wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 214 Etty Moran

Chapter 214 Etty Moran
World D788, wizard fortress, third floor, combat command room.

Ike Moran, a junior wizard, is the supreme commander of the fortress. He has held this position for more than two years, so he has a full understanding of the Scourge warriors in this world.

Knowing that these bloodthirsty and crazy guys are by no means weak, since the reinforcements arrived and broke the blockade of the fortress, the Wizarding World has added a large number of manpower.

Then there was a plan to wipe out the deformed species of the natural disaster forces, and the plan was successfully implemented. From the first day, each team achieved very good results.

They easily broke through the blockade of the deformed species, and continued to advance towards the core cities.If the number of people is not too small, I am afraid that the entire city can be cleaned up in one day, and then the space descending node of the disaster world will be destroyed.

Before today, the plan went very smoothly. Judging from the previous progress, I am afraid that it will not take three or two days to completely destroy those space nodes and completely wipe out the natural disaster bastards in the world.

But this also gave him a bad feeling in his heart, that was too smooth, those natural disaster fighters seemed to give up resistance completely, they hardly appeared in the city's defense, and did not organize those deformed species to resist .

This is unique in the war between wizards and natural disasters in the past two years.

In his memory, these plague-infected guys had already lost their minds in battle.

So those natural disaster fighters are brave and fearless, even if there are only one soldier left, they will never give up.

This kind of situation appeared at this time, all of which indicated that there was a problem.

Sure enough, today, something went wrong.

Those natural disaster soldiers who didn't know where to hide suddenly appeared in the battlefield, and they finally showed their fangs.

A new type of plague virus appeared. This virus broke through the magic shield silently. Whether it is a wizard apprentice or a junior wizard, once infected, it is absolutely difficult to cure.

What's even more frightening is that this virus is extremely hidden. By the time it is discovered, it has already been deeply infected, and other simple means become useless.

So this also caused heavy losses to the wizards. The loss rate of many teams exceeded 50.00%, which means that more than 200 wizards fell into the hands of those Scourge fighters.

Needless to say, these people are definitely hard to survive.

That is, today, nearly 250 apprentices and more than [-] junior wizards were lost.

The loss was so great that even when the Scourge warriors first came to this world, the several battles that broke out were even greater.

For such a major mistake, although there was a reason for it, someone must be responsible, and he, the commander of the fortress, must be held accountable.

So he was in a bad mood, and he locked himself here alone, without interruption.

But at this moment, a burst of light and shadow flickered, and the light of the directional teleportation spell lit up.

On the directional teleportation circle in the combat command room, a figure in a black robe appeared.

"Didn't I say it? I want to be quiet. Does it mean that what I said doesn't work now?" Eke Moran said angrily without looking back.

The person who came did not speak. He stepped down from the teleportation circle and walked to the side of the junior wizard Eke Moran in just a few steps.

"Why are you here, Eddie?"

Eke Moran wanted to scold just now, but after seeing the figure beside him, he swallowed the words he hadn't spoken yet, and continued.

I saw someone coming, pulling down the wizard's hood, revealing a head of wine red hair, and then her head was slightly turned to one side, and that delicate face made Eke Moran unable to hold back his breath.

This woman is called Etty Moran, and she is the younger sister of Eck's junior wizard.

They were born in the Moran wizard family in the alliance. This is an extremely powerful family. The first head of the family was a seventh-level immortal wizard, who used to be called St. Moran.

Of course, this powerful immortal wizard has traveled the star realm and has not shown up for thousands of years. The most powerful member of the Moran family today is their father, the current head of the family, a sixth-level true spirit wizard.

Because the founder of the family is a seventh-level immortal wizard, each generation of patriarchs can advance to a sixth-level true spirit wizard, so the Moran family can occupy one of the thirteen seats in the alliance council, and the Moran family still develops D788 this time. The main force of the world.

"You let the old guy down with your performance, so I came before things got worse," Etty Moran said.

He was obviously younger than Eck's junior wizard, but Eck's junior wizard didn't dare to refute what Aidie said, and could only accept it passively.

All of this is because his younger sister possessed an extremely powerful wizard talent since she was a child. When she embarked on the wizarding path, her learning speed was far faster than her peers, and she became a junior wizard before she was promoted to the Higher Wizarding Academy. .

Eke's junior wizard subconsciously looked at his sister, and he saw that there were three astronomical marks on Aidie's mage robe. In a year's time, he advanced again and became an intermediate wizard.

"You are already an intermediate wizard!" A surprised expression appeared on Ek's face, but then it turned into a matter-of-fact expression.

His own sister has already entered the Advanced Wizard Academy, so becoming an intermediate wizard is a matter of course.

"It was three months ago."

Aidie looked at the various battle reports displayed on the mana light curtain in front of him, and then said: "The guy died here before, and this time so many people died, so he sent me to replace you."

"Is there a solution to that plague?" Eck said, and now he no longer cares about everything else, and the plague virus is his focus.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have come. It's a brand new plague. Although it looks very severe, it will slowly recover after passing the early critical and severe period."

Etty said that the plague virus seemed to be breaking out rapidly and hard to guard against, but it was not fatal at all.

Of course, if you are infected with the plague while fighting the enemy, you will naturally lose your combat effectiveness once it occurs.

Although it will not be killed by the plague, falling into the hands of the enemy may be more terrible than being killed by the plague, and the consequences will be more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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