly went crazy. They cast spells frantically, attacking everything in front of them.

Yado casually grabbed the blond girl not far away, rushed forward, and hid behind the tall pillar of the altar.

"These people, how could this happen!"

At this time, Jaina suddenly retracted her clenched right hand, her face flushed slightly, as if to ease the embarrassment between the two, she looked at the few people who went crazy on the altar and murmured.

"It's pollution. The spiritual will of these people has been polluted. This kind of Saffronite is a strange metal that was soaked in the blood of ancient gods. It is born with all kinds of madness and can easily corrode and pollute people's hearts."

At some point, Chromie's petite figure walked to the altar and said leisurely

For some reason, those crazy apprentices didn't seem to be able to see Chromie. They even passed by Chromie without any intention of attacking this little loli.

Chromie looked at Yado and Jaina who were hiding in the corner, her mouth suddenly curved upwards, and said in a cold tone: "These people who have been polluted by the ancient gods will eventually degenerate into aberrations. Become the evil minions of the ancient gods!"

"Then there is no way to cure them!" Jaina asked. At this time, Jaina was still the kind-hearted sunshine girl. The first thing she thought of was how to save them, rather than resorting to means of elimination.

"They are hopeless, instead of letting them become servants of evil to invade Azeroth. It is better to purify them now, wouldn't it be better!"

After Chromie finished speaking, she looked at the beautiful blonde girl with strange eyes, wanting to see if she would make a different choice from the future at this time.

"But there is always a way, isn't it, these are a few living lives after all!" Jaina said firmly.

At this moment, even Ya Duo was aware of the slightest difference. He stared closely at the dwarf loli in the center of the altar, and his heart was suddenly filled with a strange feeling.

The question and answer scene just now seems to be very similar to a certain scene that will happen in the future.He still remembered the momentous event that led to the downfall of Prince Arthas, sounding the horn of the invasion of the Scourge.

That event, which was also extremely close to his body, purified Stratholme.In that incident, Jaina also faced a similar choice, but it was her lover, Prince Arthas, who asked the question.

In the end, disagreements over this issue led Jaina and Arthas to part ways outside Stratholme, so that the relationship between the two ended without a problem, and eventually drifted apart and became enemies.

Faced with a similar choice at this time, even though there were only four people, Jaina still made the same choice in the future.

"Oh, there is another person here, dear Osses, right, the little guy of the Rivendell family, I didn't expect you to be able to resist the madness, and you didn't fall mad, but this is your greatest luck, and Your greatest misfortune."

Chromie's face was extremely sinister at the moment, and his eyes were filled with endless madness.

"Who are you?" Jaina asked in a cold tone, like ice.

This dwarf loli appeared very strangely, and knew a lot about this operation, so she joined this mission in a few words.

So how did I trust her so easily at that time?Could it be affected by some kind of magic?
"Hehe, does it matter who I am? The important thing now is that I will bury the two of you here, so that some things will not happen again!" murderous look.

Suddenly hearing such words, Yaduo felt as if a hundred thousand cao mud horses were running through his heart.Originally it was just like soy sauce, he never thought that Chromie, a giant bronze dragon, would say such words and take action against him.

In his impression, didn't the Bronze Dragon Legion never interfere with the normal development of history?Even those famous incidents were tasks for other people to complete, and they didn't really make a move.

Thinking of this, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his mind, unless the Chromie in front of him was not the Chromie in his memory!

She is not a bronze dragon, she is a fallen eternal dragon. The Chromie in front of her is her fallen incarnation in the future.

"Oh, interesting little guy, you seem to have guessed my identity. Although I don't know where you learned my identity, you guys who disturbed history should go to hell!"

Chromie's tone became more and more gloomy, and she let out a wild shout.

After speaking, her body began to swell rapidly, and a huge dragon with rough black skin suddenly appeared on the spot.

In the millstone-sized eyes, the ruthless vertical pupils stared at Yaduo and Jaina coldly, and a breath of dragon began to gather in its body.

In just three breaths, a torrent of khaki-yellow light jetted out from the huge dragon mouth of the blackened Chromina, enveloping the two of them in metal.

The purpose of her coming this time is to kill the girl in front of her, and of course she doesn't mind crushing the bug-like creature next to her.

As long as Jaina is killed here, I am afraid that the future will really change, and the future will not become so hopeless.


Yada shouted, and was about to pull Jaina again, dodging behind the huge pillar, but this time he didn't pull Jaina down.

I saw the blond girl suddenly flashing into the sky, and a huge boulder burning with raging flames crashed down from the top of the cave.

The momentum is magnificent, the momentum is astonishing, and it is surrounded by endless wind and waves.

Yado believed that if he were the one standing on the ground at this moment, the dissipated air wave alone would be enough to kill him.

This spell has at least reached the level of high-level spells, almost equivalent to the third-ring spells in the wizarding world.Such power is definitely not what Jaina can emit at this time, it should be a magic item on her body!

The black dragon mockingly looked at the boulder of lava falling rapidly from the sky, and said in an extremely disdainful tone, although the power of this spell is enough to hurt it, the premise is to hit it.

Immediately, a series of incomprehensible words came out of its mouth, and a layer of ripples invisible to the naked eye rippled instantly.

"Time exchange!"

Following the obscure and harsh sound, the name of this spell appeared in Yaduo's mind for some reason, and before he had time to think about the effect of this spell,
I saw that the position I was standing at this time had changed, it seemed that the black giant dragon had exchanged positions with the eternal dragon Chromi!
He raised his head with difficulty, but he didn't see anything, and his whole thought and spiritual will suddenly fell into darkness.

 Double change ask for votes! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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