Chapter 201 Fortress
"Hey, the world is bound to be a natural disaster, and this world is bound to be destroyed!"

The five natural disaster soldiers surrounded Yado, and then a low and hoarse voice came. Although these guys spoke an unknown language, Yado easily understood the meaning of the words.

Then these natural disaster soldiers began to pounce on Yaduo.

I saw that their bodies were already covered in a thick dark green color, and then they drew out their long swords and stabbed at Yaduo.

Bursts of dark green ripples began to spread, fear, weakness, ferocity, despair, all kinds of terrifying fluctuations began to spread and infect, and natural disasters and plagues broke out immediately
Before the attack came, Yado felt a strange feeling first, and some strange and evil particles began to attack him. It was the natural disaster and plague.

"Aaron Shock"

As soon as Yado's body moved, he mentally moved the spell template rune, and a violent wave was generated immediately, and then began to rush towards the surroundings.

The huge impact wave immediately knocked out the five natural disaster soldiers who had surrounded and attacked.

Then, Yaduo raised his long sword and rushed towards the five natural disaster soldiers.

The long sword was infused with magic power, exuding a faint purple radiance.

Yado swung his sword and swept out, the violent attack caused a series of explosive sounds in the air, and then chopped on the armor of these Scourge soldiers.

The force of the explosion instantly cut these Scourge soldiers in half, and then handfuls of dark green blood poured out continuously, killing three Scourge soldiers with just one blow.

The black iron-level natural disaster soldiers are only equivalent to wizard apprentices, and are still far from junior wizards, so even though they are very strange, Yado can still easily cut down these natural disaster soldiers.

Afterwards, Yado didn't even look at the other two Scourge soldiers rushing in, poured his sword with magic power, and slashed again.Powerful agility, great strength, and extremely fast attack speed.

These natural disaster soldiers were hard to dodge at all, they also followed in the footsteps of those companions and were cut in half by Yado.

A battle soon came to an end.

Yaduo looked at the fallen corpse, and simply cleaned up the loot. Then he took off the mask on the face of the disaster soldier, and the face that was revealed immediately made him feel a burst of shock.

"It turned out to be five wizard apprentices!"

These guys turned out to be transformed from humans, and looking at the reminder in the wizard's bracelet, these five guys are the last batch of wizard apprentices who came to this world.

They should have been transformed into such weird creatures after being polluted by natural disasters.

Yado once heard people say that there are no living creatures in the natural disaster world, only endless natural disaster demonic energy.

In the distant location era, a certain intelligent race came to this world.They discovered this silent world.Before he knew it, he was infiltrated by those natural disasters, and before he knew it, he transformed into another kind of life, the Lord of Natural Disasters.

And these natural disaster soldiers were later infected by the natural disaster demon energy released by the natural disaster lords when they conquered the world.It was also transformed from other intelligent races, they were only polluted by natural disasters, and then transformed into natural disaster soldiers by pollution.

Among the heavens and worlds, the catastrophe lords most like to transform are the wizards of the wizard world, because the success rate of such transformation is almost as high as [-]%.

Yado killed these natural disaster soldiers, took a brief rest, and then started heading towards the fortress.

Of course, this time, Yado was very careful about his whereabouts, trying to walk in the shadows of the forests, and soon his figure disappeared into the forests.

In the Wizard Fortress, a huge steel fortress stands like a ferocious monster, ready to devour every enemy.

This wizard's fortress is not complete enough. A complete wizard's fortress can suppress the heart of the world. Normally, it can escape into the subspace, so that it does not show its body and is not afraid of snap attacks.

However, in this world, the wizard fortress has just been established, and even the connection with the heart of the world is not very strong, and it is still in the stage of development and occupation.

So the wizard fortress still stands outside, which is the key to the invasion of these natural disasters.Otherwise, how could these natural disasters easily take advantage here.

Therefore, at this moment, outside this ferocious wizard fortress, countless densely packed natural disaster soldiers surrounded it.

When Yado came here, he discovered from a distance that the natural disaster deformed species surrounding the fortress were fighting.

Because at this time, it is obvious that many junior wizards have already arrived here first, and some junior wizards who can't bear it have already found a weak position and are constantly attacking those deformed species.

At this moment, these natural disaster deformed species are constantly roaring and shouting, fighting fiercely with those junior wizards.

Various spells were continuously released, and the rich junior wizards would throw witchcraft bombs from time to time, and the huge explosion immediately caused riots in the area.

But there are too many deformed species, so although these junior wizards seem to have the upper hand in the battle, they face the almost ruthless and endless deformed species, and I am afraid that they will not be able to win in the end.

"How to get in?"

Looking down at the wizards who were being gradually suppressed, Yado began to think deeply.

At this time, more than ten Apache gunships came to this battlefield with a huge roar.

They have already joined, and they exploded with amazing suppression.

The powerful six-round Vulcan cannon covered all the junior wizards and deformed species rushing into the formation, and began to pour out artillery fire mercilessly.

And at this time, the ferocious wizard fortress seemed to have finally erupted with violent attacks. Part of the mana cannon on it was attacking the armed helicopters in the air, and the other part was continuously bombarding the deformed species on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Yado immediately understood the situation in the arena: the wizards left behind in the fortress must have also noticed the situation outside, so they started to fire to support.

But relying on this alone, it seems that the effect does not seem to be great.With one shot down, dozens of deformed species were knocked into the air, but the deformed species below here can be counted. There are probably no fewer than 20 deformed species in this densely packed area.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to repel and eliminate these deformed species with these magic cannons alone.

(End of this chapter)

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