wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 198 New World

Chapter 198 New World

"Hey, you know, the world looks big, but it has its upper limit. And this conflicting D788 world is a world with a very low upper limit. It can only carry the power of junior wizards at most." Gan Deli said excitedly.

Just worrying that it is difficult to complete the accumulation between wizard apprentices and junior wizards, this world conflict is coming, and it is still a rare world suitable for low-level wizards like them.

Since his return from the last world, his spiritual power index has reached 60 degrees. If he completes this task again, then the rewards obtained, converted into potions, will be enough to pile up the spiritual power index to the standard of a junior wizard.

Not only can it save a lot of money, but it can also greatly shorten the time for him to be promoted to a junior wizard.

If the world level is too low, it will be more difficult for those strong to descend. This is the opportunity for these low-level wizards.

Yado glanced at the mission rewards, and found that the rewards were indeed as generous as Gandry said.

As long as you participate in the battle, you will be directly rewarded with 100 points, and you will be issued a standard magic gun.On the battlefield, according to the level of the enemy killed, the corresponding points will be awarded again.

All the people in the natural disaster world are soldiers. According to the level of strength, they are divided into four soldier levels: black iron, bronze, silver, and gold. On the soldier level, there are various natural disaster lords.

Scourge lords are at least equivalent to level [-] great wizards, and those more powerful Scourge lords are even comparable to true spirit wizards.

Of course, in this battle, there will be no disaster lord coming.The only ones who can descend are the Black Iron and Bronze Scourge soldiers.

It just corresponds to the wizard apprentice and junior wizard.

Each of the black iron-level Scourge soldiers is worth 50 points.Bronze-level Scourge soldiers, each rewarded with 100 points.

Yado browsed down, and found that this is simply a world of scoring points.If you kill a hundred or eighty natural disaster soldiers at will, it will be a disaster.Not to mention, how much experience can be gained.

"Oh, it looks good. But war is always quite dangerous." Yado looked up at Gundry and said.

There are no undead in war, and its cruelty and violence are not comparable to those of their previous arrivals.

"Hey, of course. If it wasn't for the fact that the points could be exchanged for high-level mental power potions this time, I wouldn't have made up my mind to take this risk easily," Gandeli said.

"That's really unfortunate. The alliance is willing to take out high-level spiritual potions. It seems that these disaster lords have offended the alliance badly." Yado said a little teasingly.

Spiritual power potions can permanently increase the wizard's spiritual power index. Because of the purity, spiritual power potions are divided into three grades: high, medium, and low.

Low-level medicaments not only have poor improvement effects, but also have a lot of medicament residues, and the more you take, the more residues will be.After years of verification, ten is the safe dose, once this dose is exceeded, it will cause irreversible damage to the body.

Even the more pure middle-level potions have a usage limit of fifteen, but the high-level potions have a usage limit of astonishing fifty, and the effect of improving mental power is much higher than that of low-level potions.

If we say that the primary potion can increase the mental power index by 1-5, it will also decrease as the number of times it is taken increases.Then a high-level potion can guarantee a minimum increase of 20 points of mental power, and it will not decrease due to the increase in the number of times the potion is used.

The Wizards Association always supplies such powerful potions in limited quantities, and the prices are astonishingly high. Each high-end potion requires a full 1000 wizard points.In small and medium-sized cities like Freeport, the monthly supply is only [-] bottles.Often, as soon as it is put on the shelves, it will be swept away by those big families. They, the wizard apprentices with no background, how can junior wizards grab it.

Even if Gundry came from a traditional wizarding family, it would be difficult to snap up such in-demand commodities.

But this time, in order to meet the needs of the war, the Wizarding Association took out a thousand high-level spiritual power potions, and adjusted the exchange points to one of 600 wizarding points.Of course, the restriction is that you must use the few points obtained from beheading the natural disaster soldiers to exchange.

After hearing Yado's words, Gan Deli looked around, lowered his voice and said, "I heard that a direct descendant of a certain immortal wizard died in a natural disaster raid."

Immediately, Yado's heart trembled.The seventh-level immortal wizard is already an absolute high-level wizard in the wizarding world, and a word of high position and weight is not enough to describe it.In this extraordinary world where the mighty power belongs to him, he is even more like the emperor in the world he passed through before.

As we all know, the more powerful an existence is, the more difficult it is to give birth to offspring.Therefore, under the rage of His Excellency the Holy See, it is reasonable for the alliance to bleed so much.

Therefore, this coming mission is a great opportunity for apprentice wizards like them.

Of course, Yado had no reason to accept this mission. Although it might be very dangerous, as long as he can exchange three high-level spiritual power potions, then he would be enough to increase his spiritual power index to [-] points, reaching the threshold for being promoted to an intermediate wizard .

With a decision in mind, Yado naturally returned the books quickly, and then left with Gundry to pick up the mission and prepare for his arrival.

In the empty square, overgrown with weeds.Scrapped cars were placed in a mess, and the entire street was empty, looking desolate and withered.

But soon, an ear-piercing roar sounded from a distance.As if something had been triggered, a series of roars sounded one after another, and soon the terrifying roars affected the entire city.

At this moment, a white light flashed on the top of a certain dilapidated building, and Yado successfully descended.

"This is New York, Manhattan?"

Because from where he was standing, he could see a collapsed building that looked like a triumphal arch at a glance, which made him immediately know where he was at the moment.

New York, Washington Square Park.

After all, New York often appears in various blockbusters. As one of its landmark buildings, this park is also very popular.

The desolate scenery, and then think of the term natural disaster invasion, and the information obtained before the arrival.Let Yado know that the humans in this city are probably dead long ago.

The roar became louder and louder, and soon Yado saw a black torrent appearing on the empty street.

As the torrent progressed, Yado finally saw clearly that they were pitch-black humanoid monsters with distorted faces, deformed bodies, and murderous souls.

These are the human beings polluted by natural disasters.

(End of this chapter)

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