wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 209 was attacked

Chapter 209 was attacked

The sound of huge water splashes exploded, and the muddy lake water began to surge, and it suddenly became choppy.

Through the detection system on the chariot, you can clearly see the huge monster, the giant octopus-like water monster, moving violently under the lake.

It seems that they are preparing to launch another attack.

It was indeed so, in just a moment, dozens of thick and huge tentacles shot out from the lake, like a group of demons dancing wildly, and lashed towards the three chariots in the sky.

Ya Duo and the others knew the strength of the tentacles, so they didn't dare to touch the chariot, so they quickly dodged.

Of course, this time because he was prepared, the three magic cannons fired at the same time while dodging.

A burst of crimson magic energy missiles criss-crossed, forming a firepower net, and immediately bombarded several tentacles.

The sound of rumbling explosions mixed with painful hissing immediately resounded through the entire lake.

The pain made the dancing of the dozen or so tentacles more intense and crazier.

The air was constantly exploding and making loud noises, making Yaduo and the others tired of dodging, but they couldn't seize a better opportunity to attack.

"This guy has really thick skin!"

Yado could see clearly that although the water monster seemed to be screaming in pain, the damage to the places where the bullets were shot was not serious, only some wounds the size of basketballs were blown out, which is not a big deal for a huge water monster. It's not a serious injury.

And even if they knocked out a few tentacles, it might not be fatal to this kind of water monster.

At this time, as Yado and the others blocked their attack, more tentacles sprang out from under the water surface, making it even more difficult for them to dodge.

"All lift off!" Yado ordered.

Immediately, the three magic chariots began to fly towards a higher place.

"Bang, bang, bang."

At this moment, three crisp sounds came out, as if a stone had hit the steel.

"Out of control! The magic chariot is out of control."

After the three crisp sounds, Gan Deli suddenly discovered that the various instrument data of the chariot began to become disordered, and the most important power circle showed signs of collapse.

"What's going on?" Yado asked.

"I don't know, it should have been attacked. From the last data, we should have been interfered by the Scourge Warriors."

"The chariot will be completely out of control in ten seconds, and we will fall right away."

"Crash landing quickly! Land on the shore over there."

At this time, the three mana chariots were basically above the water monster. If they fell, they would face the terrifying water monster. Moreover, they were still in the water, the opponent's main battlefield, and they would be in danger.

Therefore, it is necessary to land on the shore as soon as possible while the magic chariot still has a little power.

But now that those natural disaster fighters have made a move, there is no way for Yaduo and others to escape this catastrophe easily.

Immediately, I saw three more dark green light groups shooting out of the dense forest, shooting towards the three escaping magic chariots in the air.


Yado spat hard, and at the same time gathered his magic power, six lavender light balls shot out immediately.

The others also knew that this was a critical moment. Immediately afterwards, lightning, fireballs, icicles and other attacks were also sent out from the three magic chariots, attacking the dark green light group.

"Captain, they were fooled." Looking at the various attacks from the magic chariot, Cromolite's tentacles vibrated slightly, and said with some pride.

Bronze-rank Scourge Warrior Rubble Map showed a ferocious smile, "This is just the beginning, I inform everyone to be prepared, and attack immediately as soon as those wizards come ashore."

"Follow the captain!"

When spells of opposite nature collided together, there was a violent explosion immediately, and a gust of wind was blown violently to the surroundings.

This hurricane finally became the straw that broke the camel's back.If it is normal, how can this wind force cause any damage to the magic chariot.

But the magic chariot had almost lost its power, so when the hurricane blew, it immediately blew the three magic chariots to the wrong direction, causing them to fall directly into the lake.

Sure enough, at this time, there is nowhere to rely on.With a bang, the magic chariot immediately fell into the lake.

Yado and the others quickly got out of the chariot, and then swam towards the shore.At this time, the water monster in the lake had obviously reacted, and immediately set off a huge wave, attacking Yaduo and the others.

This time, this annoying iron lump fell into the water, that is, it entered its main battlefield, there is no reason to let it go.

Its speed was very fast, and the place where Yado and others fell into the water was not far away, so the water monster quickly caught up.

The attack by Yado and others just now made it very angry. At this moment, a huge head emerged from the lake, and three pairs of bucket-sized red eyes stared at Yado and other wizards with hatred.

Dozens of huge tentacles are rapidly approaching from underwater, and they set off a huge wave, making it difficult for Yado and others to swim quickly.

"Go ashore quickly."

Seeing that the attack of the water monster was coming, Yado shouted loudly, urging his companions to go ashore quickly.

He has already seen how powerful this water monster is.The hard mana chariots were all deformed by one blow. If they hit them, they would be smashed into flesh immediately.

Soon, after exerting all their strength, Yado and the others finally got ashore before the water monster arrived.

But at the same time, the water monster's attack also came at the same time, and several thick hands suddenly protruded out of the water, and then slammed down on Yaduo and others.

Faced with such an attack, no one dared to take it hard, they all dodged quickly.

Those tentacles missed a single hit, and immediately began to sweep and attack, rolling towards Yado and the others.

Sure enough, this time, several wizard apprentices who had just got up did not escape, and were rolled up by the tentacles, and then those tentacles quickly receded towards the water.

Under the action of the tentacles, the huge head protruding from the water leaned back, revealing a round mouthparts full of sharp teeth.

At this moment, those apprentice wizards who were rolled up were about to be sent into the giant mouth by the tentacles. Needless to say, as long as they entered the giant mouth, there was absolutely no possibility of survival.

Seeing this, these apprentice wizards had no choice but to give up the mission immediately, and ended the advent immediately.

Then, just as they were about to be sent into the giant mouth of the monster, the figures of these wizard apprentices distorted for a while, and then disappeared without a trace, returning to the wizard world.

(End of this chapter)

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